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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marni

  1. marni

    November Bandsters!

    What Pics? Who met at Disney?
  2. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Okay, so I had some time to think about this and make some sense out of it. So, I was 231 on 12/27 apparently. (I hd surgery on 11/29 @255) So I lost a lot of weght fast. Then I know I was 224 3/25 So for January, February & March I lost onlty 7 lbs......For April I lost 6. SO is it safe to say that I didn't lose as much during those months becuase my adjustments weren't right? I hope I am on a faster track now. Wow, Im glad I didn't realize I only lost 7 lbs in 3 months. I guess it is better then gaining tho!
  3. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Now that I look at it. Im not that happy with my results. That is only 13 lbs and thus 3.25 per month.....That is less then a lb a week. Hmmm, I think I need to step this up a bit! I am not happy!
  4. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Surprise! I went back on FitDay to put in my food etc...Just want some more contol, anyway, the last time I was there was 12/27 and I was at 231...now 218, I was a bit surprised. I thought I was hardly going anywhere but that good, no?
  5. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Well, I do hit plataus and don't often think I am loosing what I should. BUT, I was told that if I am hungy or food seeking I very well could need a fill. So, I wouldn't rule it out as an option. From what I see, when I am filled properly, this is not difficult. It becomes challenging when I need an adjustment. Good Luck.
  6. Strangers won't notice but those who knew you before will notice a difference in your eating habits. So, the way I see it is, you either have to fess up to being on a diet. They will roll their eyes and wish you luck as usual. OR you can tell them that you are taking control of your weight and your life and have had the lap band surgery. They always ask about it and what it is and how it is working. So, either way, I figure you have to say something. Also, I don't want to outright lie. AND, to me keeping that truth and giving other answers is lying. When they find out they will be hurt so I just tell them. It's not like I wear a billboard, but if asked, I tell.
  7. marni

    Loose Skin?

    Well, I have only lost 40lbs and am far from my goal weight BUT I am VERY unhappy with my saggy skin situation. Before I was FAT and my limbs and such were FAT. Now I am thinner and the skin just hangs everywhere. I won't wear shorts or tanks because I think it looks just lets say disgusting. I am very unhappy with this and will eventually get it all taken care of. Congrats to any of you who don't have this problem. MY doc said that once it is sagging it will sag. I've been Fat too long. I am actually about 80lbs down from my heaviest so this is where I am.
  8. marni

    Port feeling

    I can feel mine on the outside. It kinda protrudes a little. I can definitely feel it if I press down and can not rest anything on the site. marni Banded 11/29/06
  9. I kept it a secret at first then had to tell more family members. Before I had the surgery only my sister, mother, husband and bff knew. It became harder to interact on an eating level with people, i.e. parties, going out to dinner etc.....without them knowing. Everyone kept asking if I was feeling okay becuase I was eating so little. So, I tell. What could they possibly condem me on and who cares! So, I tell when asked!
  10. marni

    Someone Help!!!!!

    I was told that I should eat 1 -1 1/2 cups of food at a meal. Now, breakfast is just a snack size protein bar with some Peanute butter or 1/2 a shake...Lunch I can do like a slice of pizza, a lean cusines, soup...Dinner, now I eat about 1.5 cups Id say. However, I was instructed to do protein first THEN carbs. So, tho I do it, I rarely eat 1 cups of pasta. You should eat more of the protein, less of the pasta. You will also begin to find that certain food just don't work any more. ALSO, I notice from your post that you said drinking was difficult. That should not be. Your band may be a little too tight.
  11. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Well hello everyone. I can't believe I haven't checked in in so long and there were hardly any posts! Where is everyone? Well I made it down to 218...Next stop, 200's then ONEDERLAND! Chugging along. I have been doing well since my last fill. I have had 3. I think Im at 6-7. If I eat fast or certain food I throw up and I get full easily SOOOO, I guess Im where I should be. It still amazes me tho that I can still fit alot of food in there if I eat slowly....My whole outlook on food has changed. Trust me I still love it! But, it isn't the center of my entertainment and joy. I usually don't care what or where we eat where before it was like an obsession. I just can't wait to be thin dang it! Hope all is well with everyone. Im so jealous you will all be meeting but I am totally on the other coast in FLORIDA.
  12. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Wow, now you never would guess that the two of you met because you were FAT! You guys look great! Marni banded 11/29/06
  13. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I think I will go find some pics and figurre out how to post them. That is a great idea. Thanks for sharing. So, I definitely don't feel I need a fill. I do throw up often enough and have difficulty eating quite often. However, when I do eat, I CAN EAT!. I don't know where the food possibly goes. Is this possible?
  14. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Been there done that!
  15. marni

    November Bandsters!

    My doctor says yes to this. He feels if you are starting to graze for food, are hungry more often and eating larger portions, you need an adjustment. Now that I am adjusted fine I am not hungry, don't graze and can usually eat a correct portion of food. I think when it is right, you feel right.
  16. marni

    November Bandsters!

    What does your doctor say about this?
  17. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I don't think that people who look at porn are deviated as well. I do however think that we shouldn't condone our teenagers taking part in such activities.
  18. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Okay, here is my 2 cents and I have had the befit of reading others perspectives.... First I really think that you need to take control NOW. As you are doing. I always am amazed when watching Oprah or something and it shows these kids, prostituting, running away, beating up there parents, doing drugs etc.... These kids did not wake up one day like this. They progressed to this point. It is very hard for us as parents to "hurt" our children even though we are doing it for thier own good. I made my 10 year old miss the Valentines day dance at her school for lying. I would say to permit him to go to his Senior Prom but it's only the Jr. and you said he's not the prom type anyway..... Now also keep in mind what goes on at Proms,,,,, late nights, no parents, drinking, sex.... all that good stuff. Maybe it's not the best environment right now. Now, on this issues. I agree with Tom that boys will be boys BUT it is still your job as a parent to teach appropriate behavior. Searching the internet for porn IS NOT appropriate behavior. He could do it the old fashioned way by sneaking and buying a magazine. There are many dangerous things that happen on these sites and just because boys with hormones like to look at porn does not make it that a parent should say, oh, okay, fine. Likewise, you wouldn't get mad if you found him taking care of business by himself...that's normal. I would put a parent control on ALL computers in the house. My computer has a password and my internet connection requires another. My kids can only use their computers! So, fix that problem. Trust is a biggie and I always tell my daughters that they need to earn back their trust and priveledges. Lying is unacceptable. And he lied about breaking the rules to begin with! It is unacceptable to sneak out of the house at night and egg cars! Friends.....It's really hard to tell your child you don't like their friends or they can't be friends with someone anymore. BUT, from what I am seeing is that this is an important issue in todays society with peer pressure. If you don't like who he is hanging with and what he is doing while he is hanging then dissallow unsupervised visits. First try limiting his hanging to your house or the friends, if parents are present. I'd tell the friends parents how you feel and what you are doing and no doubt they will agree to the terms you are setting forth in the friendship. IF not, then you know where the root of this problem lies and I wouldn't let him hang there or with the friend unsupervised at all. So, now that Ive taken this from 2 cents to $2....Ill end by saying that as parents we are responsible for creating healthy environments and well rounded kids... This is so hard sometimes.
  19. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Okay, here is my 2 cents. OF course, I think you will get many opinions on this because it is afterall a personal preference. I LIKE food and LIKE to eat. I would feel very deprived on a liquid or a too restricted diet. I am greatful that I can eat and in that manner, over eat at times. I don't think you should be restricted to liquids and that is not the purpose of the band. Take a little bit out and see how it goes. Just a little will give you a little more comfort and freedom. AFTERALL this is a life change and who wants to live their life uncomfortable and only drinking liquids? And, before we go there, I am aware that if I were more restricted I would lose weight faster. It is a personal choice we all must make. HELP, I lost my link for the tickers!
  20. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks Brooksie. You always have such interesting sites you find! Thanks for sharing.
  21. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I am sooo sorry. Perhaps she is just used to seeing her mom the other way? Im with you on the hair loss thing. Hey, how the heck did you lose sooo much weight. You go girl. Also, I have to say that I think my sagging arms and legs look worse now then before. Just gross. But, Ill take care of that later.... Hang in there! She's a kid, what does she know?
  22. marni

    November Bandsters!

    I just got back from Reno and Im lucky that I came home with shoes! Good luck to you! Also, did the Napa thing and let me tell you it won't take you 7 drinks to get to where you want to go. Sharing a glass of wine got me going! It doesn't take much to get drunk!
  23. marni

    November Bandsters!

    That sounds horrible. It sounds worse then a flu. Could it have been food poisoning? I am glad you are doing better. It is a shame that when we are in the most need, we can not access the computer and get the support, encouragement and love we need.
  24. marni

    November Bandsters!

    Oh my god, and can you believe that tonight he wasn't even in the bottom 3? He doesn't even sing anymore!
  25. marni

    November Bandsters!

    SO I am back from vacation. I hopped on the scale and Im up 4 lbs! I am hoping that most of it is water retention. I took my diaretic today so we'll see what happens. I didn't gorge by any means but I did eat in fine resturaunts for a week and did eat more then I should. All I kept thinking about was that I was going to stretch my pouch! The other nite after dinner I ate a rather large meal and I was like, where did all that food go? I couldn't believe it fit in. Ill keep you updated but Im hoping and confident that a lot of the weight is water. I did drink A LOT of wine! How did you do on vacation Angela?

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