LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by Catalina
:nervous Let's meet at the Starbuck's Coffee Shop on Hwy 528 across from Intel next to Village Inn Pancake house in Rio Rancho on Saturday, March 3 at 10:30 a.m. Catalina
Happy New Year everybody!!! And may your new year wishes all come true! Just wanted to remind everyone of our lapband support group in Albuquerque meeting next Saturday, January 13. Please email me if you need directions. Is anyone going to the ObesityHelp conference in Tuscon this weekend? I'd sure like to meet you, maybe even share a motel room and save some money. Feel free to email me at carrolina@aol.com . Hope to see you soon!
Rose, Welcome to your new life style!!! I can hardly wait to meet you too! I was banded by Dr. Kuri in Tijuana. Is he going to be your surgeon? We'll have a Bandster's Support Group meeting on Sat. Jan 6, although I can't be there because I'm going to a two day conference in Tuscon with ObesityHelp.com and don't want to miss it. We should talk sometime. The abqnbb.com which is a support group for anyone who has had weight loss surgery meets on first and third Wed. nites at 6 p.m. at the Presbyterian Hospital in the cafeteria over near San Mateo and I'25. Would you like to join me there Wednesday nite? Give me a call. 249-0996. Best wishes! Carol
:wow2: :wow2: :wave: :cheer2: :uwelcome: :success1: Hi! We had a great time at Janets today and missed you! We plan to have another lapband New Mexico the first Saturday of each month. So, hope to see you there next time. We'll post more details as they develope!
:clap2: I am very excited about being a member at this forum of bandsters. I had my surgery in March 2003 by Dr. Kuri in Tijuana, Mexico. My post-op went very well and I immediately began to lose weight. After 40 pounds I leveled off, so went down to get my first adjustment. Everything went well and I lost another 20 pounds. Then it all slowed down so I flew back to Tijuana and told them to make it "really tight," which they obliged. By the way, when I say "went down" I mean that I was flying down from remote places in Alaska, places where I couldn't just drive to the doctor or urgent care for help. I was living very remotely, and I'm sure there are others out there who do the same. But this time, my band was so tight, I couldn't sleep at night without regurgitating, which is dangerous. I couldn't hardly drink or eat without pain or throwing up; yet I was not able to get out again for 6 months! I put up with that condition...and survived, but clearly traumatized. I only lost another 12 pounds and found that I would graze or eat soft foods just to survive. Worse, I sabbotaged my goals by eating high calorie foods. It was rough. Finally, I got back down to Tijuana and had all the fluid removed. I just needed a break. I thought I would get another adjustment fill in a couple months. But guess what, it took 13 months and a 50 pound weight gain before I found someone in Phoenix who would fill my band. I also have since moved back into the southwest, but I would rather not go back to Tijuana because it's so far. This fill is working VERY well. I am excited. I feel like I am in the honeymoon phase again! I've already lost 7 pounds, more more importantly, I'm feeling the vision again, the drive to stick with it and eat right and learn a new lifestyle. Having resources such as this forum will be helpful, and I'm participating in a support group near by. So, look forward to hearing from you all and getting involved more. Adios! 312-242-296-150.
Oh yeah; most employers are amicable to letting you do what you need to do to get healthy. You should give them some anticipatory guidance (heads up) as to what you may need to do. Since you have to travel a bit to get to your provider, you'll have to plan a day off to go for an adjustment (fill) when it's due. You may do well for 2 months without an adjustment, or you may need to go in within 4-6 weeks. Then about every 2-3 months on the average, maybe you'll need to go in for an adjustment. Bare in mind, you might get overfilled and be too tight. Sometimes we don't realize that until 2 or 3 days later. Another trip back to your provider. So you see, there will be some juggling. My employer is very flexible, but I still had to use my sick leave to take time off to fly to my provider and get a fill.:confused: :nervous Hi! Congratulations on your decision to lose weight! I know this hasn't come without great research and confidence in what you want to do. I admire everyone who steps over this threshold. It is a brave thing to do. The thing is, there are unpredictable variables in weight loss surgery. We say hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Don't mean to be pessimistic, but there are about a fourth of bandsters who either have complications with their band, or struggle with the physical and emotional work that comes with food restriction and self control. 97% is attitude and a touch of resilience to try and help you slide through uncomfortable moments. So, whether you should proceed with a new job is 50/50 to do or not. One is an adventure with potential of disaster or at least risks, the other more secure parameters. But the adventure takes you through a passage that puts you on the inside of success. And that's a good feeling that makes it all worth it's while! Best wishes.:decision:
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"> :focus: :violin: :confused: Listen, my friends...remember, remember, remember, you must eat tiny bites, do not eat fast, chew a lot before swallowing, do not eat more that a cup of food at each meal. Go to fitday.com and start recording your food intake to help you realize that you really ARE getting the amount of Protein required. You will be surprized, and you will learn that we really are what we eat, and all of us have eaten TOO MUCH. Hence, the band. Accept the challenge, turn away from your old habits. Change your relationship with the friendly food so you can get out there and have fun! If these suggestions aren't followed, you WILL be nauseated, you WILL vomit, you WILL have stomach pain, and eventually you WILL NOT lose weight. I'm sorry but it's true. It's taken me 3 1/2 years to figure this out. 312-248-296-288 Banded in Tijuana 3/12/03 :Banane19: </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Hey, sweetie. I just wanted to check with you to see how you were doing and let you know that I am thinking and praying for you. There are many things happening to and around us that can make an experience not so great. But you can't blame the band. You definitely needed an unfill and a time to heal and feel "normal" again. Then after utilizing your available resources, gather up yourself and try again. We do this as babies learning to walk, we do this as adults learning new skills or having new goals. Please talk to us and let me know what is happening. We are a support and resource for you.:canada: :gossip: :nod: :hug: :ranger: :girl_hug:
I'm thinking it probably is not band related. How is your restriction? Are you maintaining or still losing? You may be anxious, but that's not necessarily the cause of your experience. Sometimes our bodies are going through something that isn't entirely explainable. The main thing is how is your health in general? How are your BM's? What is your energy level like? Are you getting adequate protein and moderate fat intake? It might be that you are developing excess gas which can happen after gallbladder removal, plus sometimes stones stuck in the stoma of the removed organ. Pain can cause anxiety which may lead to the throat "fullness." I feel you should use home remedies to help you through the pain and observe any progression or changes. Look at your overall health.
:notagree I was wondering if you found out what was causing your pain? I have a feeling it's not related to your band. Cat
No, sorry; I can't seem to get a picture. I cut and past the code or words, but only the words get transfered, not the picture. I'm sure it's something real simple, I just don't know what. :help:
I really want to use those neat graphics from tickerfactory.com but when I put my information in and chose my graphic, I can't figure out how to incoporate it into my messages. I guess I don't understand cut and paste. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks! Cat
Actually I went to a FillCenters USA provider, a Nurse Practitioner who travels to Phoenix twice a month to see patients who need fills but whose surgeons are outside of their living area like me. Even where I live now there are no fill providers within a four hour drive. But if your surgeon is in Phoenix, they will help you with your fills as part of your package. Congratulations on your decision to take control I am in such awe of what we do to make ourselves healther!:clap2: :peace:
Hi Mlevel. Does that mean Midlevel??? I agree with the last person. Do your reading, research the band and the gastric bypass. There's several sites which describe them all, and then you can narrow in on a procedure and check out individual sites too. One place with some helpful info is obesityhelp.com This might help you on your path to control! Best wishes! Cat
Hi! I've experienced what your are now too. This sounds normal to me after a recent fill. But I think you probably need to back off and rethink you eating style. I found whenever I had pain, I was eating too large of a bite and not chewing enough. SLOW DOWN! You have to change your eating methods in order to be successful. Cheers!
Hi! I've experienced what you are too. This sounds normal to me. But I think you need to back off and rethink your eating style. I found whenever I had pain, I was eating too large of a bite and not chewing enough. SLOW DOWN. You have to change your eating methods in order to be successful. Cheers! :speechles
Most of my time was spent on the Yukon River in Galena, Alaska between Fairbanks and Nome. But my work took me all over and I spent a good chunk of time in the Aleutians and more recently in SE in Yakutat. Now there is beauty like a jewel. I've been to Whitehorse and that's beauty too, Interior beauty like Galena was. I traveled on the river by snow machine in winter. Those were good days. Near Whitehorse, relatively speaking, I love Laird Hotsprings. Do you ever go there? Cat