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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by WAH.MOM

  1. I have been banded since September 14th, 2010 and have lost 35.5 pounds. I have been filled once and since the fill I can not eat bread or hashbrowns; my doctor told me that forms a plug and gets stuck. I can not eat raw broccoli, but if it is in small pieces I can eat it cooked. I can eat pizza, but only 1 piece versus the 4 or 5 I used to eat. If I go out to eat, I cut my steak in half, eat mashed potatoes with it, as I can not do fries either, same problem as hashbrowns. If I have a casserole I measure a cup and keep it at that portion. So I have to make sure my meat is moist or chew it very very good. Steak is my favorite when dinning out; so that has been no problem for me. However, no matter what I eat, I can not drink anything until about 30 - 60 minutes later or it will all come back up. Unless it is small sips of Water. Wonder if anyone else has that issue?

  2. Hi There Folks-- I'm one week away from my surgery. Can't wait for this to just finally happen. I started a low carb diet on Wednesday, 10 days before surgery. I meet with my surgeon today for a pre-op appointment. So far the low carb diet has been doable, i'm a bit worried about the post-op but know that I will take it one day at a time and not stress or worry about what is in my future.

    I have been lurking this board for a long time, just getting up to speed on the process and am thanful you all are here, this is a great resource. Best of luck to all of you!


    Good Luck to you! Let me know how your surgery went! I had mine a week and 3 days ago and still learning the ins and outs of this. This forum is excellent! I am so glad I found it! Keep in touch!

  3. Hi all,

    I am a 63 yr old Grandma who is happy to be a part of your group. I am on day 3 of my 3 week pre-op diet and will be banded on Oct 12 at the Maples Clinic in Wpg. Man. My personal goals are to lose 75 lbs and become physically fit. Putting on socks without huffing and puffing will be a sure sign of success for me. Do I wish I had done this sooner, you bet, is it too late for me, no way! Have been reading the posts while i made my decision, and now hope to help inspire others to take control of their weight.


    I am fairly certain that given a cape and a really nice tiara I can change the world!

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DECISION! I look forward to hearing from you on how things went with your surgery! Keep in touch!:biggrin:

  4. Curious about something...when folks talk about PBing, does that happen completely on it's own (i.e., without a finger to gag yourself to get it over with)? What about when people talk about throwing up? Are you talking about a full-on vomit of everything? I can feel the start of feeling a little stuck and stop eating. The feeling is not too painful, and subsides on it's own rather quickly. I think that's the new full signal. Other times, I go a little farther than that feeling and end up with lots of saliva, etc. It's rather unpleasant. I don't sit around and suffer - I go to the bathroom, gag myself and quickly get rid of the offensive feeling (sorry for the gross factor, but I really want to know). For those that wait out the real unpleasant feelings, do you eventually PB on your own? Is what I'm doing harmful? Not very much comes out (mostly saliva) and I get immediate relief. Is that better than waiting it for my body to do the same thing on it's own? BTW, I'm not too tight, just still learning how to eat more carefully :biggrin:.

    I am new here too, can you tell me what PBing is? I can not figure out what that stands for! LOL!

  5. :smile2:Hey everyone! I was banded on the 9th of September!! I am new to this blog/forum thing too...so I dont really know what I am doing! haha.

    I started the "mushy" food stage today and it is going ok...feeling a little hungry so far, but I am pretty sure that is because I am not getting in my Protein. Anyone have any easy ideas on how to get all your needed Protein in?!

    One more thing....How do I get one of those ticker things that tracks your weight loss?

    I bought some whey Protein powder to put in my smoothies and I mix it with sugar-free kool-aid like frunt punch, orange, cherry, etc. and since I use the vanilla flavor it tastes like a Dreamsicle! I also add some fruit also, to give me some of the added fruit flavors like a banana or strawberries, blend and YUMMY! I bought the whey Protein Powder at wal-mart for like $15.00 for a 2lb container. Body Fortress is the brand.:biggrin:

  6. I was just banded 9/22/2010. Now on full liquids with Protein suppliments. Pain is managable. Not sleeping well, pain in neck, shoulder on the left side...wondering if this is my gas pain. Once I get up it is subsided. New to everything and reading.


    I didn't have the shoulder pain, but I was told if I did get shoulder pain, left rib/breast, or neck area pain, it is from the Carbon Dioxide Gas that surgery uses to inflate the abdomen so that the doctor can get their instruments in and work in the abdomen. The length of time that you have this pain can varie from several days to 4 - 5 weeks.

  7. Hi September Bandsters! I got my band on 9/20 and am on full liquids. I'm kind of over the Protein Shakes so I'm enjoying a yogurt/milk/pudding w/ protien powder shake (yum). My left shoulder is still giving me problems & I'm really worried I might have done something wrong by lifting my 2 yr old (not supposed to lift for thatn 5 lbs). I'm wondering when this part, although not that bad, will be a distant memory.

    I didn't have the shoulder pain, but I was told if I did get shoulder pain, left rib/breast, or neck area pain, it is from the Carbon Dioxide Gas that surgery uses to inflate the abdomen so that the doctor can get their instruments in and work in the abdomen. The length of time can varie from several days to 4 - 5 weeks.

  8. I was banded on 9-21 so sore right now had no idea it would hurt this bad. I really wish i could get this gas pain to go away. I think i will know this is worth it when i see the weight loss. one of my incisions i think is real big will have to ask my doc about that.

    I know this stage will pass and all will be well.


    I am with you on the pain part! I was banded on 9.14.10 and a week later I am still very sore. You have a larger incision since that is where they had to put the band in and where your port most likely is. The other smaller incisions were from the scope. My doctor told me it could be a month before the pain is completely gone. Some people's stomach muscles get more sore then others. We must be in the painful as hell boat. But, I will remember that ever bit of pain is worth the journey if it helps me get the weight off. I am on the mushy stage foods and looking for more ideas. Getting sick of the same ole stuff. Good Luck to you and keep in touch! :biggrin:

  9. Hi!

    I was banded on Sept 14th, 2010 and then re-banded on Friday, September the 17th. I had swelling of the esophagus and it was spasming. The pain was significant. I'm okay now. I'd love to keep in touch with you to see how it goes from time to time!

    OMG I hope you are ok? How are you doing now? What caused the spaming? Hope all is well!

  10. hi all!

    I'm going sept 16th and can't wait to just get to that date, you know? I'm excited and nervous. My dh was banded in december, so that helps a little with the anxiety.

    Mr. Nov - if you go to a site called tickerfactory.com you can make the little countdown thing there. then you cut and paste the code into your signature.


    How did your surgery go? It's been a week and 2 days for me, so far so good! What is going on with you?

  11. So WAH.MOM.... how is it going?????? Good? Bad? Share!

    I go in on Thursday......

    Well, its been a week and I am doing pretty good! I will admit I am more sore than I thought I would be, but that could be an age issue :biggrin: My surgery went well, my biggest fear was getting nauseated and throwing up afterwards and making the band slip. I met with the anesthesiologist a week prior to surgery so they knew that I get very sick from being put under. They gave me a patch behing the ear to keep on for three days, medication in my iv, and some pills. NO NAUSEA!! YAHOO. The surgery was at 7:15 and was back in my room by 9:00. I am 15 pounds down from my first weigh at the clinic. I am on mushy foods and have had no issues with that. The first week I was not very hungry at all so I really had to make sure to keep fluids in me so I didn't get dehydrated. Now, I can tell if I eat too much, it feels like the food is stuck in my throat, so I have to stick to the 1/2 cup per meal. Once not thinking I popped some ibuprofen (5) tablets and took a bunch of Water to wash them down, didn't work, up they came. So, little things like that I need to remember, take it slow and one at a time. Its only been one week since surgery, but I am not regretting one moment of pain!:)

  12. I will be banded on September 14th, 2010. I am very anxious, nerveous, and scared! I hope this works for me as I have seen so many wonderful photos that I pray for the same results. I am a mother of two beautiful daughters ages 5 & 7 and I want my energy back to keep up with them. I am on the journey to finding "Me" again! I would love any friends along the way as no one in my family knows about this but my husband. He is so very supportive, but there are others that just "wouldn't get it". Hope we can join the journey together! Good luck everyone!

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