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Just Jess

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Just Jess

  1. Just Jess

    Sleeve to loop duodenal switch (SIPS)

    I had SIPS in April, 2017. I have done very well with it. No complications and I've lost 82 lbs. thus far.
  2. I am now down 82 lbs. Still looking for fellow SIPS patients to compare notes.
  3. Hi all! I'm Jess, 38 years old, living in Las Vegas, NV. I had the SIPS procedure done on Apr. 5th @ Blossom Bariatrics with Dr. Matt. I've lost a little over 60 lbs since Feb. -40 of that since surgery. I am looking for other SIPS post-op patients to chat with!!!!! If you've not heard of SIPS it is "stomach intestinal pylorus-sparing surgery" and basically is a sleeve plus a small intestinal adjustment similar to a duodenal switch. Here's an article if you'd like to know more: https://www.wlshelp.com/news/good-bye-gastric-bypass-hello-sips/ 💕💕💕💕 Last, here's me:
  4. I am getting the SIPS on April 5th. I'm concerned that most seem to have had a several day hospital stay & weeks out of work??! I am having it done at a surgical center with no hospital stay and only taking a week off at my doctors recommendation. Can anyone elaborate?
  5. Just Jess

    how can i eat this much?

    hey all... i am concerned that i am starting to see the volume in which i am eating increasing before i am satisfied. for instance, i can eat 2 chicken strips with no problem and a half cup of veggies. just a month ago, i could only get in half chicken strip. my weight loss has slowed. i've lost almost 50 lbs. in 3 months... but this last month has been little to nothing. anyone else feeling this?
  6. Just Jess

    how can i eat this much?

    i thought drinking with meals was a band thing not a sleeve thing... but i do remember my doc talking about it --- but much like disney mentioned above... i thought it was bc it WON'T go down not bc it would affect how you ate. thought i was a fortunate one who could. WHOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Just Jess

    how can i eat this much?

    i have been drinking with my meals.. thank you for that reminder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Just Jess


    my italian seasoning says marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano, and basil
  9. Just Jess


    loooooooooooooooved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (put ricatta, mozerella, cheddar, and mushrooms on mine!)
  10. Just Jess


    this sounds so yummy... i cannot wait to make my first sleeved PIZZA!!!!!
  11. Hello everyone, It's "Just Jess" from Maryland... I am here to learn as much as I can about the sleeve. Here is the scoop on me: In 2008, I had the lapband put into place... I lost about 100 lbs. bringing me to my lowest adult weight of 207 lbs.... Unfortunately, I had an esophageal dilatation in the summer of 2008, so they unfilled me completely and I had to wait it out - turns out the band had to be removed ... I went through a little while of "mourning" - and even more unfortunately - GAINING. Currently, I am almost to my highest recorded weight, which makes me sick. For the last year, I've attended therapy through an eating disorders clinic in Baltimore. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and "disordered eating". I currently still see my psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and nutritionist... I just began seeing an exercise physiologist as well. I hope to make it PERMANENT this time!!! I am looking for THE TRUTH... don't sugar coat anything - I want to know the good, the bad, and the "you wouldn't know it if you weren't sleeved" (please?) Thanks for letting me introduce myself! I look forward to getting to know all of you.
  12. Just Jess

    April Sleevers?

    no, my weight loss wasn't all post op... i was 290 on the morning of surgery. thank you for sharing! i have this "i'm doing it wrong" complex and just terrified to mess it up!!!!!!! and i am not hungry, by any means... just wonder why i don't feel that intense full everyone else described.
  13. Just Jess

    April Sleevers?

    does anyone else feel they can eat more than 4 oz. of mushies??? i am only 2 weeks out (surgery on April 15th) and I'm hopeful that it is just bc they are mushies and not solid food - but i'm concerned that i take down 4 oz. very easily. i do not rush, def. take my time, but i do not feel uncomfortable at the end of 4 oz. i am NOT experimenting and taking more in - but i'm concerned that i think i could. anyone else a couple weeks ahead of me understand? does it change when you get to solid foods? i'm nervous that so many people said they could only have a couple bites of eggs... i ate 4 oz. egg beaters - NO problem. how about those who said they can only do 1 oz. cottage cheese??? i can do 3 oz. mixed with Jello for a total of 4 oz. NO problem. is there something wrong????
  14. Just Jess

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    hi all! i am here with my first concern since being sleeved............ when on stage 2-3, did anyone feel they could eat more than 4 oz. at one time??? i am hopeful that it is just bc they are mushies and not solid food - but i'm concerned that i take down 4 oz. VERY easily. i do not rush, def. take my time, but i do not feel uncomfortable at the end of 4 oz. i am NOT experimenting and taking more in - but i'm concerned that i think i could. i have a complex about failure --- being i had the band and lost 100lbs. with it, then gained 100 lbs. without it. soooooooooo, i'm desperately praying that THIS is it for me. i'm nervous that so many people said they could only have a couple bites of eggs... i ate 4 oz. scrambled egg beaters - NO problem. then there are those who said they can only do 1 oz. cottage cheese??? i can do 3 oz. mixed with Jello for a total of 4 oz. NO problem. i also have had 4 oz. turkey pureed with gravy - no issues. is there something wrong???? please help!
  15. Just Jess

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    ok... so, it's done! surgery was at 10:45 am Friday, April 15th. I am home now......... recovering! everything went well... doc told my husband it was "textbook" - so i'd say that is good. he was even able to go into all my old incisions from lapband surgery - the "scars" look good... but my tummy is still distended. my hubby took lots of pics of me getting ready, etc. that i will share a bit later. i want him to take some of my scars too so i monitor how they are healing. my only complaint thus far is HEADACHE. i have a chronic headache. i have been taking tylenol liquid more frequently than the liquid narcotic. but both taste absolutely disgusting. i will say it is REALLY hard to get in 3-4 oz. in per half hour... i am super TYPE A - so i, of course, made a check list of times to tick off as i drank. i hope and pray i stay hydrated... but it is NOT easy!!!!!!!!!!!! is anyone else having difficulties with nausea? i had to get anti-nausea meds in the hospital like 4 times and have been working on my deep breathing to help here at home. i have also been feeling the need to "cough" something up. but it hurts like hell. i am now just trying to SIP, SIP, SIP... everyone says how it's important to remember that... but omg - it's SO hard!!!!!!!!!! who would've trhought that 3 oz. every 30 min. would be difficult!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Just Jess

    April Sleevers?

    starting to get nervous!!!!!!!!! THIS FRIDAY is the big day................ how are all our post-op april friends doing?????
  17. Just Jess

    100 + pounds

    my highest weight was 315.5 lbs. my starting weight on this journey is 310 lbs. my goal weight is 165 lbs. i look forward to following everyone's journey and helping one another as we try to drop 100+ lbs.
  18. Just Jess

    April Sleevers?

    hello all! my surgery is scheduled for april 15th and i am looking for others having the sleeve in april as well..... let's band together and stay in touch to get through the next few weeks successfully!!!! it will be so wonderful to have support from people going through the same thing I will be at about the same time!!!!!!!!! i also am looking to make better connections with others on this site! my nerves have really gotten more apparent this week... i'm in the 3 week window and so afriad i'll be a failure at this as i was with the lapband... i am trying to push that out of my head and stay positive... but i want to be real as well. how are all of you feeling???? Wow... You April 11th people are so lucky to have so many sleeve sistas!!! (or brothers?) i will be following closely behind - being sleeved on that Friday, the 15th. TAX DAY becomes MY DAY! I also cannot wait to start a new life. I had the lapband in 2006 and lost it in 2008, so i am really trying to stay positive that i can be successful with THIS one --- which will be the LAST one! What does your pre-op diet look like? What does the cleanse consist of? hey, hey... no emailing --- keep it here so we all can benefit!!!!! ONE DAY AFTER ME!!! GOOD LUCK! another person a day after me! i hope to have some words of wisdom to impart to you from the recovery room!
  19. starting to get nervous... surgery 3 weeks away!

  20. Just Jess

    pre-op diet?

    thanks, thanks, and more thanks for all the sharing!!!! i look forward to seeing what my nutrition requirements will be. on march 15th, i'll be one month out...... i may start something like one of the above suggestions just for the hell of it - take off as much weight as i can pre-op!!!
  21. hey all, i was wondering if anyone would care to elaborate on what their pre-op diet was? i was just approved for surgery and got my date: april 15th. but my nutrition class isn't until april 7th and i cannot wait to hear what it's all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks in advance if anyone can share what i'm in store for!
  22. Just Jess

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    thanks for the notes!!!! i feel SO sure about this!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Just Jess

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    karen - thanks for coming out of the shadows and saying hello!!! are you a fellow b2g friend? CONGRATS on your success thus far! please keep me posted as to your progress!!!!!!!!!!! to all: I GOT MY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be sleeved on April 15th!! WOOP! WOOP!
  24. Just Jess

    Introducing Jess... just Jess!

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your signature, btw!!!! thanks!!!
  25. is this like a facebook set up? i'm still learning my way around!

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