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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by theskinnyme

  1. theskinnyme


  2. theskinnyme

    sad blue.jpg

    From the album: theskinnyme

  3. Congrats Kristina!!! I, too, have recently hit onderland. It feels great!!! Its funny...its been so long since my digital scale saw a "1" that it does not even appear anymore...it just says "97" (the 1 has faded away on the screen), but I know what it means...lol :thumbup:
  4. me too, me too...I can feel my hip bones sticking out when I lay down....its kind of weird, but cool
  5. Yes! You are right, Amanda. I only told 5 people about my surgery (my parents, my sister, and 2 really good friends). I made them swear not to tell anyone else because I know for a fact that I have a lot of family members and friends who would be upset/offended/disappointed in my decision to get banded (even though a lot of them have weight problems as well). Their first response would be, "well, why didn't you just do it on your own?" I have been struggling with my weight for 20 years (and I'm only 29), and yes, I have lost 65 lbs on my own before only to gain 80lbs back. I am tired of the yo-yoing. I feel like this is the best decision for me. And, if I tell people then this will be the main topic up for discussion everytime I see them. I don't want to debate with them over my weight. I am struggling with it enough on my own. Maybe I will tell everyone about the surgery after I reach my goal. I haven't decided yet. But, I just wanted to avoid all of the controversy and hoop-la for now. Also, I am self-pay and it is the best money that I ever spent. I did not have any co-morbidities before surgery so I knew that my insurance would not cover me. Since diabetes/high blood pressure/high cholesterol/etc runs rampant in my family, I wanted to get my weight under control before I was afflicted with it as well. Don't you worry about what your family member says. You just keep up the good work!
  6. Hi Vikki. Congrats on your weight loss. You are a real inspiration. I have been banded for almost 10 months and have only lost 40 lbs. It gets to be very discouraging, but seeing your weight loss is very motivating to me. Keep up the good work!

  7. Hi Ladies...I have a question for you... I have been banded for almost 10 months now and have only lost about 40lbs. That comes out to about 1 lb a week. A WHOPPING ONE POUND A WEEK! No matter how hard I try. I was wondering if it had anything to do with my birth control. I have the Mirena IUD. Have any of you ladies experienced trouble losing weight because of your birth control? I'm considering getting it removed to see if I lose more weight.
  8. theskinnyme

    Lab Band & Birth Control

    OK...I went to my OB/GYN today and she said that the IUD should not be affecting my weightloss at all...so, maybe its just me...maybe I am just meant to lose only 1lb a week. I need to learn to just live with it. At least I am losing something. :-)
  9. theskinnyme

    NSV - My closets are almost empty

    Congrats! I'm looking forward to doing some shopping soon myself.
  10. Yep...I'm watching it right now...I just hope that the kids are able to keep the weight off when they get home...and $26,000 per semester is waaaaaaaay too much $$$!!! I paid $15,000 for my band (out of pocket) and it will last for the rest of my life.
  11. theskinnyme

    I am so angry at myself!

    Hi gloglo - I too thought that the band was an easy fix and that I would not have to diet ever again. Boy, was I wrong. When I wasn't seeing the results that I wanted right away my nurse asked if I was eating right and exercising. "Eating right and exercising?", I thought, "Isn't the band just supposed to work so that I can lose weight??". Then, my nurse explained to me that it is a tool and once it is adjusted correctly than it will alleviate my hunger. And, she was right. I am at 8.1cc (in a 10 cc band) and I am really not that hungry anymore. Plus, as I lose more weight, I am motivated to exercise. So, I don't think you need to see a phychologist. Just follow your doctor/nurse's recommendations, get your fills, and eventually the hunger will go away. I paid out of pocket for my surgery too, so I have to make sure that this works.
  12. I go in for my one month weigh in tomorrow and I am filled with anxiety. I usually have a mini panic attack right before I get on the scale, but I have been feeling this way since yesterday. In the past month, I have done really well. I became a vegetarian, so I have not been eating meat (I've been getting my Protein from Beans and tofu). I've worked out the most that I ever had since getting the band (walking for one hour 3-5 times a week or doing 40 minutes on my ellyptical machine). And, I've been drinking 32oz to 64oz of Water each day. I haven't exactly been perfect. I did mess up a few times (I have a huge sweet tooth) but I never went completely overboard. My goal for tomorrow is to be between 205-208. I started at 245 and the last time I weighed in I was 215. I have only lost 30lbs since I got banded in December of 2009. I used to be sad about my progress, but I figure if I lost 1 lb a week, that would be 52 lbs by December 2010 and I would be ok with that. The most that I have lost in a month has been about 3-4 lbs, but this is without working out or eating right. I'm just hoping that I have lost at least 7lbs this time. If not, I will be very disappointed. I don't think I can do any better than what I did this past month. OMG...this is so stressful and hard! I'm just venting really...hopefully someone one out there can calm me down a bit...
  13. I'm down to 209.5, not exactly what I was hoping for but I am happy with it. Next time, I will be at 205. Thanks for your words of encouragement Rebecca and Mr. Mom.
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site and am actually looking for friends in the metro-Atlanta area to work out with and discuss the band. Let me know if you want to know more about me.
  15. Thanks for the welcome, ladies! :party:

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