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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Linnielady

  1. Find myself having lots of pain in the breast bone. Am I drinking to fast. Have had 2 quit major coughing spells. Could I have slipped my band with the coughing. I tried so hard to control it. Any suggestions. I'm trying to drink exactly like my doctor has instructed. I feel like something is stuck. I took my 1st Cymbalta today post surgery. I took half the capsule off the top so there wasn't much of the outer capsule left. Drank it with warm soy milk so it would dissolve fast. Anyone out there have any clues to this stuck feeling I'm having? Thanks for you help.
  2. Tell the truth, its always the best answer. You need to be healthy after surgery.
  3. Linnielady

    Surgery on December 23rd

    Things are going good. Read my reply to "Want 2 lose big". Other than that episode I've been doing fine. I think I just got a little cocky but I also took a pill for the first time too this morning which my have messed me up a bit too. I sure hope that doesn't happen ever again. Thanks for asking.
  4. Well I finally will be banded this Thursday. Excited and a bit nervous. would love to get together with others on that same day. Hope I'm not the only one getting banded the day before Christmas Eve. I will be so glad to get on with the best part of my life. Hope to hear from others. Talk to you then. From Sunny Florida
  5. Linnielady

    Surgery on December 23rd

    How did your surgery go? I'm doing real good. Had a little set back today though. I'm pretty sure that I took in to much Fluid this morning at one time. Had a real bad belly ache and lots of gas all of a sudden. Took a gasx and went to sleep for a couple of hours. Feeling much better now and will be more careful with my liquid intake and the clock. Besides that I've been doing really well. Let me know how things are going for you.
  6. I am starting my 3rd day post op. I don't want to get bound up. Is it safe to take a colace pill. It's in a gel cap and I'm afraid of getting it stuck. Any ideas about this subject would be appreciated.
  7. Linnielady

    Just me over the years...

    Good for you. You look wonderful!!!
  8. Linnielady

    Weight loss can be embarassing

    I was just banded on the 23rd of December. I laughed so loud that my husband asked me what was so funny. I can't wait for my pants to fall down now. Thanks for a great laugh, but I think you need to either wear a belt or go shopping. I vote for shopping, you'ver earned it my dear.
  9. I've been on my preop diet since last Thursday. Was cooking dinner for my husband tonight which happened to be tacos. It was very hard to handle this. I told him he might have to go back cooking for himself again. But anyways, my question is can you eat a taco shell after surgery? Sure hope so since its hard. Hope this isn't a stupid question since I'm preop. Thank you for your responses.
  10. Linnielady

    Banded on the 23rd

    I was banded on the 23rd too. Same conditions going on here. Gas pains in the left shoulder, but not so much today. Soreness in the tummy. but again better than yesterday. Trying to drink lots of water and protein. So happy that the surgery is over and the new me is going to start in the new year. Yay for all of us out there. Keep me posted on your progress. Good luck and happy losing. From Sunny Florida
  11. By this time tomorrow I will be on the other side of banding. OM GOSH!!! Its finally here. I'm not filled with anxiety as I thought I would be. I figure that as soon as I wake up I'll be past the hardest part anyways. Just taking this step was the big job. I'm sure many of you would agree. The pain will go away and the benefits will only get better. God has been with me on every step of this journey. He has been there for all the ups and downs of my life time. He will protect me all the way. I am so grateful and thankful to have him. I am so grateful for the many friends that I have, and the new ones I have made while on this amazing journey. This almost feels like a rebirth. I can't wait!!! Thank you everyone who has helped me along the way. I'll be talking to you soon. Linnie From Sunny Florida
  12. Linnielady

    Taco Shells

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm having surgery tomorrow December 23rd. Have to be there at 5:30AM. Thank you for thinking of me and wishing me luck.
  13. Good luck to everyone. I will let you know how everything goes. Linnie from Florida
  14. My check in time is the same. UGH. I will be thinking of you. Good Luck and let me know how things went.
  15. Linnielady

    Showtime next week!

    I feel more than ready. I'm actually more excited than nervous right now anyways. LOL I have done lots of research before making this life changing decision. I know there will be some bumps in the road but as one of my friends here on LBT has advise me, " Keep your eye on the prize"... That's what I plan on doing. I appreciate your well wishes. Its such a help to know that people do care about you. Have a wonderful Christmas. Warm Holiday Wishes From Florida
  16. Linnielady

    Taco Shells

    Hi Second Hand, actually my surgery will be tomorrow. There was another person waiting for approval that got it on Monday which was alright because I was just going to be their place instead if they didn't get it. So my original date was the 23rd so tomorrow is the big day. Thank you for the encouraging words. I never will go back to where I was but its still nice to know that you can get a taste of your past once in awhile. I will keep posting about my progress for sure. LBT is like a part of my life and has given me so much to look forward to. Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
  17. Linnielady

    Showtime next week!

    Congratulations!!! I'm going in this Thursday. Wishing you the best of luck next Tuesday. We're gonna be so fit next Christmas. Yahoo!!!!
  18. Linnielady

    Bored with Food!!

    I looked at your blog violinist and can't wait to try the burgers and lasagna recipes. Are there others I can find that you have made and shared? I too have been a really good cook for years and would still like to cook but much healthier now. Thank you.
  19. Linnielady

    Bored with Food!!

    I will be having my surgery on December 23rd. I have been on Optifast for the last 13 days so I can relate to your wanting something else. I just ordered from Barnes and Noble these two books: Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery and Recipes for Life After Weight Loss Surgery. I have not received them yet but if you go onto their website you can read a portion of the books. They both looked very interesting to me so I ordered them actually used to save some money. I too live in Florida. My son lives in Ft Lauderdale. I'm in St Pete. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. I;m very excited to get on with my journey. A bit nervous too, I hope this helps you in your Quest.
  20. I'm going to have my surgery this week and am wondering what type of pain meds are typically prescribed? Some pain meds have made me sick in the past. I can tolerate Tylenol 3, so is that something that would help enough with the pain? Thanks for any help you may have.
  21. I have a question about pain meds. My questions is what is a typical prescription that is giving for pain? I am very sensitive with pain meds. I can tolerate Tylenol 3. Is that something that would help with the pain that is experienced with lap-band surgery?
  22. Thank you for your replies. I called my local drugstore after reading your replies and found out that Tylenol 3 comes in a liquid form and they have it on hand so thats what I'm gonna have the doctor give me.
  23. Thank You imagine and best wishes to you on you journey. Praying that your surgery goes as smooth as possible along with your recovery.
  24. I'm on day 11th day of a 2 week fast. It hasn't been easy at times but I have not cheated once and feel darn proud of it. I can hold my head up high and tell not only myself I didn't cheat but my doctor when he will ask me the day of surgery how have you done on the pre op diet. Just think how that will feel. And better than that just think how much easity the doctor will have during surgery. I want nothing but the best for myself and that's what I stay focused on. Last week at work there were luncheons that I didn't attend, breakfasts I didn't attend., Cookies and chocolate I didn't eat and believe me it was not easy. But that has all passed as this holiday will and we will all be better because we believed in ourselves and our journey to a better life. Hang in there and remember this too shall pass and the other side is well worth the effort. Merry Christmas to everyone and much success in 2011. My surgery is this Tuesday or Thursday and I'm nervous but excited for a newer, healthier, and certainly more sexier lady to come. From Florida With Love!!!

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