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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mgrygorc

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/14/1955

About Me

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    New York
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  1. Happy Birthday mgrygorc!

  2. Happy 57th Birthday mgrygorc!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary mgrygorc!

  4. Well, 3 weeks post surgery and back to work. The day after surgery I felt like a horse kicked me in the stomach but I also had a hiatel hernia repaired. I stayed overnight and the 1st couple of days were slow going. Now that I am back to work I sometimes feel like I never had surgery done. I have lost a total of 30 lbs since the beginning of my journey. I still feel a little tired but I am sure once my doc says its ok to start up my weight training again I will feel more energized. Hope all is well with you.

  5. hello, sorry for the slow response on the friend request, I just noticed it. I hope all is going well, For me, I have not yet had a fill so I dont really feel any different.

  6. Hi Marlene, my surgery went so smoothly, I have been absolutely fine. I have been driving since Saturday (2 days post op) and went for a brisk early morning 30 min walk this morning. I felt a bit tired when I got home, to be expected, and I didn't much like going up hill, but otherwise, no problems. I have only a little pain, around the incisions, otherwise pretty good...no gas pain, or shoulder tip pain....yet! How are you going? Did you stay in overnight, or were you a day patient, like me? Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers, Kerry:smile:

  7. Hi Kerry, how did the surgery go? Are you in much pain? I am getting excited even though my closest family members do not want me to do this. I think its because they worry something will happen. Get well soon. Marlene

  8. Hi, yes, I'm pretty new to this message board thing as well. But isn't it great to find so much support and understanding from others who are going through the same thing! I made a conscious decision to not tell people about my decision, as I didn't want the negative nay sayers views. I have told only a couple of close friends, and my partner of course, but have not really received much positive support, so it is great to chat with you, and others, so that we can share our thoughts and feelings, and support and encourage one another along the way. I go to hospital at 7:30am tomorrow, and expect to be allowed to go home at around 1:30pm. At least I can go home to my own bed, which will be better than the hospital! Good luck with your surgery, and I look forward to sharing the journey! Cheers, Kerry :rolleyes2:

  9. Hi, I noticed that you are having same procedure the day before I am and are around the same age. You profile mimicks mine. I just started this e-mailing thing so bare with me.

  10. mgrygorc

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    October 26th is my day too...Buffalo NY Dr. Posner
  11. mgrygorc

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Wow Catherine, you look amazing....:smile2:
  12. mgrygorc

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    I am scheduled for October 26th. Go for my pre-op on the 9th and I must say I am getting a little nervous. Is this normal? :smile2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
