I dont know if the yogart has fruit in it then I would think that would be not so good. It is supposed to be soft and no large amounts. Only the cup size amount and if you get full early you have to wait. No liquids during feeding and only after the alotted time and only the still small amounts. The idea is to keep the size of the stomach entact and no breaking the rules. It sounds like she is possibly exceeding the amounts. Sometimes with the fill being in the beginning it is very little you can consume at a time. even after several years and after some period of time my wife still must chew alot and stop sooner . we get alot of to go boxes. This is a positive lifestyle change and it works. It does not come without some discomfort but as the weight comes off the lifestyle will change to even exercise walking to jogging.
I have read many problems where people are just getting scared or not giving it time. Yes you should have faith but just like say for instance stopping smoking cigarettes. The best way is to just quit and not go back. Take the leap . Make the decision. I guess what I am saying is first explore making sure you just eat a little less than that cup and follow the times for eating strictly and not drinking except after the alotted time and only the amounts once again. Nothing is ever easy.
We are currently kind of in limbo ourselves with a fill access problem that is repeating itself possibly and was expensive before. I am going to give it the two weeks and see if the doctor can access the port to show faith in my wifes decision but if lightning strikes twice in the same place I will not stand by idle and watch our life savings go down the drain with extra charges to correct failures of such an expensive procedure. The hospital must be held liable at some point if their doctor and product have issues.
I can say you have to be mentally tough . The first day in the bariatric ward my wife made the laps like clockwork . I cannot remember how many but it was alot and then she followed everything very strictly and it was not without some pain. I cannot remember about all the medications and things she had to follow but there is no leaving the pathway. That is why there is a very serious screening process where my wife went at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola.
Still Dr. Lord said the flipping of the port had never happened to him before and it happened to my wife just months into this thing and the hospital charged us 400 to verify and then 2000 to correct it . We have a problem now a year later and if it is the same I will not go quietly into that good night.