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Blog Comments posted by mom05

  1. Bklynike... enjoyed reading your blog, Congratulations on your success and your future success. I am scheduled to be banded this coming Wed 09/22. I have to keep thinking that this is not going to be a miracle pill but like you said a tool, I need to remember to measure my food and stop before I feel full so not to possibly cause the band to slip..

  2. hserra: OMG!!! your story sound so much like mine... I'm scheduled for 09/22 and took vacation instead of sick leave from work because I didn't want people to ask. I haven't even told my best friend because not sure how she would react. My parents know and that's because my mom was the one that also suggested it because just like you one of her friends had it done and is doing well. But my mom also told my brother which I didn't want her to do because my brother can be pretty critical and doesn't understand why I can't loose the wait by exercising and watching what I eat. My husband is supportive but just wants me to realize what I am getting into..

    I don't have an answer for you why society is the way it is... I went to a vitamin store the other day to get my viatamins and protein drink and I had to finally break down and tell the girl what I needed the things for because I needed her help. I think in today's society they don't realize that being obese is a disease just like any other one and we need help (they I think are being more aware of it now).

    And yes you are right, I too want to be healthy and do things with my children but I also want to look good...

    Good Luck and I know your will do fine... Thanks goodness for this support...

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