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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sparkle71

  1. Hello, I had surgery Thurs 7/29. Yes, I have the gas movement, I think. Gas X strips are the bomb! Not hungry at all, but wondering if Im eating/drinking enough. Worried when the hunger is going to kick in. Flinstone gummy vitamins are the yummiest. Walking 30 mins a day. Down 12 pounds since last Wednesday. Going to try cream of wheat for breakfast tomorrow. Yahoo.
  2. Hello, Im from the KC area and banded last week 7-29 with Dr. Augustin. Post op day 4. No sure if I have gas moving or hungry movement. Hello to everyone. :thumbup:
  3. Sparkle71

    One week--countdown

    One week from today, the countdown begins. Nervous about the foods/liquids. Im doing good on the prediet except the diet pepsi. Diet Pepsi is the curse!!! I have one week to get it out of my daily routine. Already walking 30 mins on days I dont work. Graduate school is over, waiting on boards.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
