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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CarlosR

  1. Hi all,

    Today marks my 1 month anniversary. I lost 26 lbs within 2.5 weeks after surgery. I've been stalled for a week or so. I've started to exercise again and I hope I will break the stall soon. It is frustrating.

    I also understand what you are going through with liquids. After week 2 I struggled with Water, something I never had issues with. It gave me serious nausea. Even diet green tea from grocery store I used to drink religiously tasted really bad.

    I started spinning again after week 3 and doctors consent but with the Water issue I got really scared of dehydration. I found out that the only way I can tolerate water is flavored so I have been using the propel with antioxidants.

    food wise, I was able to have the AppleBees weight watchers 4 oz steak with Portobello but only 1/4 of mash and could not touch the broccoli. meats are really touch to swallow unless I take some serious time chewing. For Protein I find some Protein drinks at GNC with 50 grams as a supplement and sip on those for about 20 30 minutes.

    I also find that in the morning it's alot harder to swallow and get the stuck feeling a little easier.

    Hang in there..


  2. Hello all,

    Today it's officially a week and a day post op:lol0:. I feel great. My stomach scars look like a 5 small scratches:thumbup:. No pain anywhere. I feel like I have not done a thing EXCEPT when drinking my Soups.

    My Dr. said on 7th day I can start creamy soups:001_tt2:. I figured out I need a small dessert spoon instead of a regular big spoon for soups in case I forget and take too many in a row which make me feel :). I've been exercising lightly at gym on crosstrainer lightly :confused:. I find that while drinking my soups I get bored and the desire to continue eating goes away and leave them. I have been drinking 2 20ml bottles a day of Cytomax Protein Tropical and Orange flavors which is almost a clear Water type. It contains 40 grams of protein and "0" carbs :). I have not felt any hunger. My clothes are fitting really good and everyone can tell on my face. Not a soul knows I did surgery. I am so glad I went through with my sleeve...


  3. I sit here 3 days post op in Monterrey after visiting Dr. Zapata with Ready4Achange group. From the first time I contacted them Judy, my US coordinator was wonderful. She answered all my questions and created the necessary forms for my hardship withdrawal.

    I arrived in MX on Monday the 23rd alone since I told nobody about my decision. I was met by a driver who was fully briefed and handed me an information packet. He took me to the hospital at 1:30 pm and by 6 I was sleeved. It was my choice to do it the same day I arrived that way I had an extra day at the CIMA hospital. The hospital and the staff are world class. They are very attentive and aimed to please and calm the many fears I admit I had. After all I was going to have major surgery and nobody in my family knew except a co-worker who made me give him regular updates just in case.:thumbup1:

    I feel great. I started walking right away to get rid of the gas. I had very little pain and they did a good job of keeping me well insulated from it.

    Ready4Achange group put me up for 2 nights at the Sheraton Four Points which is a great place. They handed me a bag of goodies for the 2 days I was going to be at hotel with Water, juices and broth cubes.


    Overall, I am very satisfied with my decision to get the sleeve instead of the band. I look forward to posting pictures.


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