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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lynchmob

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/21/1961
  1. Happy 52nd Birthday lynchmob!

  2. Happy 51st Birthday lynchmob!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary lynchmob!

  4. I was banded on July 21st, and was fine in the beginning. Since Sept., I am having tremendous difficulty. I am vomiting, have excessive phlem when eating, and continually burping to let air out of my stomach. I went to the dr. and he reduced my fill. He checked to see that the band had not slipped and now I no longer have any fill, but am still dealing with problem of eating. Anything remotely solid bothers me. I also have pain if I drink something cold first thing in the morning. Is this normal?? Am I not eating slowly enough? I feel that I do and my bites are very small. In addition, there are times when it is fine, and then not so at all. I can't seem to predict when it is going to bother me.
  5. I am in the same boat. I was banded in july, felt well, and then since Beginning of Sept. have been vomiting, feeling sick, afraid to eat - especially anything remotely solid, and very gassy. I went to the dr in September who removed fluid from the band. I felt slightly better, but still having difficulty. I am losing about 8 lbs a month, but am afraid of the continually need to either vomit or spit up phlem. Any ideas what I should do next? They did have me take a test, but said I was fine.

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