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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by zuzek

  1. Have had 2 fills - last took me all the way to 8.5cm of possible 10cm, and I still don't feel discernably restricted. Had to rejoin Weight Watchers to get some motivation fm somewhere else and tho I try to watch, weight loss is extremely slow and I feel I'm getting no help fm my band at all. What little loss I've had since 1st few wks of deprivation diets has been from sheer strength of will alone and not at all from any sense of fullness or satisfaction with smaller portions. Is it possible that at first installation, the band can be applied in variable measures of tightness and maybe mine was too loose to begin with???? Does anybody know about this aspect of the procedure or hardware? Also, is there anyone in or near Toronto, Ontario (Canada or Stateside) who will do fills for patients who had banding elsewhere? Tks for any tips or comments. Lorrie Zuzek in Canada
  2. zuzek

    finding fill Doctors

    Hello Stacey - You say your BMI is 35. Well, I was borderline too and for what it's worth, I think some of what I have experienced may have to do with that fact: After going through the first few cautionary weeks of clear liquid only, then all liquids, then puree & liquids, I gradually started to incorporate other regular foods into my diet - obviously trying to eat healthily. Strangely, I felt none of the fullness/satiety that I'd read about. My capacity seemed not restricted AT ALL! and of course, I still felt as much hunger as I'd always had before the surgery. Not only that, I'd cautiously try little bits of rice, steak, and even bread and having found no ill effects, would continue to eat and again -- no pblms AT ALL! - even put away almost a whole portion of chateaubriand one time! Didn't even feel full on smaller amts of food than I'd had before, much less ever experience the backwash (vomiting), or pain of passage of the no-no foods that I'd read so much about. Anyway, after one month I had a fill of 5.7 cm. At first I could sort-of detect some tiny difference, but in next few wks, I began to think that difference I thought I'd detected was simply wishful thinking - purely psychological. In other words, back to feeling no discernible restriction at all. I know we're supposed to still be exercising some judgement and self-control ourselves and not counting on the band to do the whole job for us, but after all, I really wasn't getting ANY help at all fm mine. Went for a 2nd fill after about 5 wks to 8.7cm. Now, I definitely have some of the negative symptoms if I try the no-no foods (tho steak isn't too bad if I eat slowly and chew thoroughly), and I do feel full on less food than I used to eat -- but even now, there's no way I have a sense that the pouch can only hold 3-4 oz. of solid food at a time, which is the claim. I can still eat a fair bit of food compared to other people, just a bit less than I used to eat. (I do try to watch my choices of course, re-joined Weight Watchers & a local gym). Anyway, overall, I'm still glad I did it, have lost some wt since banding (tho most of it in the 3-4 wks right around the surgery), & will continue to lose, hopefully sensing some help fm my band. I only tell you this as a forewarning that it may not be as effective for you if you have say, 40 - 70 lbs to lose, as it seems to be for people who need to lose 100 or more lbs. Or -- maybe it will. Everybody's body is different, and of course, every surgeon is different. Maybe the diameter of my band when originally installed should have been smaller??? Don't really know how that works - ie, if they can be tightened or loosened at discretion of surgeon. So in summary - do it, but have realistic expectations. Anybody else out there have similar experience? Lorrie Zuzek
  3. Am "signed up" to have band place by Dr Joya in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Anyone know of or had surgery by their clinic? Comments, positive or negative pls. One concern is the risk of blood clots - "pulmonary embollism" - which most docs'/clinics' sites are quite forthcoming about admitting is a risk -- but who's susceptible & why or what pre-existing conditions? How can one test themselves to see if they are prone to such a risk? What can one do to guard against possibility of a such an occurrence? What are general % odds? Anybody know? Anybody know of someone to whom this happened? Tks Lorrie Zuzek

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