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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandongal

  1. You are quite "normal" I think. I did not have any restriction much until I had a couple of fills. I was scared for months so did not "Test" my band then slowly as the weight came off I did try more and more new things and now with 7.5 in a 10 cc band can eat most things and may get another fill. I am an emotional eater as I figure most of us here are and it is hard , even though I am much lighter now and within goal. It will always be a struggle I think. BUT I can do it and you can too
  2. bandongal

    Not drinking while eating??

    you will get used to it:) I was told I can drink "before", but nothing during or 60 minutes after my meals. This helps your band work correctly so you feel full--good luck:redface:
  3. hi Zen, yeah it has been a while. Computer problems and just been REALLY busy. Hope your fill goes well and you get more restriction than I did. I am basically "dieting":(

  4. I think you have done very well. I have only been banded since August 26th so I am a newbie. I started taking carnitine 250 mg. once a day about a month after surgery. My surgeon said it was fine to take. I have been happy with my weight loss and do not know if this supplement is helping or not. I do get around 100 gms. protein/day and my calories are a little too low I think at around 1,000/day. good luck:redface:
  5. I got my first fill 2 weeks ago-4cc. I was told nothing to eat or drink two hours before and only fluids for 24 hours after. I did fluids 48 after though just to be careful. I have no restriction except if I eat bread which I did one time and got "stuck" for a bit. Cannot have another fill until November 17th:cursing:
  6. bandongal

    Wonderland at Last!

    :thumbup:WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!I am getting close too and have not been in wonderland in over ten years either. It's so cool isn't it??:smile:
  7. bandongal

    feeling a little down...

    hi Zen, I with ya gal:sad: I miss my pal too. I especially had 3 bad craving days and it has not been too bad since. I was told not to do anything but fluids until week four so I am still on all fluids except cream of wheat that I mix with skim milk. Are you getting enough protein? I am getting 100 grams a day which I think helps. I was told to still do two protein drinks even when I go to regular food. I am scared that on week four I will eat too much since I will have free rein. I do have my first fill date on Oct. 6th though so I will do my best for those 2 weeks and try to maintain until I get a fill. It may take two or three fills but it will happen. Sometimes a certain food will come to mind and I miss it and realize I will NEVER get to pig out on it again. That is a weird feeling at times. But then like today I put on jeans and they were loose so that was so cool. Hang in there. I need to exercise too...yake care,lynda
  8. make sure you are getting enough protein pre-op. I was told at least 60 grams per day. I also was to take 500 mg. vit. C twice a day to prepare for healing and stop any aspirin one week prior. best to you:thumbup:
  9. bandongal

    Surgery Date 9/20/10!!!!

    CONGRATS!! you will do fine:smile:
  10. bandongal

    Getting banded in 19 days!

    I was done on 8/26 and everything went fine. I did have some gas pain though but it was gone within a week. Doing great now. Pre-op make sure you are getting strong for surgery and after surgery. I was told to do protein drinks at least 60-100 grams of protein per day and take 500 mg. vitamin C twice daily. Good luck:thumbup:
  11. hi Zen, I am getting ready for bed. I have my 2 week post-op doctor visit tomorrow. Maybe they will give me a fill date which is supposed to be 6 weeks post-op. I have MUCH less pain tonight. I have been more satisfied since I have added that cream of wheat. I added up my calories and it is under 800. How many do you get a day? Have a nice day:) lynda

  12. that chicken sounds yummy:) I have my 2 week post op check tomorrow. I am hoping they will give me my fill date which is supposed to be 6 wks. post op. I lost 10 pounds before surgery and about eleven pounds since surgery. I am feeling ans seeing the difference in my face, tummy and legs a little. going to bed-nite

  13. hope you are doing ok:) I had some cream of wheat last night and WOW and can't believe I could get so excited over a bit of hot cereal--

  14. hope you find that potato soup recipe! Sounds good:) especially since I have been on nothing but protein drinks and sugarfree stuff all week:( I am going to try some watered-down protein rich oatmeal. I do need to walk more. take care, lynda

  15. bandongal

    Please help!

    :smile: I was also done on 8/26 and things started feeling better on day *7*. Isopure is good since it is clear with the protein which you need. Keep your chin up it will get better. I remember on day 4 I actually almost had a panic attack thinking about that band being in me and I now have no choice about it being there:cursing: I had feeling of wanting the damn thing outta there!! Have not felt that way since:) I did start missing food on day seven though so beware!! good luck:thumbup:
  16. sorry you are not feeling well. I was done on 8/26. I was on high protein drinks before and after too for three weeks. I get over 90 grams of protein by drinking whey protein "shakes". You can buy the powder at rite aid or maybe walmart. I also am on 1000 mg. of vitamin c for healing as well as multi and calcium and prescription vit. D once a week. Maybe you need more protein?? good luck:)

  17. bandongal

    Just wanna say...

    :tongue:hooooray AUGUST *peeps*:smile:
  18. Good luck to all of you waiting to be banded:thumbup: I am so glad mine is done since I had so much anxiety pre-op about complications, pain, etc. My operation went very well. I did have a hernia which they repaired and was in surgery 1 1/2 hours. No nausea or vomitting. They did give me meds for that in my IV. Ice chips and water on day one. Needed pain meds but my pain level was only once at a "6". I am one week out now and down seven pounds!! Beware of the GAS PAIN -make sure you have adequate pain meds at home and nausea meds in case the pain meds make you feel sick-you don't want to be throwing up! My gas pain is almost gone now. Still some incisional pain and a little port pain-but not bad. I started missing real food yesterday. Looking forward to mushies on week four--take care all:redface:
  19. I was banded on 8/26 and noticed on day 7 that I started missing food:( I am on three weeks of liquids before mushies. It is hardest when I make my hubby something to eat. I was told that the stomach should not have to work to digest anything until it is healed and that bit of info. scared me strait:) good luck

  20. bandongal

    Just wanna say...

    :redface:It is a great place to come!! And there are such nice people here:)
  21. bandongal

    Sweets....ever okay?

    my doctor's nurse said an occaisional sweet is ok as long as you eat your protein first and "stop" after having a small amount which is what should satisfy if restriction is where it should be. She did say ice cream, milkshakes, high calorie coffee drinks and sucking on chocolate can sabotage since it most likely will just bypass the restriction since it is mainly liquid.
  22. I woke up very calm and not unsettled. The nurse was softly saying my name and reassuring me and I felt safe. I was not in pain since I was already on pain meds. I got to talk to my hubby within 3 minutes on her cell phone. When I wake up I am a bit stiff but I don't feel my port or band-just still healing inside. --good luck

  23. banded on 8/28. I had chest pain here and there for 3-5 seconds at level of 6 or 7. By day 7 it lessoned alot and by day 8 it is gone:thumbup: Not bad incisional pain achy sometimes at matbe a "4". I did have very bad lower abdominal gas pain on my 4th night at a level of "8" that lasted a good 5 minutes until I took my hydocodone and got my heating pad--then it was gone and never happened like that again:) I am glad I always had ample pain meds AND nausea meds. too since the pain meds make me feel like throwing up--they do make you sleepy though.
  24. Was banded on 8/26--going good and gas pain pretty much gone:thumbup: just a little incision pain. missing food a bit:cursing: I plan on donating all my clothes as they "outgrow" me. good luck:redface:
  25. bandongal

    5 days post-op

    I had surgery on 8/26 and am on fluds for THREE weeks then mushies then solid food on week six. Losing about a pound a day which seems fast. Missing "real" food a bit. Gas pain is almost gone and still some soreness. I do still take pain meds right before bed. All in all everything is going good.

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