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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JanB23

  1. JanB23

    Drinking & Meals

    I was always able to drink when i ate until my last fill. Now if i even take a sip after eating it makes me throw up. I don't miss it any more because drinking with my meal is now an unpleasant experience.
  2. JanB23

    Are Skinny People Treated Better?

    What i found was people always felt the need to tell me how fat i was - "My, your a big one"," Your a fat one aren't you?" , "Your too fat to do that"."Why are you huffing and puffing?". When i was pregnant one girl asked if i could feel the baby kick through all the fat. And worst of all my mother used to say - "no point in going for that job, you need to be pretty and skinny to get those jobs". And when dating i was told to take what ever i could get cause fat girls only got the boys nobody else wants. Oh, and when you get too fat you get fat on your brain and become less intelligent....., i could go on and on, rude people have made my life a misery - but no more. Maybe it is because i feel more confident now but i feel people treat me with more respect and i get positively acknowledged a lot more than i used to.
  3. I have had my band for 2 years and can not eat scrambled eggs, they will not stay down. I can eat fried and poached carefully and have no trouble with hard boiled. One of my favourite things is hard boiled eggs smooshed (is that a word?) up with cottage cheese and finely diced spring onions. For you -without the onions at this stage i would think. Good luck and enjoy the results of not being able to eat those last few mouthfuls.
  4. JanB23

    Does Anyone Else Feel This Way??

    Pre band i would eat what ever i wanted whenever i wanted to the point that i had no special foods that excited me. I had funny little habits, like i had to put two marshmallows in my mouth at once or i wasn't happy, i had to have equal amounts of food in each side of my mouth. Bizarre! I went with the band because i could have it removed if i missed eating too much. At times i do miss it but mostly i dont. I am lucky i can eat most things, i just cant eat a lot. I now have special occasion foods again that excite me, i get really hungry (this is hard to explain because i don't actually feel hungry) before i eat and i really enjoy what i do eat. I love my band and wouldn't have it removed for anything....
  5. JanB23

    My Fitness Pal

    I use Myfitnespal. Where is the scan thingy?
  6. JanB23

    Weight Gain

    THis happens to me all the time, just keep plodding along and up your exercise. Usually a kilo in a day would be fluid. Apparently carbs make your body hang onto fluid. If i eat a salty meal same thing happens. I have lost and gained the same two kilo many times over the past 3-4 months. I have lost in total 35 kilo over 12months, but none in the last 3 months. I am now trying to track my intake again and up the exercise. The scales were kind this morning. Good luck.
  7. JanB23

    Tipped Port!

    My port has always been on a bit of an angle and moves when the needle hits it but it has not flipped. I have had all my fills under fluro until 4 weeks ago ( I am nearly 2 years post op and have 9.5mls in my10ml band) when finally the surgeon was able to access my port by holding it in place,using a longer needle and going in on a different angle. Wait and see what happens, it maybe that the surgeon will be able to access your port if it hasn't actually flipped. This happened to my friend as well, the nurse couldn't access her port but the surgeon got it straight in. So good luck and i will keep my fingers crossed for you.
  8. JanB23

    In A Slump

    If you find your drive can you send mine home while you are there, i think they must be hanging out together. Mines been missing for a few months now. I am not giving up hope because it usually returns eventually. As long as i can maintain my weight while waiting i am happy. Having said that, i have put on a little bit over Easter. We will achieve our goals.
  9. Judych - funny, i am an Aussie as well and was thinking the exact same thing. I wear 18's here but have size 14 Levi's & other 16's i bought in Hawaii. Jenn - well done. I just had a NSV as well - i rode a bike for the first time in about 30 years. I am very excited because that was one of my major goals - to get back on a push bike.
  10. Hi guys. It has been a while since i have checked in. My weight loss has been very slow. I tend to loose 3 kilo then put 2 back on then stay steady for a while. I have 9.5 mls in my band now and for the first time was able to have my fill done in the doctors rooms instead of in the Xray department so that should be easier from now on. My band is tight in the morning but fine by lunch time. I have to drink slower than i was and i definitely cant drink with my meals anymore. I am hoping my weight will start to drop a bit quicker again now. Doctor wants me to loose 20 more kilo but is happy for it to take another 18months or so. It would be nice to loose more weight but if i don't i am still happy because i feel as if i have my life back. I no longer get back pain, i can choose what clothes to buy instead of what will fit, people don't stare at me with disgust any more, i don't worry if i am going to fit when i go to the theatre or catch a plane and so much more. I love my band and i owe my life to it.
  11. JanB23

    What Do They Have Us Do

    Even at 2 years post op i will occasionally get distracted, be in hurry or whatever, and without thinking i will gulp my food without chewing properly and for me this results in the food coming straight back up. When you are in the early days of healing from your surgery this is not a good thing so to reduce the risk of vomiting or having a stuck episode doctors have a regime for you to follow to help you adjust to new eating habits/styles/foods and to assist the healing process.
  12. JanB23

    Cc's In Your Band?

    I have 9.5cc in my 10ml band. I struggle a little with fluids but food is fine as long as i take it slow and steady. I have a friend who got to goal weight in 12 months with no liquid in her band .She lost 40 kilo then had a major tummy tuck and boob job - then needed her first fill. We are all so different.
  13. Hi, i havent been here for a while. Its nice to get back and see what people are giving hints about. I am nearly 2 years post op. Broccoli and pineapple are two of the not recommended foods for me, but sound good. I could not cope without baked beans -( couldn't find these on a recent trip to Hawaii) and i love hard boiled eggs mashed up with cottage cheese and spring onions on thin brown rice crackers.
  14. Lately i have been feeling quite strange. It hasn't been bad enough to go to the doctor but it has now been going on for about a week and i am a little frightened. I have been getting a strange feeling in my chest, almost like my heart is missing a beat and a few aches and pains and the need to cough. It only last a little while and is most noticeable straight after eating or drinking. I am noticing some slight stomach pain. It feels better if i am standing or walking and burping seems to help. I was worried it was my heart but i feel best when i am moving and had no problems when at the gym. Could this be a slipped band, reflux or something else? I will try an appointment with my GP but he isn't there today. I also wonder if it could be menopause as i have been experiencing some symptoms for a while and haven't had a period for 2 months. I have had my band for 15 months. I have done 2 days of mainly liquids with slight improvement. So any ideas? Has anyone else had strange symptoms?
  15. JanB23

    Any Ideas?

    Looks like my band is in the clear. Went to the doctor and i am having ectopic heart beats, possibly due to menopause or could even be stress related. Waiting on test results. Thanks or your concern. I am so glad it is not my band. Hoping it will be an easy fix and not something more worrying.
  16. JanB23

    5 day pouch test

    Today i am hungry. I think i am feeling fuller sooner but i am craving carbs today. It is the week end so hopefully i will be OK when i am back at work tomorrow. I think my worst habit is drinking straight after i eat but i cant seem to help it, but i have noticed i need to sip very slowly now. When i stay away from carbs i feel so much better and my weight drops but some days the cravings are so bad. I have to just be as strong as i can be. I really think the pouch test is worth doing though. I think i might need a slight fill but i am going to Hawaii on holiday in about 9 weeks and i dont want to get a fill until after i get back. I also want to loose another 2.5 kilo before we go so i have to stay on track with my eating. Need to find something to keep my mind and body away from food at night. It really is head hunger though, because when was doing the pouch test i was fine and didnt snack. Good luck, day 2 is the toughest, breakfast on day 3 is like heaven after 2 days of liquids.
  17. JanB23

    5 day pouch test

    Good luck. I stuck out the entire 5 days of the test and it was worth it. I feel as though i am getting full quicker and am not hungry in between. The bonus was i lost about 3 kilo in that 5 days - although 1 of that has gone back on overnight so i assume that was fluid. I am so hoping doing this has helped. I am good during the day but at night i eat too much and then graze all evening which is bad, bad, bad. So fingers crossed this test has me back on track.
  18. JanB23

    OT- Are your children obese?

    2 of my 3 children are prone to putting on weight but seem to maintain most of the time. They are now 20 and 18. My 15 year old is a skinny thing. Any way every so often one of them will complain about weight gain and talk about dieting - my reply is always - no diets , just cut out some of the junk and get out and exercise. I think this has worked quite well. I believe my weight gain got out of control from my mother putting me on every fad diet that came along and restricting all my food intake - this led to sneaking food and as i got older, instead of that one piece of cake with everyone else i would sneak off and buy a whole cake and then have to eat it all so i wouldn't be found out. With 2 kids prone to weight gain and one who is skinny i really believe genetics play a big role, cause i don't feed them any differently.
  19. JanB23

    Slipped band, surgery Friday

    You have to believe you can do it on your own! Good luck to you.
  20. JanB23

    If you have never had a fill

    One of the girls i go to fitness classes with lost over 40kg (85lb?) without ever having any liquid in her band. She said her appetite was reduced but a lot of it for her was phycological. She has now had her tummy and boobs done(12 months post op) and looks great, last time i saw her she was thinking about getting her first fill. Me, i have 9ml in my band and still struggle not to eat too much. Everyones journey is different.
  21. JanB23

    5 day pouch test

    Day 4 on the pouch test and feel like sh#t today. Have woken up with a terrible stomach ache and now have a headache. Having a warm drink and taking it slowly.Got full quite quickly on my soft proteins yesturday which is good and i have dropped 2 kilos in 4 days.
  22. JanB23

    I need help

    Why is life so unfair, why is everything so hard and why do people keep telling me "suck it up and deal with it" and" you have to put the work in to get results", when clearly a lot of people don't have to....... Again, why me, why us? But we can do it, hang in there. Good luck with everything.
  23. JanB23

    *UPDATE* weird fill appt

    If he just missed the port fluid should not come out but it should still go in, it will just absorb into the surrounding tissue - this has happened to me. That is weird. I would have thought the next step would be a fluoroscopy to check the port. Good luck, hope everything works out well.
  24. JanB23

    why are people SO Mean!

    In addition to above: Oh, and my snide remarks are usually something like "as long as you don't put the weight back on" when she is bragging about loosing weight "on my own" and she is saying" I don't believe in diets, i just eat well and exercise". Or i might say "not all people gain weight from eating too much, some people have medical problems and genetics against them" or i will say "that was us 12 months ago". I don't say anything nasty.
  25. JanB23

    why are people SO Mean!

    I have a co worker who has lost a lot of weight - on her own - as she keeps telling me and everyone who will listen. I am please for her but when i am having a bad day i want to smack her one and i probably make a snide remark or two. Bubblegirl, maybe this girl is having her own issues and and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The girl i work with has lost 40 kilo but now talks about how fat other people are and how disgusting they are. One day she was talking about her daughters friend saying her parents should be had up for child abuse for letting her get so fat. She then described how disgustingly fat / morbidly obese, with rolls of back etc, etc, this 16 year old girl was, then looked at me and said "she is probably even a bit bigger than you". I was speechless. I have lost over 30 kilos, about 65lbs, but still have a way to go. She has lost 40 and is about 2 kilo off her goal. She is 10 years younger than me. I dont know if she is just out right mean or insensitive or both. But i have seen her mean side so i am leaning towards that even though we are friends(at work only).

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