The first thing is to be honest with your lapband surgeron.. From the date of consult to date of surgery was six months for me. Each insurance has its own requirements. Being on all the medication has its ups and downs. it might help you get surgery.. adn depending on why you are the meds could affect how your body heals and reacts to the anesthia. *can't spell sorry.. You will probably be required to have all of your records forwarded to your lapband doctor. So, be prepared for that. The more information the doctor has the better he can help you. Also depending on your size your doctor might require a preop diet. I had to do four weeks.. my surgeron requires all patients. however if your bmi is over 50 you have to do it for six weeks... you will probably have to speak to a nutritionist, pscyhiatrist, cardiologist, pulmonary doctors just to name a few. especially depending on your conditions.. Stay positive even if you have a set back.. Don't give up.. if you want something bad enough you might have to fight.