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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ceron

  1. ceron

    Liz Surgery dec 15 2009 219lbs

    Hello, I hope all is well. I am new on this site. Today I will attend my seminar and I am excited. God bless you on your sucess. At first I was very hestiant but everyone around me is getting something done or if I lose weight I gain it back. I am annoyed with this already. I want to be healthy & maintain my weight. Hope to hear from you soon!
  2. That is great you look really good. I have my seminar tonight. Then I guess I will set up everything to move forward to the next step. I need to lose 65pounds...

  3. Omg, I have to say I am new to this website and navigating it. But you look GREAT! Godbless, You have done a great job. The only question I have did you exercise during this process or higher a trainer.


    Cant wait to hear from you.

  4. ceron

    me june 2010

    Great job! I am really considering havingt his procedure..

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