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Posts posted by annasmom

  1. thanks for all the response. Jack, I think I am still trying to be "full" and eating just because I like it. I know when I am busy, I never even remember to eat. It is usually around 4 or 5 pm before I feel true hunger feelings. I am mostly a stay at home mom and eat when bored. I cant decide if I am properly restricted or not either. I have not lost a single pound in 3 weeks. Maybe my fault though, I just havent figured this band out yet.

  2. I want to know something about this band. When I am properly restricted, I am still going to want to eat all the time? I can eat whatever I want if I chew really well. I can eat as much as I want too. NOT GOOD. I am at 3.8 cc's in a 4 cc band. I also want to know from all you guys that are close or at goal.......did you lose your weight by constant dieting? I know the band is a tool.....but I am not getting much of a benefit yet. help.

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