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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by arteacher

  1. ANOTHER PERSON close to my age going through this process! I saw you on your friend's page! You live actually kind of close to me! I am from Ohio right on the Indiana border! I actually just graduated from Ball State! Have you been banded yet or are you still waiting to be?!

  2. SO where are you at in the process!? are you banded yet or still waiting!?

  3. AHH it is so nice to see girls on here my age! A lot of people are a bit older! ITS nice to know that people my age are going through the same thing!!

  4. You are looking EXCELLENT! I love the red hair!!
  5. arteacher

    comparison side

    I really like that you wore the same outfit in every picture! YOU can really tell the difference!!!! I am getting ready to take my "before" pictures because my surgery is the 29th! I am going to do the same outfit too!! CONGRATS!
  6. WHooo hoo!!!! I am officially going to be an OCTOBER Bandster!! I get my band on the 29th! I am ECSTATIC! I had all of my pre testing yesterday! I had to do a EKG (harmless) some blood work (also harmless) and an Upper GI (harmless but YUCK!:smile:) hahah that Barium drink is horrible!! It was so thick and chalky! But it was well worth it! I think I would do it once a week just so I can have the band! hahaha I hope everyone else has a great journey!:grouphug:
  7. arteacher

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    AHHH! I am so excited!! I got the call yesterday that my insurance approved my surgery and I will be banded on the 29th!!! I actually have my pretesting on Tuesday and I start my all liquid pre-diet on the 19th! I think this process is so exciting! I am literally counting down the days till the 29th!!:thumbup: So much for having a fun Halloween this year! hahaha OH well it will be WAY WORTH IT!!!!!

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