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LAP-BAND Patients
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About samanthachamble

  • Rank
    Samantha Chamblee
  • Birthday 08/10/1974

About Me

  • Biography
    I have 4 children. 2 step 16 & 18 and 2 by birth 9 & 2. I am 32 years old. My insurance won't cover the lap band so I am self-pay. This was a lot of money so I want to make sure this works. I have been heavy my entire life. I want to succeed.
  • Interests
    my family
  • Occupation
    stay at home mom
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  1. Happy 39th Birthday samanthachamble!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday samanthachamble!

  3. samanthachamble


    I just ran to Wal-mart and bought a few of the things ya'll mentioned. Thanks so much for the speedy replies. I really appreciate it. God bless, Samantha
  4. samanthachamble


    My name is Samantha. I was banded on 10-24-06. I have lost 25-30lbs. My surgery was by Dr Miles at MCE in Birmingham, Alabama. I have a 4cc band. I have had two fills. 1st .5 2nd 1 - I couldn't even get liquids down for two days. Then I read that a band that is too tight can cause slippage. So I decided my original idea of waiting it out may not be my brightest. So I call the office that Friday and they said to come in right then. They said it would take to long to losen up. I would have dehydrated. I had a .5 unfill. So now my restriction isn't the tightest. I wish some one might have some advise on how to satisfy a sweet tooth with out destroying all the hard work that day. I liked the protein shakes, but I keep reading that one of the big no nos for bandsters is no liquid calories. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and God bless, Samantha

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