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teh ericka

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by teh ericka

  1. teh ericka

    September sleevers wanted!

    Congrats Janice! We have the same surgery b-day :thumbup: At this point I'm just wanting to get this thing over with, haha. Let's get it done!
  2. What about pregnancy? Is it just a matter of being really careful with your nutrition? I know lap-band patients have their bands loosened when they get pregnant so they can get enough food in for mom & baby, but we don't really have that option. Definitely not something I'm worried about now, but I've thought about it when it comes to long term!
  3. teh ericka

    Would you go to Mexico alone for surgery?

    Check through your patient coordinator if there will be others traveling to have surgery at the same time as you. That way if you do end up going without a friend, you'll at least have other people around who will likely be more than happy to help you. A lot of times those groups turn out to be really great support systems.
  4. teh ericka

    18 hours post op - photos

    omg thanks so much for this! I've never had any kind of surgery before so I was really nervous about this aspect. Doesn't look so bad though
  5. teh ericka

    What to bring what to buy?

    yeah i've got a $15 Hamilton Beach blender that works just as well. I've also found that the Max Protein flavors taste really good, but like others said definitely taste for yourself! GNC and some healthfood stores will let you return powders you don't like, so I just did it that way instead of buying a million samples. Up to you! I'm definitely interested in what to pack too. I'm just about a week away now! What about underwear, ladies? Did you even bother with your regular underwire bra, or just wear a sports bra or what? What about panties? A lot of mine are the low-rise kind so I'm thinking they won't get in the way of the incisions? Or should I just plan on going commando hahah
  6. I'm there too... Day 4 of hungryhungryhungry. I'm lucky because I get to do a combo diet the first week-- liquid breakfast/lunch and a solid lowcal dinner. Next week is going to be so tough though, since it'll be 100% liquid. Hang in there! I've lost 7lbs. so far, that's the only thing keeping me going. ugh.
  7. teh ericka

    Liquid Diets Unite!

    I'm also on day 3! I'm doing a liquid/low cal combo diet for this first week, and then it's strictly Protein shakes next week. So far its been really easy because I spend all day sipping my shakes and looking forward to my chicken breast & veggies at night. I expect next week to be much harder. What're ya'll drinkin? I've tried a few powders but so far they all seem to leave me with a gurgling upset stomach and (TMI) diarrhea. Anyone else having this problem? I'm thinking maybe it's because I've been mixing my powders with soy milk to cut calories and my body's having a weird reaction. Not a fan! I have lost 4 lbs. already though so I'm definitely a fan of that
  8. teh ericka

    GNC Protein Powders

    That's an awesome policy! Check with your local health food stores too... there's one here that will take the stuff back if you don't like it. I got one that's not too bad, but I'll have to see about trying the stuff BlaqBeary posted-- I love strawberry milkshakes!
  9. I so totally agree with this! Hey Emma, I'm also 23, and totally freaked! My surgery is 2 weeks from today and I've started my pre-op diet. It can be scary especially if you're like me and you've never had surgery before-- I'm really scared of the anesthesia. Just try to focus on the wonderful, exciting aspects of the surgery... think of all the lovely things it will enable you to do, and forget about the scary stuff! These forums definitely help too, please stick around, we need eachother
  10. teh ericka

    That Dress

    Beautiful inside and out, that'll carry you through! I've been dealing with a lot of these kinds of feelings too... I'm afraid I'll end up even more insecure, like once I'm thin I'll feel like I'm in a stranger's body. I've always been a big girl, but I know I have a nice shape and I'm scared about the extra skin and how it'll change that-- I don't want my nice voluptuous boobs and butt to suddenly turn flattened and lifeless. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I think so much of this is about getting to know a whole new person-- she's always been inside you but she's never gotten to shine before. I guess we'll just have to keep servin' it as best we can!
  11. A lot of the Mexican packages include a driving service and lodging, and many times you'll find yourself spending your time with other patients who have purchased the same package. I wouldn't worry too much, but of course take the same precautions you'd take traveling anywhere-- keep your money/belongings out of site and closeby, don't trust anyone you don't know, etc. You'll do fine, just be careful and use the buddy system!
  12. Thanks so much! Definitely getting nervous, but excited too :)

  13. teh ericka

    Pre Op appetite?

    I went a little crazy and had a "this is it!" free-for-all this past week (I'm 3 weeks pre-op) and went to all my favorite restaurants and let myself have all my favorite foods that I know I won't have post-op. I'm kindof giving myself a break about it since pre-op diet/weightloss starts on Monday for me. The finality of this whole thing is really setting in-- that my life is going to change forever, so I threw the old me a little going away party, you might say. I think you're definitely normal! me, maybe not so much hahaha
  14. teh ericka

    September sleevers wanted!

    Well, I've changed dates AND doctors all within the past week! Luckily I'm still a september sleever though. Excited!
  15. Hey there!


    I was scheduled with Dr. Almanza but canceled and went with Dr. Ortiz instead. After doing some more reading and visiting the Jerusalem clinic I just felt more comfortable with Ortiz, even though he's a whopping 2k more than Almanza, yikes! Best of luck to you, I hope all goes well and you find yourself safe and pleased with your experience!

  16. teh ericka

    Body Pillow question

    I've been thinking about this... I sleep on my stomach so I know I'll have to adjust to something else, just not sure how that'll go. I hear sleeping isn't all that easy for the first couple nights anyway. I say bring it and see! Meanwhile I'll be practicing sleeping on my back.
  17. teh ericka

    Nervous about Mexico Surgery!!

    I'll be heading to Mexico for surgery on Sept 16th with Dr. Almanza. Price was certainly a factor when deciding to have it done across the border, but having worked with insurance companies before, I know how difficult it can be to get what you want and when you want it, and I've actually felt much more comfortable being able to dictate and control things on my own rather than relying on others. I can't STAND waiting on other people to catch up with me when it comes to making decisions. A huge battery of tests isn't all that necessary in my opinion. My boyfriend had gastric bypass in the US and had the same tests I'll be having-- basic bloodwork, vitals, etc. The only thing he had that I won't have is a psych eval-- and he says that was completely pointless anyway. If you're confident in your doctor's abilities like you said, I wouldn't worry about it too much :svengo:
  18. Curious about how open you guys are about having had surgery. Do you just tell anyone? Close friends/family only? My boyfriend had bypass surgery 2 years ago and every once in awhile he'll run into someone who is shocked and asks him how he lost all the weight-- he has no problem telling them it was surgery, even people he doesn't know well at all. It's not that I think this is weird, I just don't know how comfortable I'll be answering that question with acquaintances. How do you guys usually go about it? What about telling others you're about to have surgery? Have you told coworkers etc. what kind of surgery it is when they ask? My mom doesn't even know yet so I'm kind of struggling with the delicacy of this a bit.
  19. teh ericka

    Surgery Secrecy

    THIS is a doozy! I told my mom about the surgery itself and she was supportive, but I couldn't even get out "Mex..." before she burst into tears and begged me not to "die on a table in another country." It's really hard because I have done so much research and have had to work really hard on feeling comfortable and safe, and then people make comments like that and blow it all. I know I'm taking a risk by going to Mexico, but I also know that the pros significantly outweigh the cons for me, and that I feel confident in my ability to choose a good doctor. But she's a nurse from the old school days and has some nightmarish vision of me dying alone in some dirty dinky room. It's just really hard to hear that and say "I'm doing it anyway" without her thinking I don't care.
  20. Congrats! I'm scheduled with his partner, Dr. Almanza on Sept. 16th, just as my semester is starting. I'm too impatient to wait haha. I'll let you know!
  21. teh ericka

    September sleevers wanted!

    Just scheduled for September 2nd. So excited! and nervous!
  22. teh ericka

    September sleevers wanted!

    I'm looking at mid September in Mexico with Dr. Almanza. Very excited!
  23. teh ericka

    Surgery Secrecy

    Some great responses here, thanks everyone! I can definitely relate to GeorgieGirl... I think what I'm most afraid of is being judged by people. I think a lot of people are misinformed and think surgery is "the easy way out," rather than just diet and exercise. I have a few friends who are VERY fitness-oriented and though they've never been rude to me about my weight in the past, I can't imagine they'd approve either. The Mexico part is where I'm really struggling when it comes to my family. My mom is a former nurse and did a lot of medical missions trips to Mexico when I was growing up. I can't decide if this will make her react more negatively or more positively to the idea. I know I'm going to have to just come out and tell her, I'm just afraid of the potential backlash. I guess I'll just have to take comfort in the fact that I have done the research and I know I'm making a good choice, and hope others come around in the end.
  24. teh ericka

    hot wing puree

    this is a cool idea-- my boyfriend will love the unpureed version. I'm a little scared of this stage... is it a general rule of thumb that you can puree just about anything? more ideas would be excellent!
  25. teh ericka

    What do you wish for?

    Hell yeah to the sex! I wanna be able to get in some interesting positions :thumbup: ride horses again! being able to "go for a run." a real run. go to a theme park without worrying about fitting in the seats go dancing, swimming, biking without feeling self conscious never ever again be called a "bbw" as far as clothing goes... all I know is, I'm going to have to get a LOT pickier! I'm a total fatshionista as it is so I'll buy anything that looks cute right now, but there are so many more options for straight sizes so I'm going to have to reign that in for sure. After a little fun of course.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
