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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom05

  1. Mandyrae: I'm nervous already and my surgery is not till the 22nd. Good for you:) you will do great:thumbup:
  2. ally UK, angelpix, jmariedel, jlr58, Mandyrae, Desiree1972, drm1123*: Keep us posted, will be thinking of you guys.. danide: glad to hear your doing well. highlojack: we have the same date!!!:thumbup: nyslegend 78: glad to hear from you.. hope you feel better soon. LisaA & BrianLA- Thanks for your suggestions. I think I'm putting to much H2O, I was putting 16.9 oz with one packet of powder, I will try your suggestion as well so it can be thicker because I think that will help. I just didn't want to use the blender because my Dr. said after surgery I can't use the blender for drinks so I was trying to get use to it. But I'll figure that one out after surgery.
  3. AnnaOz: thanks for your reply, Yes I think I am going to stick with mixing it with water and hopefully in a couple of days I'll feel better. BrianLA: So glad to hear from you and that you are doing so well. Did you have the new procedure where it's just one aparatus that goes through the belly button and opens up once inside you? I was reading about that... it seems so much better... and yes I do tend to be an emotional eater at times, that is something I really need to work on.
  4. Butterfly2010, aliciaj, Olsweetmusic: Good Luck tomorrow-will be thinking of you guys. Cathy: Thanks for the info... I hope that's how my dr. does it because it sounds right to me, but I guess I'll find out:) I'm glad to hear that all the ones that have been banded are doing well:thumbup: Congrats.... Today was the first day of my pre-op diet. Had a protein drink for breakfast, one for lunch and I sure enjoyed my dinner. I have a question, do you guys mix your powder with water or milk? I mixed mine with water but I was thinking of doing it with milk so it could be thicker.... Thanks for any advise...
  5. swissnis: Glad to hear from you. Keep us posted once you've rested:thumbup:
  6. My first day of the pre-op diet and it has been difficult but I am trying very hard to stick to it. I hope it gets easier:redface: Cathy: let us know how your first fill went...I keep thinking of that as well and I then I think maybe I won't need a fill but I know that won't happen I need to be realistic.
  7. Hi Brian... don't forget sugar-free jello. Also my friend recommended the broth from Trader Joe's (I think you guys have some up in LA). Another good recipe she told me (when you can start eating) she did the instant mashed potatoes with water put some Mrs. Dash and broccali (cook it in water first until it is very soft) and mixe it in the blender. She told me it taste good.. Good Luck tomorrow...
  8. Hi girlbanded... welcome I too have my surgery scheduled for 09/22 and start my pre-op diet tomorrow.... There is a goup of us called Looking for September 2010 bandsters... alot of great support:rolleyes2:
  9. I start my 2 week pre-diet tomorrow.. OMG!!! I haven't rec'd my samples of Syntrax, so I will take Isopure but it didn't taste that great:frown: NYsLegend78, donnalys, LadyT39, 1reign, lemonchick, Brian-LA: Good luck tomorrow guys... Will be thinking of you, keep us posted as soon as you guys feel well.. Stephanie24p: Welcome!!! you will find this site so helpful, just like I have. Everyone has been wonderful...
  10. OMG!!! I've missed so much. We went away for the weekend, I hope you all had a great holiday... I'm glad everyone is doing well. danide, Nani4five, sannersplace72, swissnis, playermimi, msmith73: Good Luck tomorrow... Will be thinking of all of you....
  11. BandedNellie- so glad to hear that your doing well & thank you for sharing your experience. I find it so helpful to read from others that have had the procedure and their experience at the hospital... Sandi- thanks so much my date is 09/22. I am so glad that you are happy with your band and that you are successful. Will definitely check out your site. BrianLA- decisions, decisions.... make the best one for you... You already made one that is probably one of the most important ones in your life, so your on the right track.. good luck
  12. Freshstart2010, gracerev, ILUVFOOD, Esin: Good Luck tomorrow. Will be thinking of you:thumbup: pookey032281: Glad to hear your doing well... Congrats:thumbup:
  13. rkwilliams1013, Run Girl Run, pooky032281, ahlmanfamily, Loyalfriend, spitfireleo, Lanah, kydman: GOOD LUCK TOMORROW:thumbup:. Will be thinking and praying for all of you. Keep us posted when you can.
  14. kckaye: if you call Syntrax and let them know you are a bariatric patient they will send you a varity pack of 10 for $13. That way you can try it, I went to The Vitamin Shoppe and the 3lbs tub was for $36.00 I was told that Syntrax and Isopure are one of the best. Their phone number is 1-866-333-7403 ext. 803. I just ordered today. Good Luck....
  15. BandedNellie, Karmanndkismet & cece1967: you will all be in my thoughts. Keep us updated when you are feeling better. :biggrin: Cathy-Thanks for keeping this thread so organized. :thumbup:
  16. mom05

    Out-Of-Pocket Costs

    I would call your insurance.. ask questions and don't be embarrassed two ask the same question again and again.. I was the same way I needed to know exactly what I was going to end up paying. I have PPO Anthem Blue Cross, me I had to meet my deductable which I meet and my out of pocket expense for the year, but you have HMO and they are different since you don't have a deductable or an out of pocket expense. But like I said call them and make sure you are clear and satisfied... It's ok to tell them this is what I understood from you is this correct? Good Luck..
  17. gracierose: I am.. my doctor requires it just to make sure everything is alright. If you have the option and your insurance covers it.. I would...good luck :thumbup:
  18. Oh Cathy.. u scared me there for a second then I LOL... if you go to realize.com or realizemysuccess.com (real neat website) you sign up and and you have access to tracking, nutrition and all other sorts of great things. You have limited access until you are give the serial number ( I guess they want to make sure you do have a realize band). I only have limited access right now since I still don't have a serial number. But check it out, another good resource... oh and you also get a nice mouse pad...
  19. Kloee... my doctor uses the realize band so I am going with that one... I've re-searched both and pretty much they work the same way...go to www.wlshelp.com.. under compare,:thumbup: it explains the difference... good luck
  20. mom05

    surgery went good

    bandongal: so glad to hear you are doing well... :thumbup:
  21. mom05

    Surgery tomorrow

    tesa8283: so glad to hear that everything went ok and that you are doing good:thumbup: My date is 09/22 and I'm only taking off 1 week from work... I hope tha's enough...
  22. My doctor had me do the seminar which I did May 5, 2010, then I had to do blood work and a gall blader ultrasound once that was done I had 3 appt (all on the same day) that my surgeon required (consultation with the internest, psych and with the surgeon him self) this was on 06/28/10.. My insurance required a one time consultation with a dietician, which I am so grateful they did because I learned lots of things this was on 07/22/10. The surgeon's office submitted the paperwork to the insurance probably around 08/05/10 and I got approved 08/13/10.. I too wanted it before the end of the year because I have met my deductable and out of pocket... My BMI is 40.5 and I don't have any other issues so I think as long as your BMI is 40 with no other issues it should be ok... But your doctor will tell you more. I wasn't put on a pre-diet but I was told if I gained the surgery could be delayed (by my dr. not the insurance) so I am still going to do a pre-diet 2 weeks before the surgery which is 09/22/10.. Good luck...and glad you joined:thumbup:
  23. rkwilliams1013: thanks so much for the receipes.... Cathy: so glad to hear you are doing well
  24. mom05

    another new guy

    Sounds very familiar.... I think about that all the time, how did I let myself get to this... and could I or should I do it on my own.. But the truth is that I have tried many many other things and do manage to loose the weight but regain it and plus some... I wan't this weight off for good and I just need a tool to help me.... Welcome to LapBand Talk.. you will find it so helpful and re-assuring...
  25. Welcome... There are a bunch of us scheduled for Sept. Take a look at Looking for September Bandsters 2010... Lots of good info, tips and a great resource....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
