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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by WAH.MOM

  1. I had to go through a 6 month MD Diet with my doctor before insurance would approve me. I was afraid to loose any weight with the MD diet as then I felt they would deny me. So I lost only 5 pounds in a 6 month period. But after the MD Diet it took a couple of weeks to be approved.

  2. You look Great! How much weight have you lost since last Thanksgiving 2009? Great photos!

  3. Hello Rose,

    It has been two weeks since the band and for the mose part I am doing good. Today is the best I have felt! I have to remember that I have the band and that I can't just gobble down a piece of lunch meat; that was not pleasant today :(

    I also have an infection in one of my incisions, so I go see my surgeon tomorrow about that. I don't want to end up with some type of staff infection, so best have it looked at. That is the only pain I have right now, is from the infected incision; hurts when I bend on that one.


    But, I am doing great and looking forward to posting some progress photos in a month! I hope it shows! I'm crossing my fingers! Thanks for the message!


  4. Hello Lily,

    It has been two weeks since the band and for the most part I am doing good. Today is the best I have felt! I have to remember that I have the band and that I can't just gobble down a piece of lunch meat; that was not pleasant today :(

    I also have an infection in one of my incisions, so I go see my surgeon tomorrow about that. I don't want to end up with some type of staff infection, so best have it looked at. That is the only pain I have right now, is from the infected incision; hurts when I bend on that one.


    But, I am doing great and looking forward to posting some progress photos in a month! I hope it shows! I'm crossing my fingers! Thanks for the message!



  5. I am so happy that I am finally 175! 35 more pounds to reach my goal!

  6. I am so happy that I am finally 175! 35 more pounds to reach my goal!

  7. Hello There! I am doing pretty good! Slowly coming off, I was banded a month ago and have lost only 18 pounds, so that is better then I have ever done before on my own, so this is good! I came on slow, so I am sure its going to take some time. I can eat just about anything so I have to really watch what I do eat. But this lifestyle change has been great! Hope all is well with you! Pam

  8. How did your surgery go? I am scheduled for September 14th. I am on day 3 of my pre-op diet and just have bad stomach pains and diarrea. Did this happen to you and if so, what did you do to relieve the pain? Good luck with your band! I'm getting a tad bit nerveous!

  9. It has been 6 weeks since I have been banded and I have lost 21 pounds! YAHOO! I had my first "fill" today and that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Things are looking up!

  10. I am so glad I found this site as I think this will help keep me motivated and more determined to make this work. I want my life back and I want to be healthy again! I look forward to seeing us change!

  11. Thank you for the friend request! hope all is going well! I am looking forward to my journey beginning on September 14th....I can't wait! But I am very scared too!

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