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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimidawn

  1. Surgery went great!! I didnt even have alot of pain.. :)

  2. Hey Girlie..

    Well remember i told you i weight in on 8-11-10 and weight 320.2.. well the day before surgery i weighed in again i lost 19.3lbs so 300.9 now to go..

    Well I had surgery and i really wasnt in alot of pain.. i have 4 incisions.. on of them is my port... they are tender.. but the day i came home all i did was sleep and the night.. the next day just laid around.. and saturday i was wake and went shopping half the day..lol so i was feeling fine.. only problem i had was gas in my chest after surgery and i got stopped up.. so some Lax and few time to bathroom and im feeling great.. just dont have any energy.. and thats cause i still cant have food yet.. just liquids..

    so you should do fine... dont worry you will do great also!!.. only bad thing now i dont have a scale so i dont know how much ive lost after surgery.. but i believe its time to go to walmart and get one..lol

    good luck on your surgery!!! keep me posted.!!

  3. kimidawn


  4. kimidawn


  5. Hey hun,, Thank you so much.. I plan on posting alot of pics.. you look great!! so small so it only took you 6 months to lose your weigh?? how did you lose yours so fast?? what did you do??

  6. Well i weighed in today.. 320.2 now.. i start my liquid diet tomorrow.. lol.. dont be nervous you will do fine.. I will keep you posted on the out come and about the pain after i have it.. it should be fine.. lol yes we will have a brand new US!! KEEP IN TOUCH!

  7. Hey thanks for writing me back.. I'm going to add some pics ASAP.. what size was you wairing before your surgery? and what about now?? whats your total lost and how long has it taken?


  8. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  9. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  10. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  11. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!! I love your pics!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  12. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  13. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!! You look so different from you wedding pics and now pics.. I cant believe how your facial features have changed as well.. you look like a different person girl..

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!



  14. Hey Girl..

    I know you dont know me but I just wanted to tell you your doing great!!

    I start my liquid diet Aug 12, and stay on it for 18days.. My Surgery is Aug. 26 then I'm still on liquids for 18 more days.. But its all good.. I just cant wait to lose this weight.. I weigh 332 the last time I checked. I also have a weigh in and Pic date set for the 11th and 25th.. so hopeful I will do great!!.. well add me as a friend I would love to keep in touch!! talk to you soon!!


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