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Loosing it for Life

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Loosing it for Life

  1. Loosing it for Life

    Christmas Challenge

    I'm so excited!!! This is my first challenge like alot of you... And I love the idea of working together as a group. This will be great... :smile2:
  2. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hi gals it's Kick Butt Time - Measure Measure Measure... Get out your measureing cups and spoons and measure. I'm about 2 1/2 weeks out and if I don't measure it, I will for surely overeat.My stomachs rumblin and I feel hungry, but I want to loose weight more than I want to eat - I'm sure you're like that too. I know it takes more time - but you want to succeed - take the time to plan, and measure your meals. Your body will get used to eating less, you just have to trust it, and take the time to make it work. Hope this helps...Leah
  3. Loosing it for Life

    Wee lonely soul

    Please come join us in Outrageous Octobers, we'd love to have your addition... No mroe lonleyness for you... Come join our little family... Navigation »LAP-BAND Surgery and LAP-BAND Discussion Forum > Lap-band Support Groups > Monthly Lap-band Support Groups > 2010 Bandsters > October 10 Bandsters » Outrageous Octobers We are all in your same boat, and likely your same stage; maybe we'll have some good suggestions for you.
  4. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Mush Maddness So yesturday was my first day on Mush/Puree. I had egg salad (bad) I had mashed potatoes w/ Roast Puree over top (MP's good/roast BAD). But tonight, I put red Beans in chili sauce and taco meat in the blender until puree'd. Thank you GOD... It was great!!! I'm so thankfull that I found something edible... I was really worried... Thought I'd share - hope you all are doing great...
  5. Loosing it for Life

    MONDAY Weigh-In

    Monday 11/1/10 - 242.2 down 6.4# Pureed stage :thumbup:
  6. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hi Everyone - I thought I would start a new thread for Monday weigh ins. This keeps us responsible over the weekend (which are my tough days) and we can all see our progressive weight loss. Feel free to include strugles or accomplishments or new ideas that we've found over the week/weekend, and we can talk these out and give encouragement. Hope you'll join me.. XOXOLeah
  7. Loosing it for Life

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    Hi there - just thought I add a happy note about pudding -I make my own and add in a scoup in of Non Flavored soy Protein and about 1/4 extra NF Milk... Makes it really creamy and delish... I don't think that I could do pudding for Breakfast, but maybe a snack... Hope this helps.
  8. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hi October family - Yahoo... I'm on the other side... Well the first 2 days I felt more pain than I do today - Yesturday I walked & shopped for a few hours, and then did some house errands... I was pooped by the time bedtime came... BUT... I did find these great things - my mom previously had a stomach surgery for cancer and they gave her these belly bands... put that puppy on, and instantly felt better. Just that little amount of constant pressure made it feel great. Today, I've done house hold things - made a couple blankets, doing great... Went into the hospital @ 253 and today I'm 248... Thats 7lbs down from surgery - That is AWESOME.... Love you guys! Hope your all doing great. anyone have any good recipies for the liquid stage? I'd love to hear them.
  9. Hi elikis... Everything went really well... I was there for about 8 hours. Came home, lots of gas pains but that has all work out.. Feeling really good now, still some pain, but nothing much..

  10. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    So tomorrow is my Big Band Day... Getting nervous. Still have some last minute things to pick up today Trying to pass the liquid diet day way.. I think my husband is more worried than me... But my mom is here to help us both...Hehe Well I hope you all are doing well.. Looking forward to the afterlife.
  11. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    We're band sisters - I'm being banded the same day. I'm like you I'm on the big cut down this week. My husband keeps askiing me "so what will be your last meal" to bad for him it will probably be a protein shake... But I'm as anxious as ever to start out on this journey... I'll keep you in my prayers sunday night... Good luck...
  12. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Went an picked up my last few things before surgery - found some great liquid protein shots with no sugar - those will come in handy. Explained the entire surgery to my husband in the care - I think he is in shock now...We'll see what happens. I have two goals. Vegas for new years (already have tickets) I hope to have lost at least 25 pounds by then (2mo po), and then Arizona in March to see his parents - hope to have lost at least 50 (5mo po). Gotta get some good goals ready - since I'm not treating myself with food anymore... That is going to be something to get used to....
  13. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hi Octoberrets ~~~~ Finally have my date 10/18/10... I'm getting so excited - lots of prep work to do.... For those you that have been banded recently - do you have any words of wisdome - or thing that you wish you would have gotten before hand? I hope you all are doing really well. Look forward to hearing from you all.
  14. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    NSV means Non-Scale Victory, i.e Baggie Clothes, taking a great hike without being winded, dropping sizes, getting more deffinition in your muscles. It can also be, passing up the more fatty food choices for healthy ones... Small steps make giant leaps, in our game...
  15. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Soul... I feel the same way... I'm am dying with anticipation for this... A - Welcome 10/19 is coming up soon, Have you started practicing anything? I have statrted to eat slower and I'm thinking about what I would order if I went out to dinner... It's tough!!! Gran... I love the Gran's Band Day - that is great... I'm getting my CPAP machine this week - not to happy about that. I was really really supprised that I had to have one... I don't even snore... (at least not that much)... But I'll ride the wave... At least I know I won't need it for too long, then my husband will have a spare... He snores like a freight train....hehe... I'malso very courious to see how your 14 day diet goes... I'm very nervous about that.... Tannie - Welcome to OO's... I think I would dread that 2 week diet too... I can't take the Carnation shakes... But I love the Kirkland Protein... 30g, 5 carbs and 3 fats... chocolate milk - super good... I am getting the Allergan Band, hopefully it's a good one... So Team October... What how do you all feel about cooking after the band??? Will you change what you make for your families too??? Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend...:thumbup::thumbup:
  16. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hey Sista, Soul Sista.... Good Song... But anyways... OCTOBER 1st is coming up soon... How are you feeling about all of this?
  17. Loosing it for Life

    Outrageous Octobers

    Gran... I am so excited for you... I've only been married for 3 years, but it's also a great journey... Thanks you for joining me on this great new chapter... Age is only a number, and you'll be one hot number here in a few months... hehe How are you feeling about your fasting?
  18. Kipper - sounds like you are doing AWESOME!!! 34 pounds down, is a HUGE accomplishment.... Congratulations!!!... NSV victories are huge also - good for you.... 5-11 are hard - have you thought of starting a hobbie or going to the gym? I'm sewing like crazy and loving it... Try picking up a new skill... Keep on track, you are doing super great!!!
  19. Loosing it for Life

    My motivation lol

    You are too funny.... I can see you have a great sense of humor... Great inspiration!!
  20. Loosing it for Life

    Bandsters with Blackberry!!

    Found It!!! Finally... Right PIN: 30F953DD Now what???
  21. Loosing it for Life

    2010 Bandsters

    Could you please update the 2010 Bandsters. I would like to find other members that are being banded during the same month as me... (October2010) Thanks
  22. Loosing it for Life

    Please Can Someone Help me having Some serious Issues.

    Question? Have you been to see a Orthopedist or Neurosurgeon? I read all of you post, since you were at such a high weight and have lost so much (Huge Congratulations by the way), you may be suffering from a slipped or buldging disc or discs... Women carry weight primarily by our spine, it is very easy to pull/strain/damage discs, without knowing it. If you were walking on the beach or doing something more active than you are used to you may have done something to disks in your lower Cervical or upper Thorasic are... Just a thought but you might see if you can get an MRI or X-rays of your spine. Slipped or damaged disc can pinch or wear on your spinal cord and cause a lot of the symptoms you are experiencing. Hope this helps. Good Luck. Leah
  23. Loosing it for Life

    18 months later-158.5 pounds down-GOAL

    WOW... You are so very inspirational. It is so great to hear your story, it is very familiar, I'm sure for a lot of people. Thank you so much for posting... I'd love to hear more from you about how you got through the tough days... If you are on FB much, friend me... I'm under Leah Rogers, Vancouver WA... Congratulations....
  24. Loosing it for Life

    Bandsters with Blackberry!!

    okay... How do I find my PIN#???
  25. :thumbup::thumbup:You look great... Thanks for sharring your pictures, you're so inspiring.

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