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Everything posted by srwright66

  1. srwright66

    After Nov2011

    From the album: Before and During

    This was taken in November, 8 months after surgery. Almost there.
  2. srwright66

    Size 24

    From the album: Before and During

  3. From the album: Before and During

    I started at 275#. This was a week after I started the pre-surgery diet. I weighed 265# in this picture.
  4. Tomorrow is my 6th month surgiversary. Haven't been on here much. Busy, busy, busy. Everything has been WONDERFUL! So happy with my sleeve and the results. BUT......Since Saturday I have been in major pain. If I move or sit up, it feels like I have literally been kicked in the stomach, the pain is so bad it almost takes my breath away. I have ruled out the normal things. I do not have an appendix, gall bladder, ovaries, or uterus. No fever. So none of those things can be the issue. I went to the bathroom with no problems. The only thing I did differently was had a 6" Subway sandwich on Friday. I took me about 4 hours to eat 3/4 of the sandwich. I felt fine afterwards. I spent most of the weekend in bed. I felt tender but not in much pain this morning, but the pain is back in full force now. I don't feel sick, just pain. Anybody have any clue what this could be? Thanks
  5. srwright66

    Problem? 6 months tomorrow

    See, that's why I came here first. I never would have thought kidney stone since I haven't been having any kidney issues. But it could be, I guess. I'll see what the Doc says. Thanks everyone.
  6. srwright66

    Problem? 6 months tomorrow

    I just called the Dr. They will call me back. Rootman, I will be a medical miracle if it is a gall stone , I haven't had a gallbladder since 1992.
  7. srwright66

    Problem? 6 months tomorrow

    I know. I'm gonna call the doctor. I'm just one of those people that will wait until I absolutely have to. I hate going to the doctor. I was just hoping someone knew something that I didn't know about, that I had possibly overlooked.
  8. srwright66

    Problem? 6 months tomorrow

    The pain is right above my belly button. About 3-4" above the belly button.
  9. Just thought I'd share some before & after pics. Surgery was on March 7th, 2011.
  10. srwright66

    3 Months after surgery

    Guess they didn't attach.
  11. I had surgery in Mexico. Just saw my family doctor. He had no issues seeing me at all. Was very happy with my success.
  12. I am 7 days post -op and feeling awesome!!!! Only one glitch today. I am having no issues at all. Except I forget to eat, never thought I'd hear myself say that. No hunger at all. Clothes are getting looser. This is everything I hoped it would be. I went back to work today. Energy level is high. Felt great. Didn't get much done though, lol. Everyone had to stop by and see how I was doing and wanted to hear all the details. No one could believe how good I felt. People are already noticing the weight loss in my face. I have some awesome co-workers. Except for one Cranky Old Bat!!! One of our overweight girls came in to talk to me, she really wants to do this and we talked for almost an hour, my heart broke for her every time she teared up when talking about her struggle with her weight. She was waiting for me to get back so she could see how I was doing and how the process of going to Mexico worked. She is one of the sweetest people in our office. Anyway Cranky Old Bat had to come by and see how I was doing. (I don't care for this woman at all, when anyone brings treats for the office and puts them in the break room, she puts weight watcher magazines next to the snacks). As the girl was leaving my office she looked at her and said "It's your turn to go get this done". I was so shocked that she could be that heartless. I knew she was a B(#@H, but that was completely uncalled for. I was speechless. I couldn't say a word. That's not me at all, I'm known around the office for my mouth. I call it like I see it, and not afraid to say it. But that shocked me so badly I couldn't even respond. That was my one glitch. My wish is that everyone has as smooth of a 1st week as I have had.
  13. I'm 12 days out, I could not drink water, still can't drink much of it, never have really been able too. Have you tried warm liquids? I got my liquids through warm tea, (lemon, orange spice, chamomile, all caffeine free) and warm broths.
  14. srwright66

    Return to work

    I went back to work yesterday, exactly one week after surgery. Feel great, had no issues.
  15. srwright66

    Drinking water

    Had my surgery on the 7th in Tijuana with Dr. Kelly. The hotel provided bottled water. The restaurant provided bottled water also. Went to have the leak test and vomited afterward. I went to the restroom to wash my face and rinse my mouth, Trish told me do NOT rinse my mouth with the water from the sink. At the Oasis hospital, they brought me ice chips after my surgery and I sipped the water after it melted with no problems.
  16. Dr. Ramos Kelly - Tijuana, Mexico. Would do it again in a heartbeat!
  17. it was great to meet you

  18. srwright66

    Got My Date!!!

    Awesome! We have the same date. Who did you choose? Sorry, I can't help you with what to tell work.
  19. srwright66

    Hair Loss

    I guess I am an oddball. I actually look forward to losing some of my hair. My hair is sooo thick, I never get a good style. The stylists always mess it up. I have anxiety attacks when it is time to get a hair cut because I know how bad it is going to be. They don't want to cut it without thinning it first. Thinning it makes it grow back even thicker.
  20. What a wonderful Valentine's gift to yourself.
  21. It really kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Amazing how it kinda sticks in your head after only reading it one time. You really don't need the book. I bought the book for my husband. I read it and found that I preferred the website more. The book didn't really add that much. It wasn't a thick book LOL. I hope it helps you too. The more you read it. the more it sticks with you. It is a powerful thing.
  22. Why, oh why, didn't I think of this before?? I hope it's OK to post this here. I haven't been sleeved yet but I have started dieting in preparation. I've enjoyed everyone's stories, I've laughed and cried. I know we are all in search of the same goal. Everyday I look at the before and after pics. I read all the posts. Y'all are my inspiration. It hit me like a ton of bricks this afternoon, so I thought I'd share a little. I'm 44 years old and life has been a roller coaster, just like my weight. My battle of the bulge is similar to many. I didn't get fat overnight. It was fast, but it wasn't overnight. This is the biggest I have ever been. Yesterday, I thought I was 250#, but noooo, that was just cruel joke my scale played on me. I had just lost 10 pounds. I went to the doctor yesterday and he weighed me in at 262#. That can't be! I just lost 10 pounds, it should say 252#! That just added insult to injury. Damn scale! So actually I started at 272#. I realized I was staring 300# in the face, I was over half way there.......I just wanted to cry, it was tough holding the tears back. Anyway he made it better. Everything is gonna be OK, once I get my sleeve. I am trying to prepare myself mentally for the upcoming changes. I've read things like head hunger and food addiction. I can relate to that. I LOVE food. I eat even when I'm not hungry. My life revolves around food. I've come to realize I'm a food addict. Food is my drug of choice. It satisfies me, it comforts me. I'm no stranger to addictions. I really hate to admit this and probably shouldn't, but in my early 20's I had a nasty drug habit. I kicked it on my own and have been clean for 22 years and have never touched it again. Fast forward a few years and I married an alcoholic. That is a recipe for DISASTER! We have been together for 18 years. He has been sober for the last 6+ years. My husband wasn't your everyday drinker. He was binge alcoholic. He could go weeks or months and not touch a drink. But when he did, all hell broke loose. That's a familiar word. "binge". It was very ugly. I won't go into all that. He needed help. He tried "Antibuse", that didn't work. It was supposed to make him violently ill if he took a drink. It made him sick even when he didn't drink. AA didn't work, all that talk about drinking triggered him to want to drink. I was at the end of my rope. Nothing was working. I started researching, there had to be a way. Other people quit drinking. I quit drugs, why couldn't he stop drinking??? My research lead me to www.rational.org. OMG! that opened our eyes. It worked for us. He has been sober for almost 7 years. It can be used for ANY addictive behavior!! It's free. It can't hurt to try it. I used it 3 years ago when I lost weight on Adkins. I got down to 160#. Major life upset and I let my eating get out of control AGAIN. My bad. Anyway, while I was vacuuming today, it all came back to me. I went back to the website and it was still there. I encourage anyone that needs help to take a look at it. I am starting to use it again today. It can't hurt. It is another tool that some may find useful. Anyway here is the link and an explanation from their website. It was originally geared to alcohol and drugs but they found it works with all addictions and bad behaviors. The key is to change the words alcohol/drug with food/binging/overeating or whatever your vice is. Change the word abstinence to healthy eating. I know that it works and I will use it. It helped me to get a piece of paper and write it all down. It's not that long. Don't rush through it, think about what they are saying and let it sink in. It makes so much sense. When you read it, it's like flipping a switch. It will hit home for some. If it works for you, it's awesome. It will only take about 15 minutes to read through it. Another tool for your weight loss journey.. www.rational.org (copy & paste the link) This was taken from their website: Quick Start on Rational Recovery ©2009, Jack Trimpey, all rights reserved. There is enough information at this website for you to totally recover from any addiction, e.g., alcohol, crank, crack, heroin, opiates, sex and porn addiction, overeating, computer addiction, gambling, or other personal behavior that goes against your own better judgment. • If you're drinking/using today, you won't learn much of anything. Come back in the morning or when you aren't under the influence. • To quit your addiction you must first stop drinking/using long enough to learn AVRT®. Quit Now For Life! You now have access to Addictive Voice Recognition Technique® (AVRT®), a powerfully simple means to defeat any addiction, to any substance or behavior, in as short a time as you like. The link below will guide you through the decision making process to total recovery, before you sleep tonight. Go to www.rational.org , on the right hand side of the page click on the blue button that says CRASH COURSE ON ARVT Before you click this link, however, observe your thoughts and feelings, positive and negative, about abusing food. Feel the hope, but notice the dread! Thoughts and feelings which support continued abuse are called the Addictive Voice (AV); those which support abstinence are you. When you recognize your AV, it becomes not-you, but "it," an easily-defeated enemy that has been causing you to abuse food.

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