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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by iluveeyore

  1. Hi Vermont Lap Banders, How about an update? Please let me know how you are doing. For me, I had surgery on 2/21/06 with Dr. Forgione Starting Weight 245 Current Weight 201 Wishful Thinking Weight 145 How about you? Michelle
  2. iluveeyore

    Status Update For Vermonters

    Hi everyone, I'm still at 45 lbs lost in 3 1/2 years. I haven't lost in a while, but am happy with losing and keeping off the 45. My problem......poor after care by Dr. Forgeone's office. I am so VERY disappointed. For the second time, I'm having trouble and having to wait for days/weeks for care. I have been just maintaining for over a year. Enough restriction to keep me there, but not too much where I'm uncomfortable. In the last couple of weeks, I have been so tight. Having acid reflux, not able to keep food/liquids down. This is intermittent, so sometimes I'm fine. I call the Doc's office, and I hear: either go to the emergency room, or we can see you on Thursday. First....who in the heck wants to go to the ER and explain what's going on over and over again to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that comes into the room, have a bunch of crazy tests done, pay for an ER visit, miss the whole day of work, and wait for an eternity just to be seen??? Second....wait until Thurs to be seen by the Doc and have him say...We'll have to have a MRI done to see what's going on, we're scheduling for October.... My point, either choice is unacceptable. There should be someone that could see me sooner and help me out. Vermont is still under equipped to handle this surgery. Wish I got better service. So, I opt for the appointment on Thursday. I started explaining my frustration to Doc Forgeone's nurse, and she started getting snippy, and said I should have called sooner. I explained that the problem was intermittent, and I thought it had subsided. She said well, we'll see you on Thursday then, and hung up the phone. Yes, she hung up on a customer....not impressed. Needless to say I think I will have some fill removed, and not have to deal with this bad service for a while.... I continue to feel as though I get substandard service because it is a weight related issue. Curious to see if anyone else ever feels that way. Please advise..... Michelle
  3. Hi Everyone!! Why am I not losing weight?? I know why, and am working on getting back on track. I have a lot of REALLY great excuses, no good reasons. We just went thru a huge medical scare with my husband, 4 months in and out of the hospital with spontaneous pneumothorax's (lung collapsed, several times). Lack of exercise, bad food choices, problems with the fills making me too restricted, and the stress of life itself..... Here's what I know. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard, chocolate tastes very good :frown:. The band has helped me lose some weight and keep it off. I need to get serious about myself again and put me first (hard for many of us to do). Back to the exercise and better food choices. Less chocolate . I also wonder why some good foods are hard for me to eat (carrots, broccoli, beets, some meats). Seem to get these stuck more often. Anyone have good advise that helps to get the train back on the tracks when it gets derailed?? What works for you? Thanks, Michelle
  4. iluveeyore

    Status Update For Vermonters

    Good Morning! Just a quick input. I was the very first lap band surgery done by Doc Forgione at Fletcher Allen. I think the process is still new here, but Doc F is very competent. I do think the staff sometimes thinks that because we are large people, we don't know know anything about our bodies. Bad bedside manner. I also hate it that EVERY time I go for an appointment, I wait for at least an hour before being seen.:cool: Putting that aside, still very happy with lap band!! Going in for my next fill on Oct. 22nd. I wanted to tighten it up before the holidays!! Best, Michelle
  5. iluveeyore

    Status Update For Vermonters

    Hi Cyndi, So, you've lost 18 pounds since March, that's great!! I have had about 5 fills so far. My last fill was about 4 months ago. I have, as of this morning lost 45 pounds in 1 and 1/2 years. I am VERY happy about that. Some people have lost much more than me by this time. I don't care....this is my life and my weight loss. I have not been this small in about 10 years......SWEET! I have learned to eat a lot less, and be happy. I exercise a lot. I walk with my friend 5 times a week or so for an hour. I figure I'm getting in 15-20 miles a week in walking. At first it was hard, be we have a good time talking about our work, kids, stress, and of course the most fun....men/husband bashing :heh:. It really passes the time. I will have to do something different soon with Winter coming. I have also learned that the nurses and Doc's don't always know what is best for MY body, so you have to advocate for yourself and not be afraid to speak up! If you think you can eat too much, may be time for a fill. I had the same thing happen. I started gaining back some of the initial weight I had lost in the beginning months. I got a fill, and off it came. Keep me posted on your success! Warm Regards, Michelle
  6. iluveeyore


    Hello Fellow Vermonters!! Hi Quietly Banding, Peaches, and Julie, Great job Peaches!! Sounds like the band is working awesome for you and you are working the band too. What I can say is that everyone has different experiences, and everyone's needs are different. I, myself have had good as well as bad experiences. I do not regret having the band for one second, but it has not been a "walk in the park" for me. I have lost a firm 30 pounds, and have kept it off. I am working on losing more. I have had one fill that was TOO much, and left me throwing up everything for hours while I waited in the waiting room to have a re-adjustment to remove some of the fill. This has kept me from seeing the Doc for several months (my fault, I've just not made an appointment yet). I found Dr. Forgeone to be hit or miss for me. Sometimes, I really like him. Other times, not so much. I think since I was one of the first two people banded, they still didn't have everything ironed out yet. My biggest gripes are bedside manor, long wait in the waiting room for appointments, and not listening to what I say about my body. I have not always received good, friendly service starting at the check in desk and thruought the visit. I have waited for 45 minutes to an hour for an appointment several times. The Doc hasn't always taken my input into consideration about my fills. He has made me wait for a fill when I told him I was ready, and another time, he filled me too much when I told him I just needed a little ( I asked for .3 to .5 cc's and he went ahead and gave me .7cc's). This is the time that I got sick. I went with the band because my weight just kept sneaking up year after year. It has helped me to lose 30 lbs in a year and keep it off. I have never been able to do that. I do have much more to lose. But, I am happy with this success right now. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the band. I just wanted to give you my experience so you could have another perspective. It does work well, but is not always easy- breezy. You need to work too. Follow the rules, eat healthy, and exercise too!! I am glad I got banded, and I have more work to do !!!! Best of luck to all of us, Luv, Michelle
  7. iluveeyore

    New Years Resolutions

    Happy New Year!!! I have resolved to lose 20 pounds by the end of June, and to exercise more. How about you?? :gluck: :hug:
  8. iluveeyore


    Hi Peaches! Hi Julie! I hope you are both enjoying the Holiday. I am enjoying the extra time off, but too much goodies around :mmph:. I had 2 people bring me fudge for the Holidays. What are they thinking......I love those calorie laden suger balls!!! I'm trying to stay away from them. Peaches, great job with the weight loss!! I'm trying to maintain thru the Holidays, with a new energy planned on weight loss for the New Year!! You know, the old New Years resolution. I'm going to get on the tread mill and work harder to get the scale to move again....in the downward direction:). Julie, still having a wierd thing going on with my fill this time. Really tight in the am. Sometimes, I can't even get liquid down first thing. But, as the day goes by, I'm better. Lets keep in touch and help each other thru this experience!!
  9. iluveeyore


    Hi Julie, How have you been doing with your latest fill. I'm not sure what's going on with mine. The most crazy, unpredictable fill I've ever had. All seemed fine, in fact it seemed like I didn't even get enough of a fill. All of the sudden 2 days ago, I had a hard time keeping down squash. This lasted through yesterday, now it seems normal again. I'm scared to eat anything too solid yet. Strange, strange, strange........Other than that I've not really lost any more weight lately, just kind of maintaining the 25-30 lbs that I've already lost. I'm almost ready for Christmas. I've been so busy with Christmas shopping, my daughters basket ball schedule, working, and maintaining the normal household stuff. I have had a really difficult time getting enough exercise. That, I'm sure is a road block for me losing more weight. I need to try to get my "me" time in. Happy Holidays, and keep up the hard work!!
  10. iluveeyore


    Hi Julie, I did reply to your email, check your private messages:) . Hope you are feeling better! It was good to know I wasn't the only one who had troubles, I'm getting frustrated!! Now, I feel like he took too much out:mad: . I am not enjoying the constant weight loss that I would like. I have to try to have more "me" time for exercise. It's hard being a full time working mom!!! Not a lot of "Me" time. I have, however, lost 25-30 pounds and kept it off. My pants are getting too big, but I'm not ready to break down and buy more yet. Things I need to add to my vocabulary "no", "not now", and my favorite "go ask dad". :hug:
  11. iluveeyore


    Hi Julie, I'm so happy that I ran into you! By the way, I had a horrible fill experience on Monday. I was at 2.4cc, and told him I just wanted a small fill .3 to .5cc's. He actually put in .6cc's. I was fine at the hospital, but by the time I got back to my office, I could hardly keep down spit, and spit up the Water that I was drinking. I called right away, and had to sit in the waiting room like that for a couple of hours. Finally, he removed .3cc's and sent me off. I'm good now!! Eating mushies, how about you? Are you doing ok? Michelle:hug:

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