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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by newmoo

  1. I can take in about 1/4 to 1/3 or a little less than 1/2 cup of food at a time now. most often about like 1/3 of a cup. I do this about every 2 or 3 hours or so. Sometimes I'm shocked at how little it takes to fill me up. How are you feeling?

  2. Hi Sadiegirl, wondering how it went with Dr. Almanza? I think you said it was 12/20. Just checking in. Hope all is well. :)

  3. Neener Neener I'm your friend now! Welcome. :)

  4. Hi Sadiegirl,

    Yes, I was sleeved on Oct. 1st. I don't know specifically what it is that you would like to know but I'd be happy to share with you anything you want. I am now almost 8 weeks postop and can tell you that the results are real. Tijuana is definitely not the U.S. so be prepared for that. However, Dr. Almanza is qualified and personable. We can chat if you'...

  5. Hi Cyclemom,


    I'm also new..hence the name :) The person who said those hurtful things to you should be strung up and left to flap in the wind. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I currently live in L.A. however grew up in your general area. Maybe we can encourage one another. My procedure is upcoming...October 1st and I have learned to become selective with whom I share this journey. I've had some people say some pretty hurtful and frightening, uninformed or misinformed things to me. It's a good thing I think for myself. I wish you courage and hope we can share this time. Take care, Newmoo (Shae)

  6. Hi Kathy, I'm brand new. Planning to have gastric sleeve with Dr. Almanza before the year ends, though have not commited yet. I am also a 43 year old female, and if you have a moment and don't mind, could you please tell me briefly of your experience? Thanks so much!

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