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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by divabray

  1. I was banded jan 18, 2011 I had my first fill feb 20th, 2011 my doctor gave me 4cc's and I could still eat everything. I had fill number 2 on May 11th, and can still eat everything but not as much. I am now at 6.5cc's after 2 fills. I have another scheduled for July 20th. I am hoping that just a little more will give me the restriction I need to move onward. I watch what I put in my mouth, but it is a struggle everyday.

  2. Thank you vicky, I will do that. I don't know why I waited so long to ask questions.

    I keep my calories between 1,000-1,100. I found that if I eat below or above that range then I don't lose. reverie has some good suggestions...play around with your calories to determine what level is the best for you and definately weigh and measure your food so you have an accurate tracking of how much you are eating. As far as Sparkpeople goes...I wouldn't worry too much about the warnings that you aren't eating enough calories (as long as you are getting your Protein in and taking a multivitamin)...find the right level for you and use the program as a guide to make sure you are staying in the range you choose and are getting in enough protein.

  3. Thanks for answering, Yeah my motto is if I bite it I write it. So, that being said i will be using spark people to log my food, but do a trail and error on the number of calories as you suggested. I will buy a scale. I've been buying stuff that says a portion is 2 ounces like the indivdually wrapped fish filets that you bake. Have you ever had a fill? I see you are in onderland quickly. What's your secret?

  4. So, I was banded 1/18/11 and I have only lost 15 lbs since surgery. I'm trying to reevaluate everything I am doing. I get at least 4 5k's in a week, walking and running them. So, I am not sure why the scale is not moving. I try to watch what I eat, and do very well for the most part. I get my Protein and Water in. This is really fustrating me. i was trying to follow the diet plan on sparkpeople. When I don't get enough calories it tells me I am hurting myself. So I have been sticking with 12-1500. Is this too much? Thanks in advance

  5. Hi - I just had my lap band surgery with Dr. Elli on 1/17/11 - and i saw him on Friday for a follow-up. I have had a very positive experience with Dr. Elli and his staff as well. I didn't want to miss a lot of work or have to stay in the hospital - so Day One was the perfect choice for me. It will be one week tomorrow - i am having normal stuff like soreness at the port site and a little nausea. Overall, i am progressing well. Day One has a monthly support group too on Tuesday evenings - it might be a good idea to attend to get more feedback from his patients. I have to say that I have been impressed and very pleased with Dr. Elli and his staff - you will have to deal with his staff as well! Good luck - I support you -

    Dr. Elli did my LAPBAND on 1~18~11 we are just a day apart :) He is AWESOME

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