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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by prose300

  1. prose300

    me Nov 2011

  2. prose300

    2011 09 13 18 03 50 236

    From the album: me Nov 2011

    80 lbs lost
  3. Thank you for the support. Well it has been a trying week, but I have stayed strong for the most part. Turning to food it seems, but be cautious on what types. Hitting the carrots and celery rather then the carbs. Trying to stay out of the house and away from the food temtations. I have lost 1 more lb. and feeling a bit better about my inner stregnth.

  4. Okay, so I have a confession to make....I thought I was strong enough to do this one on my own after getting over a few hurdles, but I have to admit I am not. Once a food addict always a food addict! You can take out the stomach, but not the brain! I have done okay I feel I after 14 months I have lost a total of 91 lbs and that is pretty good but not when I start losing control again. I started out easy, my stomach was able to stay feeling full and I was able to say "no" but s...

  5. It's so nice to come home from a long day of work and know that you have the support of new friends. Thanks to all of you for you encouragement, today has been a better day! Still no lbs. lost but got alot of compliments that people notice my size change, it helped a lot.

  6. Feeling like I need alittle moral support today. Having a pretty hard time gettin over this stall. It's been weeks literally and I am so weak minded hear lately......help!!!

  7. Well I have been hiding a lot it seems lately, not stopped by to support my VSG sisters and brothers lately and so sorry for that! I did hit the 233 mark, but for some reason I have started climbing back up?? Not real sure why, I watch my food in take, water but exercise has dropped off some what. Felt sort of depressed lately.. maybe I am afraid?? People are starting to notice the difference in my size and maybe somewhere down deep it scares me! Why would I feel that way? I did this ...

  8. Hit another stall, oh well increasing my water and fluid intake should help. Walking more and even trying to start some jogging. Haven't been able to do that in a very long time. I am keeping the faith. Having some troubles with my youngest son making some bad decisions, but taking each day one day at a time. I know that I am a stress eater and this was two weeks I can tell. Tempted by foods everywhere I turn...uggg!!!!

  9. just stopped by to make new friends for support. would love to keep in touch!

  10. keepin up the good work, down to 242. I love this, i feel better each and everyday and i can't wait to get under 240. How is everyone doing?

  11. prose300

    My Extreme Day!

  12. What an exciting day Extreme Home Make Over is here in Rossvile taping a show and building a beautiful home for a little boy that has brittle bone desiease. I was able to get VIP passes and have my pic made with some of the deisgner. I will try to post some for all of you to see. Also other great new, I have started losing again and I am proud to say I am down to 245 YAHOOO!!

  13. Feeling good! Started taking ZUMBA classes 3 times a week and love them. The weather is finally breaking in Chattanooga so I am going to start walking outside more. Not lost anything lately so thanks for the advise on ways to get it going again. I am going to try that and will let you guys know how is works.Wishing you all good health and luck in your quests!

  14. Hello everyone, how is everyone doing? Anything new happening. I have been having some trouble dropping this week. Not sure why, but holding steady at 249, any suggestions?

  15. Does anyone live close to Chattanooga, TN that has has this proceedure?

  16. Okay, I did it I am at 249 as of today! I had set a small goal for myself last week that I wanted to be under the 250 mark by the begining of this week, well I DID IT! I have been very hungry lately and felt like I was eating to much, but I guess my body is buring it up at a fast rate still. I will take it either way! May you all be blessed in this day and keep your chins up you are beautiful no matter what goal you achieve!

  17. Reaching out to be supportive. Hope all is well, how is your progress so far?

  18. Made it 251 today, oh what a feeling! I just feel great and ready to keep going. We have had a lot of snow here in N.GA and after 1 week it is still all over the ground. The cold chills you to the bone so not much for going out side to walk. I have got to layer up and get moving and can't let the weather stop me. Ready for a new me! Let me know how you all are doing.

  19. I have made it under the 255 mark. I weighed this morning and I am proudly at 253.2. Oh what a feeling. It gives me strength to know that I can do this no matter how hard it seems sometimes. The mental hunger is the hardest but with each new milestone I am stronger. Good luck to all of you out there trying for that one more pound, YOU CAN DO IT!

  20. prose300

    the dreaded stall...

    Wow, you sound a lot like me. I started at 303, I am now at 255. Want to get under 250 since it has been over 5 years since I last saw that number. You seem to be doing great, keep up the good work!
  21. Lots of snow last night, so I have done today is stay inside. Hate it becuase I am hungry but I know it is becuase I am bored! Drinking alot of water and surgar free popcycles, but nothing is helping. uugggg!!

  22. Okay, 9 weeks out and 46 at last count. Scare I am not getting enough protien, feeling really tired all of the time. Go February 7th for my next post op surgery. Have lots of questions if any one has time to share please contact me.

  23. Had a great 1 month, total lose is now 21 lbs since surgery Nov. 1, 2010

  24. Thank you for adding me, I am new to this site and am on here as a 1 month post op patient looking for the support of others that have have the VSG. I am unable to attend support groups in my area so I am turning to anyone that is willing to share, and give advise. Thank you, Patricia.

  25. Hello, my name is Patricia and I am looking for support to help me on this journey. I am 1 month post op and have lost 30 lbs, if you have any food ideas, or tricks to share please do. I need support as I am unable to attend the support group meetings in my area due to my job. Thank you for your time, and hope to hear from you. Thanks, Patricia

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