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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ddow58

  1. LOL!!! That's just too funny! Only us with weight problems would get that!!!
  2. ddow58

    1st stuck episode....

    My doc told me no pasta or breads for 6 months because of that very issue. I guess he wants me to get use to chewing first. He said if anything is going to get stuck it's bread and pasta. Scary. I don't have any restriction yet either. Only 2 weeks out of surgery.
  3. What is eye-to-band ratio? How much you want to eat vs how much you can?
  4. Good luck, SHaron!! Can't wait to hear you story when you are feeling well.
  5. Shelly, I got dehydrated too and ended up in the ER for fluids. I also had a lot of gas up under my rib cage that was painful. I found that going up and down the stairs occassionally got it moving. My doc said that the Gas-x helps break up the gas into smaller bubbles that allow you to get them either up or out. It took me 3 days to get rid of it and start getting more liquids in. At first I thought it was my stomach that was causing me the problem but it was the gas. Once that went away I just had discomfort from the band and what I think was maybe bruising on my liver as it was tender. After a week, I was much better. Hang in there and force the fluids. If you can get a protein drink in it will make you feel better.
  6. sounds like your stomach is pretty swollen unless the doc put restriction on during surgery. I think there are docs that do that. Since it was a little better today, I tend to think it's swolen. It's good you are seeing the doc in the morning.
  7. Could your pain medication be doing some of it to you. I know for me I can't take any at all because they make me sick.
  8. So how are all the banded folks doing?? I am doing pretty good. I am still having some pains where my port is. The area is a little numb still, nerves that must have been cut during surgery, I'm sure. But still sore when I try to bend over but nothing I can't deal with. I am still on mushies and just decided to treat myself with peanut butter and it gave me indigestion so I guess no more for me. I see my doc on thursday but I think it's just post op and no fill for another 2 weeks but we'll see. Love to hear how everyone else is doing.
  9. That sucks, Wendy. Good luck! I hope it all goes smoothly with the new insurance.
  10. Welcome, Shawni! I don't have any suggestions for shakes as my doc had his own that I had to have but I do have a recommendation for a much needed item - a great set of measureing spoons! I had to go and buy a new set. All the food I am eating right now - mushies - has to be measured by the tablespoon. Also a reliable scale. My scale measured the same item differently each time I put it on there so I had to get a better scale. Just a tip from my experience. Good luck on the 27th. You'll do fine.
  11. Congratulations!!! You'll do great. I got really nervous about it too but it wasn't as bad as I as thinking it was going to be.
  12. Since I added mushey food my weight loss has stopped. I put on 3 lbs. I'm trying not to stress about it. I see the doc for my first post-op on thursday so I'm going to ask him about it.
  13. Go to tickerfactory.com. create your ticker. copy the first set of code and paste it into your signature. to get to your signature go to quick links above and edit signature. good luck! What is Plication?? It was tough for me to get the fluids in too and I ended up in the ER day 4 post op because I was dehydrated. Keep the fluids going!
  14. Good Luck!!! Let us know when you are feeling up to it how you are doing.
  15. That's exactly what we all have in common right now, DREAMS!! It's the first time that we have been able to believe that those dreams could be reality. You have a great dream and you are going to make it come true. :thumbup: Oh, man, that sucks. I sure hope you get better quick so you don't have to reschedule. Over and above that it sucks that you are now into unpaid leave. I'm sorry you are going through this. It will be worth it in the end. Keep your chin up.
  16. Hey, Diane. Congrats on the quit smoking anniversary. I hit 8 years on the 8th of this month. It's so great to be a non-smoker now. It was such a hard thing to quit. Next year I am going to be saying the same thing about losing weight. What a lifelong struggle to have finally overcome! I can't wait!!
  17. I have to agree with you. Looking forward to getting the fun back in it.
  18. has anyone had any lightheadedness since surgery. I can't seem to shake it.
  19. Now that I'm on mushies, I am also getting in about 900 calories. I have lost about 7 lbs since surgery last wednesday but seem to be holding at that.
  20. You are a very brave lady!!! wow! Not sure I would go for it a second time. Let us know how you are doing. Congratulations!!!!
  21. When you say overall are you talking about from the beginning of your journey or since surgery?????? YES, me too. I started mushys yesterday and it was fabulous!!! I have had tuna, egg salad, mashed potatoes. I am sooooo happy!!! pretty sad, huh???
  22. YAY!! Congratulation. Take it easy. Get some rest and when you feel like it, let us know how you are.
  23. haha!! I was thinking the same thing!! :frown: That is one of my favorites too. My DH has been so sensitive about what he is eating in front of me. I appreciate it but it would be nice to just smell regular food!

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