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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by juliek1968

  1. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Ok so I have 1.5 cc in my 10 cc band and for the first time I got stuck!!! Not a good feeling at all. I did something stupid though....I was out picking up my son from college from 3pm to 7pm and starving, so when I got home I planned on having soup..something fast to make...My husband got little ceasars pizza and breadsticks, so while my soup was cooking I figured I would have a bite of a breadstick..well I guess I ate it too fast and it just didn't go down. I have always gotten the full feeling before when I eat, but this was nothing like it. I couldn't swollow even my own saliva!! finally after about 15 mins it came up, but what an awful experience. I really need to not wait till I am starving to eat. Needless to say I didn't eat my soup after...and even the next day I had a hard time eating. Now I am a little nervous about getting another fill. I know its that I ate fast and didn't chew good I just thought my band would have to be fuller to get stuck like that!!!
  2. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    I forgot to share this with everyone and found it to be something that is important. When I was at the docs yesterday. He said its a good idea to get a medical alert bracelet, That says NO NSAID's and No Blind NG Tube or scope, and of course the meds that your allergic to. He said if something happened and I couldn't talk and they have to do a blind tube or scope well with the fill it just won't go down, and the NSAID's can hurt my stomach also.
  3. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Monica, My doctor doesn't like to do fills close together or put a lot in the fill because he said he believes to much and to often could cause erosion. It is funny how different doctors are. I see some people have gotten over 3cc's for their first fill and are able to go for their second fill within weeks of each other. I just hope that this fill helps me stay full longer...Its more like a mind game right now for me. Amanda, I am so with you. I was actually thinking about being hypnotized to stop snacking. Kind of crazy I know, but right now I am getting full fast but its just that I keep snacking...that's going to do me in if I can't get a handle on it!!
  4. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hi everyone, I have been struggling also. I am not hungry, but it seems like I just eat to eat. I am exercising everyday with 45-60 mins of cardio and then weights everyother day. I have lost 4 inches around my waist, but the scale doesn't want to go down I got my first fill yesterday. I am 7 weeks post-op. The doc was very happy with my progress even though the weight isn't coming off he said the inches are and that is good. I asked the doc how much was in my band and he said nothing. he put in 1.5 cc. He said he starts off slow. He had no problem finding it and it didn't hurt at all I could feel it tightening the band when he added the fluid. It was really interesting. I can not get another fill until Feb though!! It just seems so far away. He told me to have a cup of food for each meal and have mostly protein cause that is what makes muscle. I really just need to stop eating when I am not hungry...it is a bad habbit that I need to change.
  5. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    So sorry for your loss Amanda. TimandMich Congrats to you, I am glad the ultrasound showed everything is good with the baby. You will be in my prayers.
  6. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hi Everyone, So glad I signed on today to see the updates from everyone. I feel like I am in the same boat. I wasn't hungry at first, but I think my head is playing games with me telling me I am hungry all the time...just like the old days!! When my stomach does get hungry and I eat I can only eat a little which is good. I went out the other night for dinner for my daughters 16th bday and I ate half a baked potatoe and one chicken finger with no skin. It was great, but then came her party with cake and icecream...UGH I had a tiny tiny piece of cake and a scoop of icecream and I was full. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am up 3 pounds!! I don't understand how I could of gained 3 pounds when I am eating hardly anything. The nutritionist said that you usually gain when you go to foods from protien drinks but I know I am not getting the calories in to even gain and I am exercising an hour a day. It is very upsetting, but I am trying to stay positive. seeing all the posts, and seeing that I am not alone helps. Thank you everyone
  7. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hi Everyone, I had my post-op appointment today! Doctor said everything is great and I can get back to the Elliptical at the gym!! I met with the nutritionist and I can eat!! I am so happy to be able to chew food again!! I do have a lactose intolarance from the surgery so I have to switch to lactaid milk. Hopefully that will go away. Hope everyone is feeling good )
  8. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hi Everyone. I can't wait till tomorrow for my post-op appointment!! I can't wait to move on from liquids to mushies...I am dying for mashed potatoes and eggs!! I'm not hungry at all...I just want to chew!!! I find myself going through moodswings. I get very irritated easily, and I am usually very easy going. It usually passes fast, but boy I feel like I can bite peoples heads off at times!! I hope when I start eating food and get off just liquids that I will be more myself. The last couple of days I have to admit that I have had a few saltine soup crackers. They went down fine and ahhhhh so nice to chew, and my moodswings are less )
  9. Everyone is doing so good!!! I had surgery on Aug 23rd and I am down 15 lbs since surgery.
  10. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    I slept on the couch for a couple of days with two pillows!! I had my surgery on the 23rd of Aug and last night was the best nights sleep I had :biggrin: It does get better :thumbup:
  11. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Doctors seem to be so different. My doctor said no straws anymore. It can give you gas he said which inturn would hurt the band. Its funny how much I miss drinking from a straw!!!
  12. juliek1968

    August Rush in bandland!

    Hi Everyone!! I was banded on Aug 23rd!! I am on a liquid diet till I see the doc on Sept 8th I am not hungry at all and kind of have to force myself to drink!! I do have blisters around my incisions from the tape that was on them, and was constipated so I called the doc this morning and I was told to take miralax and to put hydrogen peroxide 1/2 strength on my blisters. The first couple of days I had a lot of gas, but I feel great now and I stopped taking my pain med during the day yesterday and only took one pill last night, so the pain is definetly going away :biggrin:) I am so happy that I am on the other side of bandland so I can start my new healthy life :thumbup:)
  13. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    I was banded on Aug 23rd!!! Got home from the hospital yesterday!! I am feeling great. Just a little sore around the port, but like carcar said once your up and moving you don't feel it anymore!! I am so excited for my new healthy life ) Hope everyone is doing good, and everyone that is being banded this week good luck!! if you have a long ride home from the hospital bring a pillow to hold on your lap for any bumps in the road. Makes the ride a little more comfortable.
  14. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    I will be leaving in thirty minutes to go to Boston for my 3:00 surgery!! I have cleaned my house, did food shopping, and now just relaxing for a few before I leave for the hospital. I am nervous, but excited!! Looking forward to loosing weight and becoming healthy!! Good Luck to everyone who is being banded this week!! Julie
  15. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    I got my insurance approval and am all set for Monday August 23rd!! I am starting to get a little nervous, but I know I will be fine Hope everyone is doing good :mad: Julie
  16. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Jen, I am so happy that it went good for you, and your feeling good ) My diet after surgery is a little different from yours it sounds like. I am on a stage three diet when I come home, which means protien shakes, yogurt, whipped cottage cheese, apple sauce, pudding...things like that. Funny to say but I am actually looking forward to stage four when I can eat scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes!! LOL the things ya crave when ya on a liquid diet LOL Keep us posted and I am glad your doing good )
  17. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Good Luck to everyone having surgery this week!!!
  18. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Jen good luck with your surgery today!!!
  19. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Hi Jen, I didn't realize Norwood Hospital did bands. Thats where we always go for er visits...I have two kids!! It is a very good hospital!! My parents go their too for all their medical needs. My doctor is out of the BI so I have to stay in his network for my insurance. I did have to do the 6 months I can change program and then the insurance changed, but it was good I started loosing weight and learned alot about the surgery. Don't worry about the surgery...It sounds like everyone on here is doing really good ) and the meds will take care of the pain! I am a little nervous, but really can't wait!! Keep in touch )
  20. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Hi Jennay, I am from Ma. I am having my surgery at the Beth Isreal. Where are you having yours? I am Just waiting for my new insurance company to approve...I was already approved by Tufts but my hubby's insurance changed to Blue Cross so now I am waiting again...My surgery is scheduled for August 23rd.
  21. Hi Amanda, Have you tried the sample pack of the syntrax nectar? It comes with strawberry kiwi, strawberry mouse, roadside lemonade, iced tea, vanilla bean, chocolate truffle just to name a few. I have tried the chocolate truffle, vanillabean, strawberry kiwi and the roadside lemonade so far, and they were all pretty good even in just water!! I also do the chocolate slimfast which isn't bad. I have tried the unflavored whey protien from GNC and I couldn't even drink it. My sister inlaw who also is going through this bought a big thing of Strawberry protien mix from GNC she likes it....I tried it and couldn't drink it, but like the nectar strawberry one. It could be in how I mix it too. I do half a serving in 8 oz of Water drink that then do another half serving in another 8 oz of water, and I mix it in a blender. It just seems to go down better that way for me. The chocolate and vanilla bean I mixed in 1 percent milk. Good Luck to you. I hope you find something that works ) Julie
  22. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    Good Luck Amber!!!
  23. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    NightNurse, I am sorry you are having such a negative experience with your doctors office. They should really be more understanding. Maybe you can talk to the doctor about his staff?? If they are making you uncomfortable they are probably making other people uncomfortable too. The people that work at my doctors office bend over backwards to help out. I had to switch my PCP and my insurance after they already did a referral for me to have surgery...I got a phone call today from the secretary and asked me for all my info as it changed on Aug 1st so she could do another referral for me. She wasn't bothered by it either (at least she didn't sound it ) I think going through any operation the staff should be friendly and helpful not negative.
  24. juliek1968

    August rush 2010!!!

    My insurance changed yesterday after doing the 6 month I can change diet for tufts ins. I now have Blue Cross Blue Shield and am waiting approvel again!! Surgery date is Aug 23rd :wub: I can't wait!!!

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