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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Seanamw

  1. Seanamw

    Lordy Lordy look who has lost her first FORTY!!

    Great post! Congratulations on your success, I bet you feel amazing!!!
  2. Seanamw

    Found another glitch on this new site!

    When you go to reply to a blog, which so many of us do, it goes to a personal message for some reason. Am I doing something wrong? Or does this new format just suck all over?????
  3. Seanamw

    4yr failure and pulling no punches

    Boy did you ever come to the right website! We are all here for you!! Put the past behind you and time to forge ahead with your new, healthy life! You are very blessed to have such a loving son. And please stop being so hard on yourself, I know laughter helps cover pain, but making fun of yourself should stop. I totally, I mean totally, get your jokes....said them about myself many times. I needed to stop though because I was respecting myself, one of the things that got me to get so big. Love yourself and be nice to yourself, you deserve it lady! Please keep us posted on your success! Good luck! .....and your 2 replies made me giggle....I think you meant to post them on Kelly111's blog! This new website is crazy!
  4. Seanamw

    Bye Bye 190's!

    The actual 1990's were wonderful for me; had both my kids, settled into our home & community, I was happy and will hang on to those memories for the rest of my life. Now the actual 191-199 weight range is another story! Going up the scale, I remember feeling angry, depressed, ashamed, hopeless and out of control. It all started with the upper 170's and 180's when I had to quit teaching aerobics because of my knees, but that's a whole other good bye yet to come! When I hit 190, I started shopping at Lane Bryant. I would tear the Lane Bryant labels from the clothes as soon as I got home because I was so embarrassed. I started avoiding school outings and social events that I used to love. I have a memory BURNED into my head that makes me cry when I think of it. My son and I were going through old pictures and he found one of him & I in his classroom, we were both smiling, having a blast. He said "We never do this anymore". It hurts just typing this....I probably ate myself into a stupor after that one. I view the 190's as my "gateway" weight...so close to turning back, but instead I propelled myself up to over 240. OK, that was then...this is now Going down the scale the 190's haven't been so bad. I started out squeezing myself into my old size 14 jeans and now they are loose on me. I get to feeling pretty good, and then I go clothes shopping...then those lovely mirrors remind me I have to keep going and stay on track! I have had so many sweet compliments from people, including my son's 14 year old friends! Who would think they would even notice! I have opened myself up to new friendships (something I hated doing when I was obese) and new experiences. My husband and I are like honeymooners again! I had no idea how much me being obese hurt him. He is just now sharing his feelings (as best a man can lol!). My kids are proud of me.....though they never ever said it, it pains me to think that they weren't for so long. So, good bye 190's. A large part of my life was wasted with you. I hope I have learned from you and never see you again! OK, that took me 2 days of contemplation & over an hour & a box of Kleenex to type! Now that I have said a proper good bye, it's off to the gym to battle the 80's! Thank you God for your love and strength!
  5. Seanamw

    Infection, gym, weight loss stagnant, first fill, etc,

    I'll bet you anything that you will be below 200 by your birthday! Especially with a fill this week! I wanted to be down 50 by my birthday and thought it was impossible, too. I was about where you were at...didn't lose 50, lost 55 and counting! Be patient with yourself and keep up the great work!
  6. Seanamw

    will i be hungry?

    Trust me, hunger is not an issue after surgery! The broth you eat is more than enough, it's all your new tummy can handle. Take it slow, slow slow. Best advice I can give you! Good luck!!
  7. Seanamw

    "Just go get yourself a gym membership..."

    Great vent, I hope you feel better! Some times people can say the dumbest, most hurtful things because it just happened to pop into their heads! You know what's best for you, so to heck with all the un-supportive people in your life! I have been told that I took "the easy way out" with the Lapband. Yeah, right! You sound like you are a caregiver to all those around you...I hope that this surgery will give you the opportunity to be caring for yourself! Please keep us posted on your progress! Good luck!
  8. Seanamw

    One of my personal pick-me-ups...

    Beautiful post! I enjoyed and learned! Thank you!
  9. Seanamw

    Over a month Post Band

    The best energy cure for me has always been exercising. Try a nice brisk walk when you are feeling low energy. The fills will help with hunger, just make sure you take it slow (I learned the hard way myself!). Be patient! The Lapband does work!
  10. Seanamw

    Banded! (3 Days POST Op)

    Flashback time for me! I can already tell you will be successful because you see the upside, like getting better hour by hour. Your new life will be fabulous!!!!! Keep us posted!
  11. Seanamw

    Holiday Time And Feeling Good!

    Great post! You did an amazing job!!! And how nice to say "How sweet it is" and not be refering to food!
  12. Seanamw

    What is it like after you recover?

    1. After surgery I had about 2 days where I moved pretty slow & had gas pains here & there, but overall I felt great! I lived on clear broth for 2 weeks, then mushy foods for 2 more weeks so my new tummy could heal. You may want to rethink enjoying your favorites so soon after surgery. Think of food just as fuel while you heal and take it slow. Try and focus on something else about the holidays that bring you joy that does not involve food. I did that for the first time this Thanksgiving and not only did I lose 4 pounds, I had the best Thanksgiving I have had in years! 2. I don't always eat small bites, some habits are harder than others to break. But I don't eat HUGE bites anymore (like a whole sushi roll slice!). Most of the time I'm ok, but if I am not mindfull with foods like chicken, I am really sorry within seconds after taking too big of a bite. 3. I will never eat Sushi rolls again, and that has been a staple in my diet for years! White rice is not only not good for you, I hear it can get stuck easily...so bye bye Sushi. I also, by choice, have not had any bread or pasta. I do have rice, but it is brown & whole grain with no added sugar. I also don't eat any burgers (unless they are veggie burgers with no bun), pizza (tried it once & got stuck), chicken wings and anything fried. I have found new foods that I enjoy even more though, so I do not feel like I am missing out at all! 4. I don't plan on having my band removed ever! "Greta" and I are in it for the long haul! I wish you the very best with your surgery! Please keep us posted on your progress!
  13. Seanamw

    Stuck Episode??

    Oh, and congrats on the loss! Keep up the great work!
  14. Seanamw

    Stuck Episode??

    I have a real hard time with chicken myself, if I do have it, I have to take very small bites and chew it forever! I opt for fish now when I go out, when I'm home & have chicken, I am very careful.
  15. Seanamw

    Fearfully and wonderfully made!

    Your blog gave me the biggest smile! So true!
  16. Seanamw

    What is Bandster Hell?

    Forgive me if this is a double post, my first one isn't showing. It was chicken breast and I did not cho-cho-cho, so the advice you are getting is right on! I was banded on 7/28/10 and have lost 50lbs with about 20 more to go. I can't even put in to words the change this has made in me! I feel like a brand new person. I am more outgoing, I dress nice (my 14 year old son even commented on it!) and I smile and give thanks to God every day! Not to mention the health changes I am experiencing! I am actually looking forward to my next physical (I have not had one in over 2 years for fear of what the Dr would say). I have a much healthier relationship with food now...took me almost 50 years and surgery....but I am getting there! The best of luck on your decision, please keep us posted!
  17. Seanamw

    Six Months Come and Gone!!

    Happy Bandiversary! And I do get the mom thing as well, amazing how they can still effect us! Sorry about the stressfull Thankgiving, too. I hope you are around people who do not effect you that way for Christmas! You have done an amazing job! I know you will be at your goal by your next anniversary! Keep up the great work!!!!
  18. Seanamw


    What a beautiful post! Congratulations on your half marathon and your success! I know what a true accomplishment that is! I personally cannot run (knees), but am training for the MS 150 next year, and could not have ever even thought about that if I hadn't been banded! Let's all give a "Whoop Whoop" for changing our lives!
  19. Seanamw

    What is Bandster Hell?

    I don't know if the term is for something specific, but I can tell you what mine is! It's when I am at a restaurant and take a bite of something and it gets stuck - that has been happening to me with chicken lately so I am switching to soups or fish. That panicked feeling of "Oh crap, I know what's coming next". I have to excuse myself from the table and go stand over the commode, in pain, until it gets unstuck/purged. Then getting back to the table and having to tell all the worried faces that I am ok! Not to mention, my plate is cold and lunch is over (keeps me from eating too much!). I hope you don't ever have to experience "Bandster Hell" and that your journey is a good one! Keep us posted on your progress!
  20. Seanamw

    Four things....

    I don't think anyone likes the new website lol! Congratulations to you on your success, and smart move going to a thrift store because what you baught won't fit soon! Keep up the great work!
  21. Seanamw

    Totally new look on Thanksgiving!

    Not only do I look better, my dinner plate looked fantastic! I spent the day cooking as always, but didn't eat a little something of everything I cooked all day like I have for years. I ate a healthy breakfast before I got started and that got me through until our early dinner. I took a moment after Grace to look at what I had put on my plate. One slice of ham, one small scoop of mashed sweet potatoes (with skim milk & a little butter - not the kind with brown sugar & marshmallows! and more nutrition than white potatoes), one small scoop of scalloped potatoes and plain green beans. No rolls, no added butter, no stuffing, no gravy. I eyed the scalloped potatoes and knew that if I treated myself to the portion I had - and didn't go for seconds - that I would be OK with an extra workout tomorrow. I spent the whole dinner time enjoying my family and barely focusing on my food. I made some lovely desserts and just watched everyone enjoy them, I was full and passed on dessert (WHAT?). Oh, and we decided as a family that our new tradition for Thanksgiving is to participate in the annual Turkey Trot in our city. My son ran the 5 mile race this morning and my hubby & I walked all over town following him, then we figured why not grab our daughter & join him! So here's how the past 20 something years have gone.......huge family breakfast with eggs, tortillas, sausage & hash browns, then I cook all day "sampling" everything to make sure it was OK to serve. As I made deviled eggs today, I remembered last year eating at least 5 just in the sampling process. Then at dinner time, I would eat a very loaded plate with large portions of everything all topped with gravy, and a big glass of wine. I would always go back for seconds. I would focus more on my plate & what needed to be added to make it taste better...more salt? more gravy? than I would the people at the table. Then an hour later the apple pie was done. Time for a slice of that with ice cream, oh, and don't forget the pumpkin pie! I would just blow off the calories because it was Thanksgiving after all! Wow. I can't answer why I ever let myself get there, because I honestly don't know. All I can do is be thankful for where I am and pray to God for strength to continue on this path! I love where I am in life right now and could not have gotten here without the lapband and the support of my family and everyone on here! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving with loved ones...as long as the loved ones weren't topped with gravy or ice cream!
  22. Seanamw

    New LBT...not liking it

    I totally agree! Very confusing changes...but then again, that's life! You figured out how to post, so you are way ahead of everyone lol! Just so you know, we are all still here for support, love & help. So post away!
  23. Seanamw

    My Journey

    The best of luck to you, and congratulations on quiting smoking!
  24. Seanamw

    36 hours post op

    Great post! And congratulations on your new start on life! You sound very positive and optimistic, and you will be successful! Keep us posted on your progress!
  25. Seanamw

    Had a fill , no different

    I would suggest going back to the basics, keep a very close count of your calories (I use myfitnesspal.com). It doesn't matter how tight your band is if you are consuming too many calories. Call your doctor and talk with him also, you should not have been able to eat what you did if your band is being aggressively filled! Good luck!

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