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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ILKrista

  1. Hello all,

    I have been prowling around the site off and on for a couple of months and I thought I would finally introduce myself. My name is Krista and I'm a future sleever in IL. I initally thought I would be having surgery in Nov or Dec, but a coworker on maternity leave has pushed my surgery back to at least late Feb. In July I knew there were 2 things I had to do before surgery: 1) Quit smoking & 2) Lose weight. I've managed to make it to nearly 4 months smoke free. Unfortunately, I've gained 20 pounds instead of losing it. However, now that I no longer am afraid I'll relaspe with the smoking everytime I leave my house, I'm ready to get serious about the weight loss. I would love to find someone to help motivate me & who I can help motivate. I really need to be accountable without feeling like I'm being judged. I don't feel like I get much support from the friends I've told about the surgery. They dont' understand why I can't just lose weight with a diet like a 'normal' person, which tends to frustrate me & make me feel like a failure.

    Good luck to everyone.


  2. Good Luck! I quit using Chantix 2 months ago. Unfortunately, that time was also part of my 3 month diet required by insurance, and instead of losing, I've gained 15 pounds. :( It really sucks. My surgery will probably be delayed for several months because of it, but at least I'm smoke free (My doctor requires 2 months smoke free before he will do surgery). I have to say, that first week with no smoking, I made a coworker cry. Not smoking made me mean! Good Luck and try not to be too tough on those around you!

  3. Well, I'm in the opposite boat. I told everyone. I've had tons of doctor appts and when people ask why, I tell them I planning to have weight-loss surgery. I decided to tell because for 2 years I have been religiously going to the gym and doing very restrictive diets. I lost 60 pounds in the first 6 months and and have gained back 50 pounds in the last year and a half. A coworker was talking about her husbands weightloss and she finally admitted it was with weightloss surgery. Knowing this is what gave me the hope that the surgery could work for me too. I hope by telling people I'll help someone else with extreme weight problems get the help they need. Some people have been supportive and some have felt the need to make negative comments. One person told me that it was my own fault that I was fat and that I shouldn't be entitled to have surgery because of that. I told her I hoped she had that same attitude about people who get cancer from smoking or have heart attacks from eating fatty foo. If someone's got a problem with what I'm doing, I have no problem being a bitch and getting them to keep their opinions to themselves. In fact, I've kind of been enjoying doing it. :lol: However, at the same time, this is a job I hope I'm only at for another year or 2. When I move out of state, I may not tell anyone.


  4. Hello all,

    My name is Krista, and I am relatively new to this forum. I have not been sleeved yet. I'm still trying to complete all the insurance requirements. What I'm wondering is how much time were you off work after the surgery? If I need more than a week off, I will have to wait until March due to a coworker being gone for 3 months on maternity leave. Is a week completely unrealistic for the sleeve surgery? I'd appreciate any advice.



  5. Hello all,

    I'm relatively new to this forum. I've been lurking here and on the Lap-Band site for a few months, trying to make up my mind what surgery to have. After a lot of thought, I'm pretty set on the sleeve.

    Right now I'm doing a 3 month supervised diet to meet insurance requirements. In an effort to really be committed to improving my health and life, I quit smoking. Unfortunately,now I've been gaining weight like mad. I'm afraid they won't approve me for surgery because I'm up almost 15 pounds. Did anyone else have to quit smoking or gain during the supervised diet? Did you still get approved? Any suggestions on what else I can do? Now that I'm not getting my happy fix from nicotine, I'm reverting to fast food to get that feeling, which I know I should not be doing. Any suggestions or advice?


  6. I had my psych visit a week ago, and she had me take a test, which I thought was related to weight loss.... I checked off the things that applied (ie. anxiety, avoid social situations, tired, etc). Then she tells me that it was a test for depression. I tried to tell her that I wasn't depressed, I was fat. She got me so upset that I started to cry... which she told me was another sign of depression. In my mind, I'm not depressed. Feeling anxious in public, being tired, etc are all symptoms of being overweight, at least for me. I just took the 2 written tests this morning to be approved by insurance for the surgery, but I'm worried that she won't pass be because she thinks I'm depressed. Anyone else have an experience like this?

  7. I'm in the same boat. I knew i had to quit smoking if I wanted to have the surgery. I quit on Thursday, using Chantix. So far it hasn't been too bad... lots of vivid dreams and a little nausea if I dont' eat enough when I take it. But, I don't feel like I'm going to lose it if I don't have a cigarette NOW. In the past, that was my biggest prob with quitting. You do have to take it for a week before it is effective. Good luck.

  8. Best of luck to you. Don't beat yourself up too bad. Stress or sabatage, many of us do it. I had quit smoking months before I started looking into the surgery. I start the process and they tell me I can't smoke for 2 month before the surgery and I need to lose weight on the pre-op diet to qualify for the surgery. Suddenly, I'm smoking like mad again and my eating is out-of-control. Well, I can't take back what I've done. I've just got to move on from here and try to make the next month a better one. I hope we both find the strength to do it.

  9. Good luck, Erin. I'm in a similar position where the insurance company claims to cover the surgery... provided you can meet all their requirements. I suggest checking their website or calling to see just what they require for coverage. I initially thought I was going to have to do a 6 month diet, but they now only require 3. I have to complete that and several other steps and then see if they really will pay for it. I'm hoping they'll come through for me.

  10. I'm doing the same thing. I'm supposed to be following my 3 month diet, but I've been eating like its going out of style. I also started smoking (which I quit months ago) because I know I won't be able to do it for at least 2 months prior to the surgery. I'm putting it down to stress and a serious fear of succeeding. Tomorrow is my date to quit smoking again:blink:. Also my date to start eating better. I'm thinking I'll be crabby doing one or the other, so I might as well do them both together. Best of luck to everyone else!

  11. Hi Tracy,

    I had a similar experience when I approached my PCP two years ago. He very clearly explained to me that I was fat because 1) I ate like a pig (yes, his exact words) and 2) I was lazy. He told me he would never refer any overweight person for the surgery because those were the only possible reasons for a person to be overweight. I felt humiliated and decided to try to do it on my own and avoid doctors for the rest of my life :). Two years later and the same size as before, I have a new doctor who actually agreed that this surgery might be the best thing for me. I actually cried in relief... I had geared myself to be a total witch to get the referral, but thankfully I didn't have to be. I just started a 3 month supervised diet, but hopefully I'll be banded in November. Best of luck to you on your journey!

  12. I am actually almost exactly where you are in the process. I just had my first psych meeting and nutritionist meeting last week. I'm also pretty borderline when it comes to the 40 BMI. When I checked with my insurance company, they said that it is your starting BMI (before you start the supervised diet), not your ending one. I would check the details of your insurance policy. Hope that helps.

  13. A few weeks ago I met with my PCP about having the band. She agreed and said I should start seeing a nutritionist and psychologist, as this, along with a 6 month supervised diet would be required. I guess I'm confused because she makes it sound like I do all of this for 6 months and then after that I find a surgeon to do the band. But from what I've read in other posts, it sounds like others have met with the surgeon before ever doing the 6 month diet, psych eval, etc. When did everyone else meet with their surgeon? Just trying to figure this whole thing out...


  14. My goal:

    1) To be confident enough to start dating after a 10 year hiatus!

    2) To not get the eye roll from whoever sits next to me on an airplane.

    3) To wear a dress and actually look good... the last dress I looked good in was my 2nd grade communion dress.

    Here's to the future!

  15. Hello,

    I've just started this process. I went to see a PCP for the first time in years just yesterday to see about getting the lap-band. (I went 2 years ago to a different doctor who told me fat people were just lazy and he would never recommend anyone for the surgery :)). Anyway, the new doctor is much better and is going to check with my insurance. What I'm wondering is how long did it take you to get banded from the time you first visited your PCP?

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