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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cherry03

  1. cherry03


    Pray and be patient. You had this surgery for change but you must do your part. I had the surgery Dec. 10, 2010. I am not per say hungry but I think the mind and stomach play against one another. When you feel hungry are you hungry or is your mind saying boy im hungry. I try and feel my time working or thinking about other things. I eat my share of sugar free fruit bars they really help. How much have you lost thus far. I weighed in yesterday and I have lost between 9-10lbs.... I'm excited and with results like this I care nothing about food or eating. I know the liquids get old but it's all worth it in the end.... Stay strong you can defeat this ugly monster named hungerB)
  2. Yes I have. I had it on the 10th and I've lost 9 lbs to date. Im not eating much of anything. I really don't have a real desire at this point. I'm excited because 9lbs does a lot for my wardrobe.

    How's things going for you?

  3. Hello fellow bandies, I was banded on Dec.10th as well. My experience has been a little different. I was nauseated like crazy after the surgery but it finally subsided. I came home Saturday morning not really hungry but sore and ready to get back to my normal self. I moved from the bed to the couch and around a little. I even walked the treadmill on a low setting for 5 to 10 min. I didn't make back to work until today becasue I just couldnt get my wind up I felt extremely worn out. The hunger thing is really in my head because my doctor has me a full liquids the first week but I can have puddings and creamy soups without the chunks so this has been workin well for me. I've consummed my share of Jello and popcicles there easy to eat if you ask me. I get so full so fast. If I continue on this path I will be skinny really soon. Eating without Dr. permission would scare the heck out of me so if I were you I would wait for his ok before I proceeded. I was explaining to my husband how all the different foods on television look so good becasue Im not allowed to eat them at this point but he simply said your brain has stopped functioning with your stomach and I need to give them time to communicate. Although I feel full the crave is still there. I guess what Im listening to is my stomach and I eat small very small portions. I made this move to see results and thats what I plan on getting. Please let me know how your feeling and your results and sucess
  4. I know you will find that one shake that works and when you do let me know.....
  5. Congrads to all December Banders..... Pat yourselves on the back for weathering the storm and the waiting process . I received the news this morning my day is December 10th. I'm excited and ready to get this process on the road.... I wish all of you the best. Can someone please tell me about the Protein Shakes? I will not have my Dietician class until Dec. 6th. What's the best brand and where are you purchasing from? Any helpful tips are welcomed.....:thumbup::thumbup:
  6. cherry03

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    Okay I revisted and you answered my questions. I'm glad evrything worked out positive for you. I'm excited about the band but it appears that many poeple are experiencing issues with the fill. I wonder if there is anything that can be done diffrently to prevent the feelings produced by the new fills?
  7. cherry03

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    The overfill thing sounds scary I suppose taking in a little at a time is best. Did they remove some of the fill or did it just get better on it's own?
  8. I'll be praying for you and your situation.
  9. cherry03

    Surgery tomorrow?!

    I don't have a clue but I'm excited for you and your surgery date. I'm patiently awaiting mine. Many Blessing
  10. Hi Danielle, This is all new for me. I attended the seminar on August 17, 2010 and my first group meeting was August 19, 2010. According to the surgeon the insurance coverage that I have doesn't require the 6 or 7 months of weigh in but I am required to attend at least two group meetings. I have been pondering over telling people and I have decided this decision is a personal choice. I will gladly add insight to someone who's considering the procedure but I'm a private person and I would like to keep this choice that way as well. My husband is aware of my decision and so is my mother. They are both very supportive. I'm just going to take each day slowly and wait for my next move. I wish you luck in your decision I’m just not up for all the negative talk and questions.
  11. Keeping you in my prayers. Maintain a positive attitude everything will work out for your good.... Cherry03
  12. Hello Cashmere,


    I'm so sorry for your pain but remember the saying "No pain No gain". Keep your head up.....

  13. cherry03

    Banded yesterday!

    Hey Joseph, How was it and how are you feeling now? I'm a newbie. I am awaiting my seminar on August 17th so I'm asking as many questions as I can... I wish you much success!!!
  14. cherry03


    Hello everyone I am new to this site but I have been reading and watching it for some time now. I am eager to step in and meet some individuals that are experiencing what I am experiencing. I want to share in your weight loss success just as I want you to share in mine .
  15. cherry03


    I know that weight loss is suppose to be for your health but everyone wants to look pretty but what is it worth when you feel ugly. Weight loss is about being healthy so if you’re concerned about excess flab why not start toning before the surgery. I know it's easier said than done but the smallest effort goes a long way. People are going to talk about you rather you FAT or SKINNY. The Lapband is a tool that offers you the opportunity to do something for yourself. Take advantage of it and turn all of those negatives into positives. I wish you luck!!!!
  16. Your process is moving rather quick. I wish it worked that way for me. I'm waiting for my seminar which has been pushed back to August 17, 2010 because they only offer 1 per month. I was also told that the process would take 3 months or so before the actual surgery is scheduled... What a wait!!!!! I am being patient because I know my day will come :scared2:. I wish you well on your journey and much success.... Cherry03
  17. cherry03

    Pre-op weigh in questions

    Hey Amber, I noticed you’re from Tuscaloosa. Are you using Dr. Bradley Bilton? Have you already attended the seminar? If so please elaborate on the experience and the educational knowledge gained. I am scheduled for the August 10th seminar that was changed today to August 17th. Any information you can provide would be great…… Thanks, Cherry03
  18. cherry03


    Hey Jodi2523, Congrads on your success with the band. 30 pounds in 2 months that's what I’m talking about. I am not banded (YET). I am just beginning the process. I'm actually attending the seminar on August 17, 2010 and I suppose shortly after that it will be determined the additional appointments required for me and then my approval. I'm lucky my insurance doesn't require the 7 months of weigh in’s like several others do. It appears I will still have a 3 or 4 month wait on any procedure happening for me. I'm looking at the big picture it will happen at some point but until then I will be reading and educating myself... Nice to meet you Jodi 2523
  19. cherry03

    "You weren't that big?!?!"

    I support you 100%. I am 5"6 and I weigh 230 and I've heard all of it myself... Losing the weight is a lot harder for me I mean I go to the gym and work out and I don't lose weight I just build muscle. I am larger than I look but I feel heavy because I am. Regardless of what people say make it happen for you. Congrats......
  20. cherry03

    Blowing it out of proportion?

    After reading everyone's post above I agree with them all to some extinct. My advice to you is to remember what you’re on this site for, it's important for you to interact with people who are experiencing some of the same things you are experiencing. If you’re soon to be husband can't relate talk to him about how you feel. Explain to him how the site is used as an educational tool and nothing else. I realize we as women feel like it's our job to maintain happiness in the home but when it's all said and done if your not happy than know one else will be. Be true to you this is a lifestyle change for you...... I hope he understands and supports your decision... Good Luck!!!!!
  21. cherry03

    Pre-op weigh in questions

    Yep I was also told 7 visits would have to be made. Lucky me after reviewing my insurance companies (double coverage) I will not have to any visits. I
  22. cherry03

    Pre-op weigh in questions

    I asked the surgeons office this same question and she informed me that it wasn’t expected for me to lose any weight the insurance company just request this information for documentation purposes. Remember the weighs in must be around the same date each month or you will have to start the process all over again.

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