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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Seanamw

  1. Seanamw

    A Bandster Reflects...........

    You can always tell me what you think! I love your honesty!
  2. Seanamw

    2nd fill today

    Well, technically still my first since I freaked out the first time. But, I need it for sure! The past few weeks have been not so good. I lost focus, ate larger portions, drank wine, ate when I wasn't hungry, etc. The scale shows it, too. Funny how that happens and how surgically altering my body still hasn't made that fact stick in my brain yet! OK, all that is in the past. New start, new focus and a fill. I also picked up a copy of Jackie Warner's book "This is why you're fat". I learned a lot about sugar and its addictive hold. I went through my pantry and was shocked at how much sugar is added into "good" food! My favorite Kashi cereal has 13 grams per serving and I eat it with skim milk which has another 13 grams of sugar! Good grief! I'm going to follow her nutrition & exercise advice and see how it goes. I am ready for Onederland for sure! My goal is to be there before the start of basketball season, November 1st. I'll keep posting, that has a way of making me accountable!
  3. Seanamw

    Hi Everybody! Its Been Awhile......

    Glad to hear from you! You are doing fantastic!!!
  4. Seanamw

    Great Day!

    What a great post! Sounds like you are really enjoying this new life!
  5. Seanamw

    It's a start

    With the same determination you will need when you do get the band! Start your life change now to ready yourself for the next step!
  6. Seanamw

    Approaching the Century Mark!

    Great blog! Congratulations!
  7. Seanamw

    Thank Goodness

    Congratulations! GREAT news!!!
  8. Seanamw


    I was put on the Adkins diet, not a liquid diet. He told me that though he would not recommend anyone being on such a high protein diet for more than 2 weeks, that it did its job by shrinking the liver by 40%. Good luck!
  9. Seanamw

    Nervous About First Fill

    No problem! And way to go on your loss! You are doing fantastic! I have been the same restriction wise since my fill, they were actually only able to measure & add 2 DROPS because I was such a spaz...so pretty much no restriction right now. I am watching my portions and exercising, but am looking forward to a week from Wednesday to get a real fill!
  10. Seanamw

    Nervous About First Fill

    You & I had surgery on the same day! I had my first fill on 9/1 and you really need to read my blog entry on what NOT to do at your first fill!!!!! It honestly, truly is not a big deal...and it does NOT hurt! I am a huge baby with needles and worked myself into such a tizzy that the fill was not successful...and I needed it to be. Here's a rundown of what a fill is (if your place is like True Results) 1. Do not eat or drink 2 hours prior to your appointment. 2. I was brought to a room that had an x-ray machine and a table with a big pillow. 3. I was told to lay down on the table with the pillow in the middle of my back, so I was arched upward. That was intimidating for me! The reason they have you do it is to make it easier to locate & stabilize your port. 4. They have you put your hands over your head (so people like me won't react & try to push them away!) I asked to hold the hand of the helper - which was SO helpful! 5. Then, all in a matter of less than 30 seconds, they insert the needle (I did NOT feel pain and did not get the numbing agent) remove the liquid (only for the first fill), measure it, replace it plus however much they think is appropriate. And seriously, less than 30 seconds! Had I known this, my first fill would have been so much better. I hope it helps you!!!!! The best of luck to you!
  11. Seanamw

    Bye Teens!!!

    209 this morning! No more teens! Started this journey 7/13/2010 at 240. Looking forward to saying goodbye to the 200's all together! Thank you God! Have a great weekend everyone!
  12. Seanamw

    The best thing about losing weight

    Getting out of the car...I do not have to do the "hoist" thing anymore! Thank you for your post and for reminding me to be thankful for the little things! I will appreciate my towel tomorrow because of you!
  13. Seanamw

    a couple of days later, still strong...

    Keep it up! And get out there & exercise, it makes all the difference, even if its just a short walk!!!
  14. Seanamw

    Somethings never change...

    You are doing GREAT! She's an idiot for even saying that to you!
  15. Seanamw

    One week to go....

    I did struggle with whether or not to tell people, then I decided since the general public thinks this is the "easy way out" that I would keep it to myself! Anyone who thinks you are weak because you had this surgery needs to walk a mile in your shoes! The lapband truly is just a tool that helps you make healthy decisions and choose a healthier life. If you are like me, you have struggled with your body for years and finally found a solution that works. So don't worry about what anyone else thinks (easy to say...), you are doing this for yourself! The best of luck to you! Please keep us posted!!!!
  16. Seanamw

    thursday day 6

    Ditto to Fool4dance. I just got my first fill yesterday and I was at the point where I could basically eat anything (though I didn't!). I have a huge fear of slippage, I think you may have the same fear as me! Talk to your doctor. Mine told me that slippage is extremely rare and truly nothing to worry about. Ask your doctor, let him calm you the way mine did for me! Good luck, we are all rooting for you!!
  17. Seanamw

    Motovate Me!

    First, let me say congrats to going to the gym! That's half the battle right there! I know when I lose motivation, it helps when I bring myself back to where I was when I started. Why don't you give yourself 30 minutes to an hour, pull out some old pictures, and really go back mentally to when you felt so out of control that you turned to the lapband. Think of yourself back when you were strong and dedicated and think of how MAD you would be at yourself for being unmotivated after doing so well!!!!! Get angry, then get focused! You are so close, less than 20 pounds away!!! You CAN and WILL do this, there is no question anymore. Do not let those bad old habits sabotage you so close to the end of your gaol....cuz you know that's what they're trying to do. You are strong and you will not let anything get in the way of your dream! Now go and kick some butt at the gym!!!!!!!!
  18. Seanamw

    What NOT to do during your first fill!

    OK, so I thought I had prepared myself mentally, but boy was I wrong! I worked myself and my stomach (which made things so much worse) into such a tizzy, that they ended up having to remove 4 of the 6 DROPS they added. If only I knew how easy a fill would be prior, things would have gone so much smoother! So, to my friends who have yet to have a fill: 1. It does NOT hurt! I am the biggest baby when it comes to needles, and I swear, I did not even feel a tenth of what I do when they take blood! 2. Relax and be calm. The band does react to stress (makes sense, we all feel stress in our stomachs!) and can make the fill very uncomfortable. I go back in 2 weeks and I know it will go better!!!
  19. Seanamw

    Successful Daughter Visit; Back to Monday!!!

    Sounds like you had a fantastic time with your daughter! You are doing so well...probably what made your cousin mad enough to make that mean comment (success makes some people react badly!). Keep us the GREAT work! You are an inspiration to so many!!!
  20. Seanamw

    I'm Losing It!

    Thank you for the inspiration! Way to go!
  21. Well, it's been 4 weeks since surgery! Today I am officially released to do whatever I want at the gym, and boy did I ever go at it this morning!!! I woke up at 6:00am to make sure I got there...something that never, ever, ever would have happened before I started this amazing journey. Another poster commented about reading labels at the store now, and even though it takes twice as long to shop, it is so worth it not to bring junk into the house. I am sickened by what I used to fill my shelves with. The kids didn't eat it so who was I buying it for? Hmmmmmm, my butt knows the answer to that one. My 14 year old son is thrilled that we get to all eat the same things now (he is an athlete like his sister and looks at food as fuel....hmmmmmm....I think they were switched at birth lol). My daughter left for college a week ago and for the first time since I can remember, I did not drown myself in food and wine to dull the heart ache. Instead, I faced my emotions and let them pour out in tears as I sat on her bed after we got back from dropping her off! A much healthier way to deal for me! I am still staying strong and on plan. No major temptations, though curbing the boredom eating and monitoring portions have been challenging. I have not lost anything in 2 weeks, but when I take my total loss & divide it my the 6 weeks since I started, it's still a 4lb+ a week loss. I'll take that! I get my first fill on 9/1 and am ready/nervous/thinking I don't need one (I don't like needles!). My counselor at True Results says that's when the real weight loss starts. I'm ready! Thank you God for this chance at a new life and for the strength you have given me!!!
  22. Seanamw

    The scale moved!!!

    Finally! Got on the scale this morning and I am at 212, after hovering at 215 since 8/13! Another first for me: I kept to plan, recorded all my calories, worked out and kept positive. In the past I would have used the scale's non-movement as an excuse to binge (poor me, nothing is working...and so on). I did get nervous, and got advice from a lot of you. But in the end had complete confidence that what I was doing was right and the scale would eventually show it! I think I will celebrate with a tough workout! Thank you all for your continued support! This blog has been so therapeutic for me! I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy weekend!!!
  23. Seanamw

    3 Weeks Out

    Good luck with your fill, I get my first one next week, too! And congrats on the 20lbs! Keep up the great work!!!
  24. Seanamw

    It's been 2 wks

    Great post and I love the comment about the label reading! I take twice as long in the grocery store now, but it's worth it because I don't bring home any junk! Keep up the great work and the great attitude!!!!
  25. Seanamw

    Three Month Bandaversary and Ashley!!!

    Wonderful Sandy! And like all the others have said, you are such an inspiration to so many! Thank you for posting!!!

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