Okay - Here is what is in a couple different places in my paperwork.
In a section regarding continued diet 3+ months after surgery.
Continue same portion sizes (1/2 cup, 3 meals per day, Protein rich foods first and meal variety)
Eat slow
Chew 20-30 times for each bite of solid food
It goes on and on with the 'standard' bullet points following surgery.
Then in another section, he has a weekly sample menu. At the bottom it says:
*Maintain 1/2 cup total food volume per meal.
Leigha, you are right about on regarding my calorie intake. In fact about 4-6 weeks after surgery, I was feeling not quite right, after I figured it out, I was only consuming about 250 calories PER DAY TOTAL. I called my Dr and nutritionist, their goal they want their patients to be at is about 800 calories per day. So, I've been trying to get more healthy higher calorie foods and I haven't been so picky regarding calories. But I track, literally, anything that passes my lips, I have yet to hit 800 calories and I'm generally around 600. I, for one, cannot figure out how to get more calories out of 3 meals that are 1/2 cups. I asked my nutritionist and she said that as long as I feel good and I'm losing, not to worry about it. Which I do feel great, better than I have in a long time. I guess the other plus to it all, even if I could eat more, there's no way I could, I'm pretty full after those 1/2 cups, lol.