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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom05

  1. Thank sourmissg, I was the same way I did not want to start shopping until I got insurance approval.... But from what I've been reading they are not taking long to make a decision, mine only took about a week. Good luck... Congrats sannersplace72:thumbup: I'm going shopping tomorrow for all the vitamins, see how that goes...
  2. So I got a call from the doctor's office. Pre-Op appt 09/21/10 and surgery on September 22, 2010. Nervous and excited at the same time. :smile2:
  3. I got a date!!!! September 22:thumbup: I'm getting nervous....
  4. Welcome:smile: we are all here to help. I found this group and I luv it...it has been so helpful... Thanks guys. Still waiting for the doctor's office to call me with a date. I guess I should be patient since I just got approved last Friday and they did tell me they would call me in a week with a date for Sept. I just haven't started with the Protein drink and I know I need to.:smile2:
  5. Hi Cathy, Not sure about the ramifications of taking more Vit D, that's something you probably want to ask your dr. I was going over a CD that my dr. provided and one of the things they suggest to have peppermint extract for after surgery (at home) helps with the nausea. Dr. said just sprinkle a bit on ice cubes (might want to ask your dr. too) :smile2:
  6. OMG:) Congtrats!!!! let us know how it goes... we are all in this together...
  7. mom05

    bcbs ppo

    Hi, yes I too have BCBC PPO. I was able to show that I had done tons of diet plans so that counted towards my six months. I had to do the the psych eval, internist eval and surgeon eval that I believe we all go through. They also required me to do a one time consult with a registered dietician... which I am glad because she gave me great ideas. Good luck. I'm also in San Diego...
  8. I'm in San Diego too,,, scheduled to get banded in Sept. Who is your doctor?
  9. Congrats to you too... Hopefully we hear something this week:smile2:
  10. Luv the logo... great idea:smile:I just got insurance approval and waiting to get an exact date for surgery. Doctor's office said towards late Sept. When should I start taking the protein drink????? I started exercise and no more coffee, diet soda and juices!!!! Coffee was hard but after the first two weeks I'm good:thumbup:
  11. mom05

    I Made my Appointment

    Yes good luck Kim... I got approved today it didn't take long because I was so worred... I too just became a memeber but have been reading what others say about the procedure and finally decided that I had to do it. I agree with conservachick... stop drinking soda and coffee-- gradually. I was a big diet soda and coffee drinker. I switched to crystal light... I must tell you, I felt I needed that coffee and soda but after about 2 wks I was ok.. better before the surgery then after.. Good Luck... and you'll be fine I too was nervous about my appt..
  12. I just got the approval from my insurance. Received a call from the Dr. office letting me know that it will be scheduled for end of September and should call me next week with a date. Good luck I started the process June 28, the dr. office sent the paperwork to the insurance around August 4 and it only took one week to get approval... Best of Luck:smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
