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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wimic

  1. Congrats on all your success ladies! I was banded on Aug 25. I've been on liquids for the past week and find myself not really wanting to eat. I'm at the point where I've lost my appetite (at least for things I'm allowed to eat). I start purees tomorrow so I'm excited about trying a few new puree recipes.
  2. My surgery was on the 25th and I had gas pain for the first 3 or so days. I used the dissolving gas-x strips every few hours and found that that helped. I did a lot of walking too and found that helpful in working the gas out of my system... This might sound kinda gross, but I was passing gas constantly during days 3 and 4 post-op. I found that it really helped to relieve the gas pain I was experiencing in my chest and shoulders.
  3. Thanks for the info guys! I stopped taking the codine today and the head aches subsided (thankfully!). I also picked up some milk of magnesia for the constipation... we'll see how that goes :thumbup:
  4. Hey everyone! I was banded on Aug 25 and have a couple of questions... - my doc prescribed liquid codine during recovery. I've been taking 10ml of this every 4-6 hours to relieve pain but have found that I'm having really bad head aches. I've decided to stop taking the codine and try some tylenol for pain instead. Has anyone else had any bad side effects from codine? - During week 1 I'm only allowed to have liquids. I've been doing pretty well with this but have found that I've gained 3lbs since surgery even though I'm not eating any solid foods and am following the liquid diet to a tee (low fat, low cal drinks and Soups, etc.) I'm attributing this to post-op swelling and Water retention because of all the meds I've been taking over the past few days. Has anyone else gained weight in the days after surgery? Wimic
  5. I got banded today! Very exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. One of my incisions started bleeding excessively and I had to go back to the clinic. Ended up being a small blood clot... nothing too serious. They bandaged me back up and sent me on my way I'm having a fair bit of pain from the gas that they pump in to do the procedure.. hoping that that will dissipate over the next few days. I'm surprised that I can't feel the band.. there isn't any tightness inside. The pain that I'm having in my stomach is superficial (on the surface)... and the gas of course. I had a hard time breathing when I first woke up but that has eased off a little. The nurse said that it was caused by the gas around my lungs. Anywho... just wanted to share my news. I'll keep updating in the days to come!
  6. Hey AFmom! Thanks for the support. I'm really looking forward to a juicy tenderloin ... probably not any time soon. Glad to hear that you're having success with being able to eat all the good stuff... I'm hoping that I'll have the same kind of luck. It's going to take a while to get used to chewing my food so much... I don't do that now so we'll see how that goes. Hope you have continued success! I'm very excited about the future and seeing some results
  7. I think that eating chocolate and cheese and tortilla chips will be fine... but in moderation. If I cut out all of my favorite foods, I think I'd go crazy. Having a little bit every now and then will help prevent me from wanting to just binge and go crazy. I was only banded yesterday.... and like many of the posters here, some of my favorites include potatoes, pasta, rice.... also steak (which I hear can be hard to digest). Steak is something that I just can't give up. We bbq 4-5 times per week in the summer and although there are alternatives (chicken, salmon, etc.), nothing beats a steak in my opinion. I'm interested to see how that will agree with me once I'm allowed to eat solid foods again.
  8. Thanks for all the kind words everyone! The pain in my chest is a bit better today. Before bed last night I experienced very sharp pain in my right shoulder.. it lasted about an hour. It was so bad that it brought me to tears.... thankfully it didn't last all that long. I've been prescribed liquid codine for the pain and haven't had to take any since 10:30 last night... it's around 5:00 am now (I'm still jet lagged) and I'm getting ready to have my first taste of clear Soup broth. Hoping that my recovery will continue to go smoothly. I'm flying back home tomorrow (about a 3 hour flight) so I'm hoping that I'll be feeling comfortable and don't have any pain sitting on the plane for that long. To anyone who's considering having this done... the first day kind of sucks. But if the way I'm feeling now is any indication of how my recovery will continually progress, I should be back to normal in no time.
  9. Wimic


    When I was initially reading up on this procedure it seemed like everyone was getting it done through either through government funded programs or by their personal medical insurance. I checked with my medical insurance company and they said the same thing... that it isn't covered. I really (REALLY) had my heart set on getting it done so I've opted to foot the bill myself. I took out a $25,000 line of credit and am going to pay it off that way. The procedure itself is $16,000, the flight is around $800 and the hotel is around $500. It's an expensive endeavor, but I know it'll be worth it. On the bright side - having to pay for it your self (and make payments every month) is a constant reminder of the committment you made to yourself. I would pay A LOT more than that to lose the weight once and for all and if you're serious about making the committment to change, it really is a small price to pay.
  10. Hey Everyone! I'm scheduled to be banded on Wed, Aug 25. My cousins wedding is the following Saturday (Aug 28) and they've asked me to read in church. I've said yes, but am nervous that I won't be feeling up to it. Not to mention that I won't be able to eat anything at the reception... something that I'm sure will seem unusual to my extended family members (who I've chose not to tell that I'm having this procedure done). How were you all feeling a few days after surgery and do you think that it's unreasonable for me to think I'll be feeling up to doing this so soon pre-op? Thanks! Wimic
  11. How exciting! I'm getting banded on Aug 25 as well!! Unfortunately I'll be footing the bill myself.... a whopping $16,000 + airfare and hotel, etc. Super excited and can't wait to get back to being able to eat real food... just a lot less of it :biggrin:
  12. I first spoke with my family doctor about this procedure on Aug 3, I had a consultation with the surgeon (over the phone becuase I have to travel out of province for the surgery) on Aug 5 and my surgery is scheduled for Aug 25. I should mention that I'm paying for this out of pocket (my manulife health insurance does not cover this procedure) so that may have significantly sped up the process.
  13. I'm on day 3 of my pre-op diet and I'm doing okay. I'm not all that hungry so it's not too bad. I don't particularly like the MediTrim shakes though (after spending over $200 on them!) but I'll have to force them down. I don't like that they're creamy without adding any milk... sort grosses me out. 2 weeks isn't a big deal... a person could do anything for 2 weeks. Hang in there... I'll still be drinking icky shakes when you're on your way to solid foods again
  14. Hey everyone, I'm scheduled to have my lap band surgery on Aug 25. I'm supposed to start my liquid pre-op diet tomorrow and ordered my MediTrim shakes last week but they haven't arrived yet!! I was thinking about picking up some slim fast shakes to have until they arrive. I've compared the nutritional information and nutritionally they're comparable to the MediTrim shakes. Do you guys think this would be okay? I just want to make sure I do it right. Thanks, Wimic
  15. I had a telephone consultation yesterday with my surgeon at the Surgical Weight Loss Center in Ontario and made an appointment to have my lapband surgery on August 25. I'm terrified and excited and nervous and anxious all at the same time. I start my liquid diet next Wednesday (Aug 11) and am planning one last hoorah with my fiance Monday night... we're going out to our favorite restaurant because it's the last time I'll be able to go there and eat what I want to. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my best friend. Does anyone else feel like this? Don't get me wrong - I'm extremely happy and excited to be having the procedure done, but it's such a drastic change and I know it will be difficult until I adjust the way I think.
  16. Congrats! Sounds like you're off to a great start! I haven't been banded yet, so I can't offer much advice. Keep up the great work... I'm looking forward to seeing your before and after shots!! :bolt:
  17. My name is Wendy, I'm 26, and despite all of my efforts to lose weight I've ended up here. I've been overweight for my entire life. I've lost weight in the past (80 lbs in 2005) but have gained all of it back over the past 5 years. I've come to realize that my weight is not something that I need to fix just temporarily, but for the rest of my life. I have no problem losing weight if I stick to it, but it becomes VERY discouraging when you lose and regain it all over and over again. I think this might be my bottom. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I feel helpless. I feel like no matter how hard I try to lose the weight and keep it off, I'm eventually going to end up back here again... it's very hard to get motivated when you're thinking that way. In any case, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow with my family doctor and I'm going to chat with him about the Lap-Band procedure. I'm nervous but I've read through some of the posts on here and I think it's normal to feel that way. I'm embarrassed that I'm even considering going to these lengths but I think it's time to admit that I can't do this on my own. Wish me luck!
  18. Wimic

    So here I am...

    I really like the idea that it gives you increased control. I'm an emotional eater and no matter what the occasion (even if there isn't an occasion at all) I can justify to myself a reason to eat. I don't yet have any health problems related to my weight and I'd like to keep it that way. I just feel like I've been depriving myself of living.... I feel like I've been surviving life instead of living it. I want that to end. I know we deserve better than that.

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