I was banded July 2nd. It went fine, but around the start of the 2nd week, I started having a lot of gas bubble pain. I'm in my 4th week out now and I am in constant pain. I always have a stomach ache and now heartburn too. I can't really eat. It just accentuates the pain.
I'm living on Protein shakes, Tums, Gas-X, Phazyme and Baby Motrin. I'm walking a couple miles a day. I've tried glycerine suppositories and sodium bicarbonate. I wake up with gas pain and bloat every morning. Some mornings, I get nauseous from the air and just trying to get medication down to deal with it. Then, I just ebb into a long painful day.
I've surfed the web endlessly looking for something else to try. I've taken to spitting all day long so I dont unintentionally swallow any air when when I swallow saliva. It's so gross. It takes me hours to drink a glass of Water. Everytime I look at food, all I see is more stomach ache.
I'm so tired of being in pain all the time. It's just endless. Does anybody have any other ideas that might help?