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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BabyGotBack

  1. BabyGotBack

    To Tummy Tuck or Not?

    Actually, you can't hardly see my scar at all. My stomach hanging so low it covered certain parts of me, where a lot more disfiguring, at least to me. In the end, I did it for myself. My husband was happy either way, but I did it for me.Audree
  2. BabyGotBack

    Questions, questions, questions...

    I also heard many people park there cars in the US side of the border and just walk over to TJ. Audree
  3. BabyGotBack

    To Tummy Tuck or Not?

    I had one done two years ago and it is the best thing I have done, so far. If I would have known about the Lap band, I would have done that first. I gained eighty five pounds with both my daughters, due to toxemia. I went up to 240. I had an "apron" and even with a personal trainer for one year, the rest of me toned, but not the "apron". I found a wonderful doctor in San Bernardino, CA named Dr. Jessie Mitchell, BeautifulReflections.com If I gain weight, it is not in my stomach, it gets distributed other places. So, my stomach is completely flat and I love it. He only charged me $4000 cash. Audree
  4. I will have my surgery on Dec. 17. So, by Christmas eve, one week later, I was wondering what kind of liquids people will be having? Thanks,Audree
  5. BabyGotBack

    How do I get my Picture up?

    Hello! I went under User CP and put in a signiture. I uploaded a picture at the bottom of that page. I assumed that it would put my picture up, the one when you answer people on the forum and is by your name. But my picture is not there. How do I get it there? Thanks,Audree
  6. BabyGotBack

    LBT Chat room??

    I just noticed the LBT chatroom. Does anyone ever use it? Audree
  7. BabyGotBack

    December Bandsters

    Hi NG Adams! I did that (I think)! Down on the bottom of the page where it says browse, I put the code in and my picture did pop up after I reviewed it, my picture showed up. I was thinking that maybe the moderator of this page has to okay it first??? Thanks for your help! Audree
  8. BabyGotBack

    December Bandsters

    How do I get my picture up by my name? I went to the page to make a signature and uploaded a picture. Does it have to get approval first to get on or go on right away or did I just do it wrong? Thanks, Audree
  9. BabyGotBack

    another new member!

    Thanks!!! Slow and easy loss is better than slwoly gaining everyday like I am now. I can never keep it off! Audree
  10. BabyGotBack

    December Bandsters

    Also, is this the official check in for December bandsters? there is another December bandsters but it said something about surgery date. Audree
  11. BabyGotBack

    December Bandsters

    Hi! I am decided to use Dr. Ortiz and and trying to get a surgery date of Dec. 17 or 18. I am just waiting for my funding. Dr. Ortiz sounds fantastic! I have actually talked to someone who wen to him and they had nothing but great things to say! He has a lot of experience too. I am so ready to do this. I have actually only been on this board for about two weeks and researching lapband for about the same time. But,, I have been watcing my friend who has had hers for a year. She also did hers in Mexico with Dr. Pedro Herrera Terrazas. I remember when she first told me she went to Mexico and I couldn't believe it. But, I see now it was only my own ignorance then. Who's to say doctors in other countries are not as good or better than the US? I guess it is just an automatic stereotype people do including myself until I really looked into it and educated myself. I am a lower bmi patient 5'5 and 185. If I am not on a low carb diet and constantly dieting, I easily gain. I am sure I have gained 5 pounds since Thanksgiving since i am not doing low carb. I am eating everything in moderation, since I know I won't be able to eat certain foods for a while and some permanently. The problem is, what I think is moderation, is in actuality a lot I guess. When I have counted calories, I underestimate what I really eat. Looking forward to being a part of this group! Audree:nervous
  12. BabyGotBack

    Fill Centers USA?

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone has used FillCentersUSA.com It is a referral service to patients in the states who use a doctor that is out of the country or too far. Dr. Ortiz is a affiliated with them as a medical advisor. If you did, what was your experience? Where you happy? Thanks, Audree
  13. BabyGotBack

    Fill Centers USA?

    Thanks for your comments! Audree
  14. BabyGotBack

    Fill Centers USA?

    I was wondering if they will use a fluro if they have to and how much more it would cost? I know that Dr. Ortiz always does his fills using a fluroscope. Is this better, to use the fluro than not to? Audree
  15. BabyGotBack

    South Beach Diet

    Hello! I have used the South Beach Diet and am currently following it here and there. You will get all the info you ever wanted on Prevention.com then go to the South Beach Diet forums. I think I will eat South Beach primarily after I get banded. It is very easy and if you go off one meal, you just start South Beach the next meal. Audree
  16. BabyGotBack

    another new member!

    I am also hopefully going to schedule my lapband in December. I am like you, a lower BMI patient. It doesn't seem there are that many. I am 5'5 and 185. My BMI is 31. I am 33 with a 5 and 7 year old daughters. My goal weight is about 135,so about 50 pounds to lose. Did the doctor you are going to see say anything about the lapband and lower bmi patients? Do we lose as fast or slower? Thanks, Audree
  17. BabyGotBack

    Considering Surgury-HELP

    I was contacted by Dr. Ortiz's patient coordinator and she said they would do my surgery. The more I think about it, the more I think I want to do it. I have yo yo'd my whole life, getting up to 240. No matter what I do I cant get lower than 180-185. I am constantly thinking about my weight, my clothes feeling tight, what I can and can't eat, feeling irratable, confused. I need to lose about 55 pounds or so. I just want to be, think and feel like a normal person. Not obsessed with food and weight. Thanks,Audree

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