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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jenontheband

  1. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Just checking in after some time and wanted to update any of you who were interested. I think it's been nice to have this thread to come back and compare to. Anyways, I am 39 down but have been stuck there for about a month. I have come to realize that I need another fill and I need to step up the exercising. I have not been consistent in that. I also notice that it is way to easy to snack on chips or add another glass of wine. Both of which sabotage my efforts. However, I am still ecstatic to have lost so much. A close girlfriend goes in for the same surgery in the a.m. I hope her the same success, or better, than I have had so far!
  2. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    I'm just checking in...I haven't been on for at least a month if not more. I keep up more on youtube as I try to do that weekly. Anyways, I wanted to see how all of you August Rush types were doing a few months out. It's really nice to see that this thread is still here and it's really nice to see how all of your weights are doing. I was worried that I was losing too slowly, but now I see that we are all right about the same and that's good to see. I wish all of you lots of luck and thanks for being there when I needed a little comfort in knowing that what I was doing was pretty much right on!
  3. jenontheband

    Did you tell anyone or ????

    My husband and children. My closest friend who is also getting the surgery. That's it.
  4. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hey there, I'm just jumping in to post...I realize I have really just been NOT HERE! I've been so busy starting school that I haven't had a chance to keep up....still losing about one to two pounds a week and happy not to have gained during one of the more stressful times (School starting:)). Exercise has really been working for me (now up to running 1.5 miles with a little walking thrown in before and after the run) and I'm eating PRETTY well (not perfect) but okay. I was wishing I would lose volumes of weight at first but now realize that is not the case. I LOVE that I weighed two pounds less this week! I feel like I ate so much but really it was just regular and never do I gain like I did. Feeling great and happy!
  5. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    So tonight I came home and ate chips and guac with my son. Nice. However, I think it was the salsa that killed me. I didn't even go over my calories but my stomach is just done with me right now! And yes, the gas thing is a definite addition to the whole new surgery thing. I can see that part of the process is finding out what you can eat and what you can't because you never want to feel this bad after you eat something wrong!!! Boy am I learning!
  6. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Okay doing much better since the fill. My stomach has settled down but there are funny things about this. One, yes it is nice to not feel hungry, BUT when I do get hungry it's almost like a hollow empty pain and I get gassy which is gross. Anyways, now it is hard to eat my allotment of calories. I can only eat a little and I never get hungry. It's very weird. I'm hoping for a better loss next week though. This past week I ate a lot of slider foods cause I couldn't get solids down and that kept me from doing my best. We'll see next week!
  7. jenontheband

    Feeling lousy!

    I had my first fill on Friday and had shakes that day. On Saturday, I had an extremely small meal and let me tell you....I am TIGHT. That night I felt like I was sleeping with a baseball in my chest. I had gas, diarrhea, etc up until yesterday night. I am hoping I am done with that. I've been back on mainly liquids since it freaked me out a bit. I am going to try a meal tomorrow at lunch to see how it goes but nothing today. If worse comes to worse, I'll go back and unfill a bit. I hope not but I can't have another weekend like this one!
  8. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    I haven't been on for a week or so. I'm trying to catch up. First, I'm jealous of all that weight loss out there. Yes, I'm down 20 pounds but some of you have an extra 10 on me and you got banded after me! Good for you! I had a fill on Friday. Let me tell you, it is something. The doc gave me 4.5 cc's in my band. It was TIGHT. Of course, I didn't know that till I went home. Only shakes for two days but of course being the rule breaker that I apparently am, I ate the next day. I could NOT sleep. I felt like I had a baseball in my chest all night. I had a ton of gas and diarrhea too. TMI I know. Anyways, things have settled down but I can see how you can lean to the liquids when you are tight because you don't want to go through that feeling. I will see how I am in a couple of days when I am eating more solids before I go for an unfill. I really don't want to do that if I don't have to but I won't go through another night like I had two nights ago!
  9. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Amber, I am so like you. Hungry and not wanting to gain...9/10 isn't forever and I think I'm actually a week after you! We'll get there...!
  10. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Beachbunny, So glad to read your post this morning. It's two weeks post op for me today and I am the same as I was last week; however, I started on mushies this last week and I think my body is acclimating. It's always disappointing to look at the scale and see nothing, but I figure I not only lost 17 pounds over the last three weeks, I also kept it to the same number for a week! That's a first. Usually when I am done with a diet I sabotage my efforts for a good week or two and put it all back on. So I'm looking for the NSVs this week and pretty happy about maintaining....besides, doesn't that mean next week should be pretty good weight loss!?
  11. I think sometimes too, it's like the old dieting we all used to do...yeah, okay it didn't work AGAIN and then you start beating yourself up about it. Lapband is different. You CAN do something...you sound much happier in your second post...go for it! Lucky to have a doc who cares enough to give them to you free too!
  12. jenontheband

    Hungry again

    My encouragement is to call you doc. He/She works for you and if the fill didn't work for you then give the doc a call. On the flip side, I think you are lucky to already have a fill! I was banded 8/11 and got REAL hungry around Day8/9. I gave up and started eating...yogurt and stuff first but then moved up to the big time. Nothing crazy or anything but believe me I understand the hunger. I'm a little more sensible about it now and I do see that I have four or five hours between meals with no hunger so I know everything's working, but I guess I'm just saying I'm jealous of you already starting your fills!
  13. jenontheband

    August 2010 anyone?

    mbwalker, I freaked out too. It's scary to have any procedure done...what will happen? Will something completely weird or out of the ordinary happen? However, as I read this thread I would continually see people go in for the surgery and come right back out...sometimes posting on the same day! I, too, have done the same...it has now almost been two weeks. My incisions are healing over nicely and I have no pain other than an occasional nudge from my portsite to remind me it's there. I'm even painting my bedroom (no small feat!). Try not to fester too much on the surgery part but on all the other great things...losing weight, feeling healthier, stabilizing your weight for the first time in your life. These are all great things and I am already experiencing them. Look at it as just a few more days and you, too, get to start this phase of your life!
  14. Hey, just wanted to stop by and say that I have a YouTube channel too so if you ever want to see what I REALLY look like :) well I'm there at jenontheband....just google and I'll come up. Hope all is well!

  15. jenontheband

    August rush 2010!!!

    Good luck to this week's banders! Wishing the best!!!
  16. I had huge shoulder pain too but not from hernia repair. It sucked and it lasted a good five days. Just walk a lot, as I'm sure you've heard. Sorry to hear you got sick!
  17. So those who have gone before us...here's the question...did you cheat when you got hungry? What did you do to muddle through? I am 10 days post op and I am cheating. It's the truth. The last couple days I went from full liquids to eating mushy things that I used to eat before but seriously I am sitting here eating chips and I KNOW that aint right. I'm hungry. This is why I got the band. It's not working for me right now. I need a fill or whatever it is to bridge over. What did you all do? Are there any tricks out there that I can implement to get me to that first fill?
  18. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    Thanks you two. I am in a better mindset today. I did have 1/2 a cup of stroganoff and LOVED It! However, back on shakes today. I think I will call the doc and just see. I mean it all went down fine and I'm still following the plan....just early:) Of course, I don't want to cause problems for the newly in place tool. I think in a few years the docs will have a more uniform way of dealing with this. Maybe that will make it easier....either way back to hunger and dealing with it best I can!
  19. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    I'm a little bummed today. The weight loss is slowing and I'm starting to feel hunger....like A LOT of hunger. I feel like I'm still dieting and that I don't have this tool. Last night was a friend's dinner party and I had chicken Tortilla Soup minus everything but the broth and a tiny bit of salad. My surgeon has me on 3 weeks of post op shakes. I am only one week out. I wanted to EAT! Had some wine with dinner too and didn't need those empty calories. I hear some of you eating anything you want, and some of you just having Clear liquids, some on mushies, it's like a crap shoot. Whatever your particular surgeon says is what you do. I want to eat cause some of you can eat and I'm getting hungry. I'm afraid to eat cause I'm one week out and told not to do anything but shakes. I think this is that Bandster Hell thing. I'm going a little crazy with it! Not happy
  20. jenontheband

    Im banded!!!! - August Rush 2010

    It's so interesting how the docs are. i was told three weeks only liquid protein shakes but had to go out to a birthday dinner so even though most of my dinner was chicken broth from chicken tortilla soup and from the wine I had at dinner, I still ate (pulverized?) some lettuce from the salad and vegetables from the soup. I was scared and absolutely didn't want a problem. My eating didn't go unnoticed and I was asked about why I was only eating proteins and vegies....however, I didn't have any lapband issues (hiccuping, pbing, etc) and I was just bound and determined to make it through this social event. I am still tired and worried about repercussions but am happy that i didn't eat or intake what Iwould have if I wasn't lap band. Am I alone in this?
  21. jenontheband

    August 2010 anyone?

    Congrats Tracy and Renee you will be so happy to do this! I know I am! Welcome!
  22. jenontheband

    August Rush in bandland!

    I love honesty and it's nice to get it here. I don't want to resume it either until its right. It's fun for both and I think my sig other gets that. So glad to be here!
  23. jenontheband

    August rush 2010!!!

    Congrats to everyone being banded. I would not trade this for the world! I feel stronger and more in control everyday!

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