I have been struggling with this myself. I have always felt that my fat was at once a shield from society's eye the objectifies a woman's body (fat has a desexing effect for those outside the BBW belief system), and also put above the superficial existence that a skinny person has, like, being excluded from the pairing up rituals, you get to see how men really act towards women is extremely f-ed up, and how you really don't want to participate in that.
I made a point never to diet, because dieting was denying my body's ability to put up that shield, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to diet would be to turn my back on what made me, me!
The reality of why I got the band is that my knees are giving away at age 24, and I have never had such a hard time just getting home. I don't want to ride a rollercoaster, at this point, I can't even comprehend the idea of a "size 12" - like, wtf is a size 12?!!?!!!? The last time I was under 200 was in middle school, and frankly, I don't understand what I would even do if the male gaze was directed at me with any type of desire (my history would show that it would not be a positive response, ending in awkwardness for everyone involved).
Sooo, now, here I am, being afraid to shed my shield, and clinging to the ideals that got me to be the strong-as-hell, intelligent, privilege-conscious woman of color that I am. While also trying to change my life to learn how to be a whole person, not just a person that exists in the mental realm because the physical realm is too painful to inhabit.
My ideals and my beliefs were shaped by my outside, at one point, but they are of sufficient mettle so that I don't have to be afraid that 100, 150, or 200 pounds will make them budge in the least.
It does feel like selling out, in terms of the body positivity community, but numbers don't lie, and the numbers I'm referring to now are blood pressure, sugar levels, resting heart rate, and all those other indicators that say your life needs to reform.
Except the Body Mass Index, cause I still think that's that bull spit.