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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marni

  1. Well,I have to say this board was indeed helpful. I was banded 11/29. THo fuller earlier then I was I can still eat ALOT. It is me that stops me from eating, not the band. I have the 10cc band and got filled at 3.5 last week. I don't notice much of a difference. Perhaps a bit. Food is harder to swallow mainly. But, now I see that it might take several fills Thanks to all.
  2. I went in for surgery and when I came out they said they found a heittal hernia. They repaired it, which he said was mandatory, I was banded and all was fine!
  3. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I reviewed some of the responsed and am trying to find out where you were ofended? I think what some where trying to say is that sometimes "outside" help is necessary to deal with certain issues in our lives. Sometimes our best friends, families and support groups are not enough. Hang in there. You are well on your way!
  4. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I hear ya. I think I feel the same way. I did finally have a fill and maybe Im a bit "fuller" but no real resticition, no, hey better stop at this bite, no pb'g, no puking. Nothing. I swear I could sit down to an all you can eat buffet and hang with the best of them. I am waiting to really feel different. I was told, oh, when you go to a resturaunt you will only be able to order and eat 1/2 an appetizer. NOT! Haven't even ordered one! So, Karen, Im here with you. Understanding how you feel. Hang in there!
  5. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Well you have lost 20 lbs, no? So you have succeeded. Hey and I haven't noticed anyone who has lost 60 lbs being banded in November......Think positive.
  6. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I was banded 11/29 and my only fill was on 1/25th. I feel a difference when swallowing some foods. I feel it. But i can still eat. I don't do heavy carbs either becuase i am diabetic. Diabetes has been doing great! I just think I should feel FULLER? What do you guys all mean when you say FULL? I feel no longer hungry but I certainly do not feel like, gosh I need to stop eating Im gonna bust or Im getting really full.
  7. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Food eaten in a day. Let's see. Breakfast: a Protein Shake. Lunch: either a lean cuisine, 1/2 sandwich, slice of pizza 2 chicken wings; something around that size. Dinner: this varries. Usually about 1 cup - 1 1/2 cups of something. I really try to be good but I feel I need more restriction. a meat portion would problably be about 2-4 oz.... Snack: 2 t or peanut butter or a protein bar. I rarely eat snacks. So, in a nutshell I always feel I eat too much tho when I write it down, it doesn't seem like much. After this fill my doc said to eat 1/2 cup to a cup. I feel I eat more than that.
  8. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks tom & kelly. It's just hard. I think I just try to justify spending the money and all this effort. Even if I had to spend $17,000 to motivate me, that it did. I am pleased with my results.
  9. marni

    November Bandsters!

    So I finally got my fill. All of a sudden I was hungry. I mean stomach growling hungry. So he filled me. I still lost 3 lbs from the 2 weeks before. I thought I would feel really restricted but Im not sure if I notice much differenc. Maybe a little. I go back in 2 weeks for my 3 month follow up. So, Im down like 25 lbs and was banded on 11/29. I try to convince myself that this is good. However, my friend had no surgery and she's lost about 20 lbs doing what I do....She definitely eats a bit more but it seems to be working.
  10. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I started excercising! I can't believe it. AND I actually love it. I could just walk and walk and walk..... I also bought a ball thing to try out. I wonder if there is a weight limit for those things. In any case, perhaps it just took starting to get those excercise juices flowing!
  11. marni

    November Bandsters!

    My doc doesn't want me counting calories or following really any diet beyond eating mainly proteins.... I am supposed to eat no more than 1 -1.5 cups of food per meal with small snacks if necessary. That's it.
  12. marni

    How Does The Band Feel?

    I have to agree totally. When the doctor asked me how many times a day I eat and what I was actually shocked. I can HONESTLY say I eat 3 times a day with sometimes a snack of a heaping teaspoon of Peanut Butter at nite. I couldn't believe it when I said it. Now, I was a bakery junky. I could just about eat and like any cake or cookie made! Hardly eat any and if I do I have one and that's enough. As far a feeling the band. I don't feel the band but I can feel the port. The nurse didn't believe me and had to feel for herself. It is much higher then my scar and very close to the surface. She said most can't feel it.... I can and boy when I eat too much I feel it like a rock!
  13. marni

    November Bandsters!

    My doc says that the band ISN"T supposed to make you stop eating that you need to do that yourself. The band is only there as a tool to help you feel "satisfied" not full after a small amount of food. I asked, because he didn't want to fill me, about the trials a lot of you are suffering and he said that is becuase they are over filled. I do see his logic. It should be comfortable. Not painfull and you should be able to eat a cup of food at a time. I can't believe that I measure our a cup and it actually is begining to look "normal".
  14. marni

    How Does The Band Feel?

    All I can say is that it all works out. I had the same fears as you. However I had to actually push myself to drink those ounces of liquid after surgery. You really arent hungry at all. We all wish that phenomenon remained! I moved into regular foods in 2 weeks time and I have been fine. I have had no complications, no throwing up, no restrictions at all. I do eat a lot less and am full on it. It is weird, I just don't crave the food and if I want a cookie, I have ONE. No big deal. After going through all this work and surgery I am not going to blow it! I haven't had a fill yet and my doc delayed it becuase I am still doing fine without it. Everyone is differnt. But feel confident that it all works out fine.
  15. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I didn't get to finish my original post...so here I am... Well, so I didn't get a fill. I explained to the dr. That I was scared becuase I am the one stopping myself from eating, not the band. That I could eat more.... He said, that's a good thing. The band won't stop you, you will just get sick. So, after numerous times of getting sick you yourself will stop yourself on your own. SO if you can stop on your own without that then you are ahead of the game! I lost 6lbs over the holidays in 4 weeks so I am doing what I should be doing. So if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I am still really scared. I don't want any of this to be in my control! I can't be trusted! Here I am talking to two ultra skinny people (doc & his assistant) about my fears as a fatty! Ya think they could understand? Well I have another appt in 4 weeks. They said they can fill me then or BEFORE if I start feeling hungry.... Well enough said. I am so glad this is working for me and I am even gladder I am not having any of the horrible complications and side affects many of you are speaking about. I guess 20 lbs in 6 weeks is quite a feat!
  16. marni

    Lean Cuisines?

    I love them for lunch! I buy the Smart One & the Lean Cuisine. The LC has a great SPA line as well. Lighter in fat etc.... I hate when I am at work and I have to try and figure out what the heck to eat. I have to order a whole (HUGE) sandwich to eat only perhaps 1/2! The frozen meals give me the right portions and great variety.
  17. marni

    November Bandsters!

    well I had my fill appointment yesterday. No fill for me. Based on my weightloss, 20 lbs since banding 11/29 & 6 lbs withing the past 4 weeks through the holidays they said my results were great. Why change anything this second. I was a little dissapointed and at the same time I felt great...... OOPPS, it's late, gotta go. I'll tell more of the story later on.
  18. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I think you meant to say HIGH in calories. Figure a shake has about 200 calories. I wouldn't want to drink that and then eat for sure!
  19. marni

    November Bandsters!

    so I was supposed to have my first fill today. I was really looking forward to it and the doctor has the flu & cancelled. I have a new appointment for Monday. Boy, it seems from reading all your posts that there is a big difference after the fill. I can eat just about anything tho I do get full faster. However, stopping when full is a matter of pure will power. I was worried because I expected more restricition. It sounds like I will get that with the fill. Hey does anyone notice this....when I over eat my stomach gets really hard and it seems to take a long time to digest. I feel really full for hours & hours!
  20. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I keep losing and gaining the same damn 3-5 lbs. I just don't get it. I get down to 237 and the next day I can bounce back to 241! Then it will come off and then back again. I get the salt thing and have stayed away from it. I assume it is not actual weight gain because I could not have possibly eaten enough to warrant that much of a gain. The holidays were hard and yes, I ate more than I should have but not that much. I haven't had a fill yet and hopefully that will make the difference. Will the doctor be disappointed that I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks? banded 11/29
  21. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Im sure people need time to find the new thread, No?
  22. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Idrink them. They are good. I just bought a new drink at Sams. Slim-lite. It actually has no calories and Citromax. An appetitie suppressant.
  23. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Well I think it took almost 4 days for the salt in the soy sauce to run it's way out of my system. I literally gained 4 lbs from it! So, I guess Im back on track. Can't wait for my fill! banded 11/29/06 first fill 1/11/07
  24. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Wow that is great! I can't wait to be able to walk into any store and just pick something off the rack! What great reults you are having too. Already lost 50 lbs! Wow. keep up the good work!
  25. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Why do you think you are going to fail? You have already lost 20 lbs so thus already a success! Did you have to pay out of pocket for this or did insurance cover it? I had to pay out of pocket so I am damn well gonna get my $17,000 worth! I can not afford to fail!

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