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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rebeccastl615

  1. I think it was like week 3 that I was able to start eating crackers.
  2. Rebeccastl615

    My First Fill

    It isn't that bad really. My doctor had to poke around with the needle a bit to find the port hole I guess so it made it a little sore for the rest of the day but the next day was fine. I was really tight all the rest of the day too. I went in thinking Ugh! How am I going to do liquids all day? I couldn't have eaten that day had I wanted to! By the way, you were banded the day after me! I was at 254 on my surgery date though. I am at 238 right now. So we are pretty similar! Good luck fellow bandster! :thumbup:
  3. I was weak and shaky at first too. You need to make sure you are eating enough protein. I ate a lot of tuna salad and crackers. That helped with the hunger and it is a great source of protein!
  4. Rebeccastl615


    Well here I am a little over 6 weeks post op and doing well. I did have one minor set back about 3 weeks after surgery when I had an episode where something was stuck and had some vomiting which caused the dr. to remove some fluid from the band. He took out 2 cc's. I didn't even know I had 2 cc's in the band! I went the following week for my first fill as scheduled but he only put 1.5 cc's back in. My dr. only does fills every 7-8 weeks. I am not scheduled for a 2nd fill until October 11th. I do feel some restriction now but not as much as I should. I can eat more than I should in the evenings. I had read lots of people on here that stated that and thought it was strange but now I suffer from the same phenomenon. I can't eat very much at all at breakfast, a little more at lunch, but dinner time I really need to practice self control or I could probably eat whatever I wanted. I am hoping my 2nd fill will tighten me up enough to avoid that. I am officially down 21 pounds. I am happy with the weight loss but haven't really lost anything other than maybe a pound or so in the past 2 weeks. I know I need to amp up working out as I haven't been doing enough of that, only walking really. I used to work out all the time but just haven't found my mo jo again for that yet. Just walking the trail at the park is rough for me. And I have only done that like once a week. I know if I increase my exercise quantity/quality I will see better results. But even knowing that, I still am having a hard time motivating myself. I hope that it clicks on soon and I get it in gear!! Just wanted to post an update so that I can record my journey. I am hoping the 2nd fill will help me more. I will update again soon. Thanks!
  5. Rebeccastl615

    July banders-work together

    UPDATE: I was banded 4 weeks ago tomorrow. Things were going smoothly and I was following the diet progression set by my dietician just fine for the first 2 weeks and then I started getting hungry and wanting to actually eat something! So I started eating tuna salad and crackers and then added in some fish, shrimp, etc. even though those items were on my week 4 list and I was just coming up on week 3. Everything was going well, I was eating just a little bigger portion than I was supposed to but I could eat it so thought that was okay too. Went for my follow up visit with the doctor last Wednesday and told him everything was going great. I did mention I had eaten a few things ahead of schedule and he told me not to do that, that the diet was that way for a reason after researching thousands of lap band patients, etc. So I decided not to continue eating things ahead of schedule anymore. Guess what? Too late! The damage was done. On Thursday I started having sharp pains in my chest off and on. It really hurt badly. Friday it hurt so much I had to leave work early. I struggled through the weekend. I couldn't eat very much at all without feeling very full. Much less than I had been eating. Sunday night I woke up in the middle of the night with slime in my mouth and had to go vomit. Monday morning I dry heaved for 5 minutes straight. I called the doctor's office as soon as they opened and they got me in that morning. The doctor told me that I must have irritated my pouch by eating too fast, too much, or things that I shouldn't have. (Looking back I realize it was probably all 3 of these) He removed 2 cc's from my band that I didn't even know was in there. Apparently it was in there when they put the band on me at surgery. He told me not to alter my diet, take it easy and it should be healed up soon. (By the way I had lost 6 1/2 pounds from my visit with him the past Wednesday to Monday....5 days!) While the weight loss is nice, I knew it was from not being able to eat hardly any food. On Monday after the doctor I went home and could not move off the couch for the rest of the day and could not really eat any food at all. I felt like I did the first day or two post-op. I was miserable! And yesterday I got up and tried to get ready for work, felt so weak that it was a huge effort for me to even do anything, realized I couldn't make it, and had to call in to work. Yesterday I ate a few bites of eggs in the morning and for dinner I had a few crackers with thin sliced turkey deli meat and cheese. Last night when I went to lie down for bed, my stomach made lots of weird growling noises and after each noise, the sharp pain in my chest would hit. That finally stopped after a while and I was able to get a good night's sleep. Today I made it work okay. (I weighed myself this morning and have lost 4 more pounds since Monday...crazy stuff) I tried to eat a bananna for breakfast but could only eat about half of it. For lunch I had about 8 spoonfuls of soup and 3 crackers with cheese. I am working my way back to some kind of "normal" but it has been rough. The chest pains are getting fewer and more far between so that is good. But the moral to this story is that I definitely irritated my pouch and have had some serious pain and consequences as a result. I have learned my lesson early on that this is not something to mess with. You have to follow the rules. They are there for a reason! I didn't even deviate that much from the rules, but obviously enough to do some damage. I am trying to get it healed as I have my first fill scheduled for next Wednesday, 8/25. The doctor said I should still be able to get my fill, but we will have to see how it goes and we will decide at the appt. on Wednesday. I am trying to take it easy as I would really like my fill! So to all of you out there that are eating things you shouldn't or eating more than you are supposed to and think that it is okay since nothing happens when you eat it, please know that the consequences can come a week or so later and it is not fun at all! This is definitely much harder than I thought it was going to be. I have cried more than a few times through this whole process. But I am staying strong, staying focused on my goal of a skinnier, healthier me! And I know it will be worth it all in the end. Good luck to all of you and if my story can help one person from not having to go through the pain and difficulty that I have had the past few days then taking the time to post this long story is worth it! Good luck to all my fellow bandsters!
  6. Nicole, you may want to be careful with what you eat and do not eat things before you are supposed to. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow and I did the same exact thing. I was hungry and wanted to eat something so I started eating things about a week before I was supposed to. People warned me not too, but I took it a little at a time and nothing happened so I thought I was just fine. Well this past Thursday I started getting really bad sharp pains in my chest that hurt terribly and I all of a sudden couldn't eat very much at all. Then Sunday night I woke up with slime in my mouth and had to rush to the bathroom to vomit. Then Monday morning I dry heaved for about 5 minutes. I called the Doctor and they got me in right away Monday morning. He told me that I had either been eating too fast, too much, or something I wasn't supposed to. (it was probably all 3 really). He said I must have irritated it and it was probably a little swollen. He took out 2 cc's out of my band. (that is what was in there when I had the surgery) And told me to take it easy and do exactly what I am supposed to do from here on out and I shouldn't have any more problems. I have lost 10 pounds from last Thursday to today. That is nice that I have lost weight but it is really because I can't eat very much at all now. I know that is because I was eating things too soon and eating over the amounts that I was supposed to. Not by much, I thought it was okay if I just went a little over here and there or if I just ate this or that. I WAS SO WRONG! I still have weird chest pains now and then and my stomach makes really weird noises sometimes. I was so weak for a couple of days from not being able to eat. I felt like I was back at the beginning couple of days after surgery. So please take my advice and DON"T OVER DO IT. The progression back to food really is there for a reason and if you speed up the process too fast, you may regret it later. I know I sure do! I am hoping to get it healed and still be ready for my first fill scheduled for next Wednesday so I am being very careful now. Good luck to you and everyone else on this journey! It is not as easy as I thought it was going to be! But I am still staying focused and looking to the future as a slimmer, healthier me and it will hopefully all be worth it in the end!
  7. Rebeccastl615

    Onderland is around the corner!

    Congratulations! You and I were exact same weight on surgery date so I am so encouraged by your post! I was just banded on 7/22 and do not get my first fill until 8/25 and then have to wait 6 weeks after that for another fill. I have only lost 7 pounds since surgery date and have been feeling a little discouraged since I have been eating soooo much less food than I used to and have stuck to the diet plan, and have been drinking lots of water. I was starting to wonder how long it will take for me to really start losing weight. After reading your post, I have hope! I am excited about the prospect of reaching Onederland and then on to my final goal weight! I hope that after my first couple of fills, the weight will start coming off more quickly. I am so excited for you and glad to hear you are doing so well! Thanks for your encouraging post and keep up the good work!
  8. I had my surgery last Thursday, the 22nd of July. I had 3 days pre-op liquid diet, which I lost 4 pounds from. And I have lost another 11 pounds post op for a total of 15 pounds. I know this is amazing! And I am so excited! However, the past couple of days I have been STARVING. I get hunger pains so badly that my stomach hurts. I am supposed to be on week 2, oatmeal, grits, etc. but that has not been filling me up. I started eating mashed potatoes (although those are on my week 3 list) and those worked for a minute but now I am still hungry! I have been drinking protein shakes and those help a little but I want to EAT SOMETHING! I am going to go ahead tomorrow and start adding some of the other week 3 foods like scrambled eggs and cheese and crackers because I feel like I can handle it. I am hoping this will help some too. I have read about bandster hell but I didn't expect it to start this quickly! I am not sure when I get my first fill. My first follow up appointment is delayed because my doctor is on vacation, so it isn't scheduled until August 11th. I wouldn't think he would give me my first fill on my first follow up visit, but at this point I am kinding of hoping he will because I am tired of being hungry ALREADY! Anyway, just thought I would share what I am going through. Thanks, and good luck to everyone else out there going through this!
  9. Rebeccastl615

    July banders-work together

    I can't say what is "normal" as I think each person has a unique experience. However, I can say that by day 5 I was feeling much better and ready to eat something. I did not have pain or discomfort from eating or drinking at that point. But you might take just a little longer to heal. I would give it a few more days. If you still aren't feeling like eating anything within about 3 or 4 more days, and still feeling pain and discomfort from eating and drinking I would definitely consult your doctor about it. Good luck!
  10. Rebeccastl615

    July banders-work together

    I was banded on Thursday, July 22nd. That first day I was in some pain but even by that evening I was starting to feel a little better. Mine was a required overnight stay, which I was grateful for as I don't think I was ready to go home until the next day. The first couple of days were hard. I cried a few times. It was hard to even get water down, let alone the 4 ounces of soup broth. But then after a few days it got easier and by like day 5 I was actually starting to feel hungry. My stomach was growling so much it hurt so day 6 I went ahead and started week 2, which was grits, oatmeal, yogurt, etc. The grits were like heaven! Even though I could only eat a little at a time it was so nice to eat something that tasted good and I was also happy that I was actually hungry. I ate grits and oatmeal for a few days with a couple of protein shakes here and there. Then I decided to go ahead and "graduate" myself to mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. Yippee! I was actually eating! But after 2 days of mashed potatoes I decided they really weren't helping me to lose weight, nor providing the protein that I needed. So I moved up to cottage cheese, even though that was a week 3 food and I was still only a couple of days in to week 2, I went ahead because I wanted to eat protein rich foods so I could stop drinking protein shakes as they were grossing me out and I was having to force them down. The cottage cheese went well so this past weekend I decided to add tuna salad and crackers. I am such a rebel! But those went fine. I am always very careful to take very small bites and watch the clock and take 2 minutes between bites and that seems to really help. The water has been easier and easier to drink, I think I am finally up to getting around the 64 ounces in each day. I had lost a total of 15 pounds from the 3 day pre op liquid diet and not eating after surgery, but now I have gained 4 of those pounds back. Which is crazy to me since I eat no more than 6 ounces of food at a time and I really do only eat 3 times a day. Yesterday I had one scrambled egg and some grits for breakfast, I know it was a little more than I will be able to eat once I get filled, but still way less than what I used to eat. Plus, I drink nothing but water. Lots and lots of water. For some reason the more I drink water, the more I crave it. (I never used to drink water, only soda and tea) But I know once I get my fill, hopefully the weight will start coming off more quickly. I went back to work 6 days after the surgery and I can say that right now I feel great. No complications (knock on wood) and things seem to be progressing on the food chart quite nicely. This weekend I am going to eat some lobster and crab legs. I can't wait! So there is light at the end of the tunnel ladies! Don't get discouraged. It will be here before you know it. Good luck to all of us that decided to take this journey!
  11. Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it. You are right, maybe I will wait a few more days before I do crackers and cheese. But definitely adding scrambled eggs tomorrow! Today is Friday, week 3 will start officially next Thursday I guess so maybe I could add week 3 foods like next Tuesday. That isn't too quickly I wouldn't think. This whole thing is a little harder than I really thought it was going to be. I know it will get easier with time, just trying not to get frustrated too much in the mean time. Yes, I have been trying to get my water in. I drink it as much as I can. I have to wait an hour after eating before I can drink so I do the best I can in the time I have to get my water in but I don't think I make 64 ounces, probably more like 45-50 ounces a day. I think I will just try to add an extra protein shake in there if I can manage it, because those really do help. It is just hard to force myself to drink those things sometimes! Sorry to be complaining! I know some people wish they were already banded and where I am at now, well on my way to recovery with no apparent complications at this time (knock on wood). I am grateful, just looking forward to the better days ahead and sometimes don't want to wait!
  12. Rebeccastl615

    any St. Louis Bandsters??

    I am in St. Louis. I was just banded last Thursday, July 22nd though, so unsure how much I can really help. But I am here if you need something!
  13. Rebeccastl615

    Any July Bandsters.....

    Oh yeah and the hospital had given me some kind of wild berry boost drink the night of surgery. I took a few sips and a little while later I threw up. Not just bp or whatever but actual throw up with heaving. I was so scared my band would slip but the nurse said it would be fine, that it takes a bunch of throwing up not just one time. Then yesterday in the car on the way home I drank too much water and had something like a sliming episode I guess. Then when I got home yesterday for some reason I thought I was supposed to sip protein shake, but I took 2 sips and knew that was not going down good. I then looked at my stuff from my nutrition class and saw that I am not supposed to start protein shakes again until after first week. I am learning from my mistakes quickly!!
  14. Rebeccastl615

    Any July Bandsters.....

    I was banded on Thursday the 22nd. When I first got out I was in quite a bit of pain and thought what the heck did I do? But I got up later that evening and walked the hall in the hospital. Luckily, mine was an overnight stay. I have no idea how people do this surgery as outpatient because there is no way I would have been ready to go home that night. I sipped water and ice chips the first night. The next morning, which was yesterday, I felt a little better. I walked the halls quite a bit to try and get rid of the gas pain. I decided to stop taking the liquid vicodin because I did not like the way it made me feel nauseous and dizzy. So I am toughing it out. I came home yesterday afternoon. I only drank water yesterday trying to keep from being dehydrated but did not really want anything. Today has been better. I am still sore and sometimes feel pain in my chest if it bubbles or burps but it is tolerable. I forced down a total of 4 ounces of chicken broth but it took 3 times before I got it all down, little bits each time. Crazy because just 3 days ago I was guzzling a whole can of broth in nothing flat and now I truly cannot handle more than a few sips. Again, been mostly sipping water all day forcing it down sips at a time to avoid dehydration. This is definitely harder than I thought it was going to be. I even cried today which I did not think would happen to me, but I know it is going to get better each day. I know it is going to work and I will be a success story when this is all over. I hope my story helps others and good luck to everyone doing this. And do not listen to anyone, this is way harder than just going on a diet!
  15. I am very excited to start my liquid diet today. I am thankful it is only for 3 days though. I really feel for those that must do it for 2 weeks. That has to be hard. I had my "last supper" Saturday night with my family. We went to an all you can eat family style dinner and I ate like a piggy of course. And yesterday I said goodbye to McDonald's with 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry. :biggrin: Now that I hav ended my love affair with food, I am happy to say we have parted ways amicably and I am ready for my New Life where food will no longer be in control of me. I am so looking forward to being the thin person that I always feel like I am on the inside. I am ready to show the world! I stopped in the Smoothie King by my house this morning and am so glad that I did. For any of you that may have a Smoothie King in your area, I highly recommend it! They have the Gladiator Shake that has 45 grams of protein per shake! And they taste good as well. They can either make a shake for you in the store, or they also sell the powder in individual packets as well as a big tub. They also have another kind of pre-made shake that they sell that I haven't tried yet but that one has 32 grams of protein per serving. The place really isn't that expensive compared to what the protein shakes I have priced already cost. Plus, these shakes are much higher in protein than the others with little to no sugar. I think Smoothie King is going to be a lifesaver for me! :eek: I weighed msyelf this morning knowing this is my high point. Since I am starting the liquid diet today and getting banded, I know it will all be downhill from here! I am so excited! I am going to start losing weight that I know finally will be the last time I ever have to lose that same weight again! WOO HOO! I am ready, ready ready! And VERY excited! Good luck to all you other fellow bandsters out there and big ups to everyone else getting banded this week! <a href="Weight Loss - Diet Ticker"> <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wvYtQT8/weight.png"></a>
  16. Rebeccastl615

    Anyone getting banded on July 22nd?

    My ticker didn't work! I am trying it again:redface:
  17. Rebeccastl615

    Anyone getting banded on July 22nd?

    I am getting banded this Thursday the 22nd too! I just started my liquid diet today though, as my doctor only requires for 3 days prior to surgery. Thank goodness. Not sure if I could handle it for any longer length of time. I am proud of you girls that are doing it! I have run the gamut of emotions already from nervous, scared, am I crazy for doing this, what if something goes wrong, etc. Now I am past all of that and just excited and happy it is almost here. I am ready to get it done, get it behind me and start losing weight! I went to smoothie King today and they have a Gladiator Protein shake with 45 grams of protein and no carbs or sugar. It tasted really good. They can make one in the store for you for $4.99 or they also sell the Gladiator powder. Individual packets are $2.50 a pack and the big tub is $39.99. I definitely recommend that to everyone if you have a Smoothie King in your area. Good luck to you fellow bandsters getting banded this week! I am excited for all of us! <a href="Weight Loss - Diet Ticker"> <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wvYtQT8/weight.png"></a>
  18. Rebeccastl615

    Any July Bandsters.....

    I am being banded next Thursday, July 22nd. I start liquid diet on Monday, as my doctor only requires 3 days prior to surgery. I am very excited and also nervous. I truly hope and pray everything goes smoothly for me. In October 2007 I went on a diet and lost over 50 pounds and by October 2009 I had gained it all back plus some. I am so tired of dieting and losing weight only to gain it back. I am looking for permanent weight loss and really hope this is it. I plan to put everything I have into making this work. I so badly want to be thin. Good luck to everyone else getting banded soon! :thumbup:

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