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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by divabray

  1. I had my lapband surgery @ UIC 1/8/11, and Dr. Elli is my surgeon. He answers all of my questions with no problems. I feel GREAT about my lapband experience, and would do it all over again.
  2. divabray

    Divabray's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  3. I was banded jan 18, 2011 I had my first fill feb 20th, 2011 my doctor gave me 4cc's and I could still eat everything. I had fill number 2 on May 11th, and can still eat everything but not as much. I am now at 6.5cc's after 2 fills. I have another scheduled for July 20th. I am hoping that just a little more will give me the restriction I need to move onward. I watch what I put in my mouth, but it is a struggle everyday.
  4. So, I was banded 1/18/11 and I have only lost 15 lbs since surgery. I'm trying to reevaluate everything I am doing. I get at least 4 5k's in a week, walking and running them. So, I am not sure why the scale is not moving. I try to watch what I eat, and do very well for the most part. I get my protein and water in. This is really fustrating me. i was trying to follow the diet plan on sparkpeople. When I don't get enough calories it tells me I am hurting myself. So I have been sticking with 12-1500. Is this too much? Thanks in advance
  5. Thank you vicky, I will do that. I don't know why I waited so long to ask questions.
  6. Thanks for answering, Yeah my motto is if I bite it I write it. So, that being said i will be using spark people to log my food, but do a trail and error on the number of calories as you suggested. I will buy a scale. I've been buying stuff that says a portion is 2 ounces like the indivdually wrapped fish filets that you bake. Have you ever had a fill? I see you are in onderland quickly. What's your secret?
  7. Dr. Elli did my LAPBAND on 1~18~11 we are just a day apart He is AWESOME
  8. @ FAYFAYE, I believe so because we have a round table discussion while we wait for the doctor to call us in for our fills and there was a girl there who came from another doctor to him. I provided the number in my first post so you can check it out.
  9. I also have BCBS, I go to UIC, 1801 w Taylor, in Chicago. My Dr.'s name is Elli. He is really nice. 312-996-9646
  10. divabray

    January 2011 Bandsters !!!

    Hey all! I'm being banded tomorrow 1-18-11. Sooo super nervous, and can't sleep! Im praying for every1.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
