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Status Updates posted by CarlosR

  1. Well,

    Officially a week and a day after op. I weighed in at Publix at 250.5 Started at 268 day of surgery. I feel good. No pain. Getting used to very tiny bites and or swallows of water or soup. I love it...



  2. Hi Christina...

    I'm also in Miami and I have my surgery on Monday the 23rd with Dr. Zapata in Monterrey. What stage of the process are you in? The closer the time gets makes me wonder if we are doing the right thing.



  3. Hi Chris,


    Well, here I am 3 days post op and I feel great. The team at Ready4achange and Dr Zapata are great. I have been getting better by the day. No BS first night was tough but I got p and walked, walked, walked the gas away. I have been sipping liquids. They gave me an after surgery bag with drinks, water and chicken broth cubes for the hotel and I feel great.

    As far as your sister goes, well, she will never understand. I'm oldest of 4 boys and they will definitely say the same thing. In my case, since I am a pilot, they are used to me being gone for weeks at a time. Nobody knows a thing except 2 coworkers who are forcing me to give them updates 3 times a day and they know where I am at. Definitely look forward to the HardRock. I hope you get your soon.



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