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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MissMe173

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  • Birthday 11/13/1990
So.... Im 19 and have had a huge struggle with my weight for the last few years. I have always been bigger than my friends simply because of the fact that i was taller than them and have always had a very big bust. Throughout my younger years my weight was bigger which my mum said was 'puppy fat' and would drop off as soon as i hit the secondary school.... she was right. I went down to a size 10 in clothes and was the healthiest weight i have ever been, although i always thought i was ten times fatter than i actualy was. I stayed at a size 10 for about 4 years when i noticed that i began puttin weight on rapidly throughout the summer holidays. I couldn't undertsand it as i was at my most active and was very into walking. Within the matter of 3 months i had gone from a size 12 to a size 20:( I didnt feel myself and knew that i hadn't been eating excessively and had been quite active and that the reason for my clothes not fitting me was definatly not anything to do with the tumble drier shrinking my clothes as i had originally thought. I decided to go to the doctors and practically forced them to take blood tests to find out what was wrong with me. The doctor refused saying that i was simply over eating until i insisted that if he did not take a blood sample then i would not leave the surgery. My blood results came back and i was right... something was definately wrong.... I had an underactive thyroid gland in which i was inches away from falling into a coma !!!! After getting treatment for my underactive thyroid i noticed that my weight had stayed the same and so i joined the gym knowing that my exercise would reduce my weight and that i had no other reasons why my weight might increase. After getting down 2 dress sizes to a size 16 from exercise and healthy eating i finally felt like i was getting somewhere with my weight :) But wait.... all happiness didnt last for long !!! I began putting the weight back on and having terrible stomach pains.... i went to the doctor and i was rushed into hospital for suspected apendicitis. Tests were carried out and after staying for a night i was discharged with an appointment for an ultrasound scan. After having the ultrasound the doctors noticed that i had dark spots on my ovaries and so after another blood test it was confirmed that i had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome! All of this by the age of 17 !!!Finally i decided to do something about my weight as i had gone back up to a size 20. I started back at the gym, swimming, slimming world and nothing was working. I was horrified that i was having to work as hard as somebody who had simply eaten too much an not excericised just because of medical conditions. This changed my whole life outlook on larger people. I stopped thinking of all fat people as Lazy! I tried illegal drugs and circuit training, reductil, xenecol, diet pills, low calory diets, beyonce cayenne pepper and maple syrup diet ... absolutely eveything! I have now gotten to the point where i will be going to univeristy next year and i want to be able to live my life again! I have missed out on so much fun over the last few years and people who used to talk to me will not be seen with me becasue they are shallow minded about fat people and others like to be around me especially if we are goin out because men seem to approach them more. Others simply say 'your not fat' but thats ridiculous.. i am clinically morbidly obese!!! Me and my mum have arranged for me to have my consultatiion with The Hospital Group on Friday and we are currently trying our hardest to find a loan or finance to get the gastric band fitted... I feel i am ready for my life back now.....

Age: 33
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Starting Weight: 254 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 254 lbs
Goal Weight: 126 lbs
Weight Lost:
BMI: 41
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/01/1970
Surgery Date:
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: Financed
Insurance Outcome: Yet to Apply

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