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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. I am sooo happy to hear you are doing so well. The weight comes off really quickly when you are not on solid foods, but that's great because your band has to heal. Once I was able to start on real food, I really had to make very healthy food choices. I have pretty good restriction and it takes very little to get me satisfied. Therefore, I have to eat my protein first, veggies, and if there is any room fruit or starch. I have lost 2 sizes and the edema in my legs and feet have gotten so much better. I can finally wear cute dresses and not feel self conscious about the swelling. I was banded on 7-21-2010, and I still have so much to learn about being band. My second fill is on 9-09-2010. I am praying for that sweet spot! I pray God makes this a successful journey. I do need to kick up my work outs!

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