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Posts posted by SassyladyNplano

  1. OMG... I've been looking for a thread like this FOR THE LONGEST! I'm six months post pregnancy and have YET to get to my sweet spot. For one thing, my fill tech just wont fill me. Not sure what her issue is. Anyway, I really want to know what are the best foods to eat to get back on the bandwagon. I feel like i've TOTALLY forgotten what to do, now.



  2. .:I'm reposting from another forum but maybe a mentor is best for me:. :redface:

    I was banded 12/06. I started losing in 2008 and was very successful. In 2009 I found out I was pregnant and I just had my baby in January. Now that she's 6 months, I'm attempting to get back on track but it's the HARDEST thing to do! I almost feel like I'm totally new at this thing and am wondering how to get back on track. The fill center I was going to prior to my pregnancy is no longer my choice location. The fill tech is no longer there and the new one refuses to fill me to where i feel i should be. Just to be clear, I'm not one that wants to only be able to take in liquids! However, I don't believe i should be able to digest breads and pastas. Am i incorrect? Anyway, I'd just like help and maybe a little motivation to get back on track! I gained 30lbs while pregnant and my overall weight loss before my pregnancy was 75lbs...


  3. .:I posted this in another forum but would love your to hear your thoughts and advice:.

    I was banded 12/06. I started losing in 2008 and was very successful. In 2009 I found out I was pregnant and I just had my baby in January. Now that she's 6 months, I'm attempting to get back on track but it's the HARDEST thing to do! I almost feel like I'm totally new at this thing and am wondering how to get back on track. The fill center I was going to prior to my pregnancy is no longer my choice location. The fill tech is no longer there and the new one refuses to fill me to where i feel i should be. Just to be clear, I'm not one that wants to only be able to take in liquids! However, I don't believe i should be able to digest breads and pastas. Am i incorrect? Anyway, I'd just like help and maybe a little motivation to get back on track! I gained 30lbs while pregnant and my overall weight loss before my pregnancy was 75lbs...


  4. I was banded 12/06. I started losing in 2008 and was very successful. In 2009 I found out I was pregnant and I just had my baby in January. Now that she's 6 months, I'm attempting to get back on track but it's the HARDEST thing to do! I almost feel like I'm totally new at this thing and am wondering how to get back on track. The fill center I was going to prior to my pregnancy is no longer my choice location. The fill tech is no longer there and the new one refuses to fill me to where i feel i should be. Just to be clear, I'm not one that wants to only be able to take in liquids! However, I don't believe i should be able to digest breads and pastas. Am i incorrect? Anyway, I'd just like help and maybe a little motivation to get back on track! I gained 30lbs while pregnant and my overall weight loss before my pregnancy was 75lbs...


  5. Well hello ladies! It's been SOOOOO long! I hope you all haven't forgetten me! I must say it's been forever and I'm finally back "home" ready to get this weight off. I'm sad to say that I gained about 30 lbs. HOWEVER... I also gained a beautiful little girl named Kendall! I hopr all is well with you and I ask for your encouragement and help as I attempt to knock this baby weight off!

  6. Well hello ladies! It's been SOOOOO long! I hope you all haven't forgetten me! I must say it's been forever and I'm finally back "home" ready to get this weight off. I'm sad to say that I gained about 30 lbs. HOWEVER... I also gained a beautiful little girl named Kendall! I hopr all is well with you and I ask for your encouragement and help as I attempt to knock this baby weight off!


  7. Heyy ladies! Been a while! Just coming by to say hello! I've been slacking on the posting I know! But I have been working out! YAY!

    Ok, so.. I got this forward and guess what? It was the same photo someone posted in here (can't remember who posted it! And maybe it was posted in the yahoogroups!) The pic on the beach! Was that just a forward or someone actually posted that photo? Just a question!


  8. Hey ladies! I'm just checking in to see how all is doing. I've been busy with exams and wedding planning. I graduate Saturday! yay for me! Anyway... got on the scale TONIGHT... which in MY opinion is the worst time to do so... but I'm up .6. AGAIN... this is the worst time cause I'd just eaten and I strongly believe that plays a part! if not.. don't u DARE tell me otherwise! :D Anyway... Going to walk with my fiance since I cant work out and mess up the do. (hairstyle) TTyl loves!


  9. I'm so proud of everyone! You all are the greatest! I went to a support group lastnight and spreaded the word about this wonderful site! Hopefully they will all come and see what's it's all about. I told them i have the BEST support group RIGHT HERE online! Everyone keep your heads up and keep up the good work!


  10. Mornin' Ladies! Soooooo guess what? -6lbs! YAY! I ot up this grand morning and said... u know what? I'm going to OVERCOME my fears of getting on the scale and Just DO IT! I'll have you know that I am 225.6! YES! Ok... thanks fo listening! You just have to understand it's been a LONG time since I've weighed myself and it's definitely been a while since I've LOST anything!

    Good Day, Ladies!


  11. HA HAHA! I'm at work and all of a sudden in mid silence you hear me LOL'n! That was TOOOO funny! And about the restriction.. I guess I might coming off incorrectly! I'm glad YOU ALL are happy for me because I'm not so sure I'm as happy! I woke up this morning and drank some juice and choked on it and pb'd it ALL up! I don't know guys. Help me out here! Is this normal or too tight? I didn't really eat ANYTHING yesterday and the day before. I keep telling myself it'll get better, but really, I don't know so someone, anyone... help!

  12. Morning Ladies!

    Ok, so I just want to say this and Im goin back to bed! Hehe..

    Before this fill, I now realize, that I had NO restriction. I misunderstood food gettin stuck for restriction. I was wondering why my weightloss was soooooo ultra UBER slow but now I know! Now I can't eat much of anything AT ALL! Anywho, Im happy to say I'm doing a lot better and looking better as well! Hope all is well with everyone! Electricity's been out since 8ish lastnight from the storm and is still kinda in and out so I'm going back to bed. Have a great day aand I will talk to you good ppl later!


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